She is playing games in the immortal world

Chapter 100 The collection is complete

Chapter 100 The collection is complete
When the bottle was collecting the mud-forming water, another stone weighing hundreds of catties rolled down from above.

Yun Qing wanted to pull Xiao Haoran to avoid the stone, but she was powerless, so she could only stabilize the figures of the two of them, not to slide down, and watched helplessly as the stone hit Xiao Haoran, and then rolled down from the side and fell into the quagmire.

Yun Qing watched helplessly as his red bar changed to 14/400 and then jumped back to 15/400.

It turned out that Xiao Haoran was absorbing spiritual energy to supplement his life!Automatically restore blood.

Looking at my health bar again, I have been in the dungeon for so long, and I haven't recovered a bit, and I still need to eat food to replenish my life.

Eating can replenish life, and returning blue can use Qi Bu Dan.


Qi Bu Qi Dan can replenish internal strength, she is not willing to take it.Xiao Haoran's mana is also gone, can she use the qi pill to restore Xiao Haoran's mana?
There is no problem in giving the qi pills, but if the teammates wake up, they will be able to see that she is collecting the magic water of the mud.

Of course, she is still not sure whether Xiao Haoran saw what was happening with his divine sense.

Yun Qing turned her head and looked at the sky above the quagmire. The bottle was still empty, and the mud-forming water in the quagmire was still rising drop by drop, flying towards the water bottle.

After collecting it for so long, I didn't give her a single drop!
"Liu Liu, how much mud-forming water is there?"

"Most of the mud-forming water is used to dissolve the alchemy workshop here. There are not many that can be collected and used, and there is about one bottle."

"How many things can be dissolved into mud by a bottle of mud-melting magic water?"

"It also depends on what is to be dissolved. The greater the aura and the higher the cultivation level, the harder it is to dissolve. If it is a low-level object, two Han family mines will not be a problem."

There is a mountain in the Han family mine, that is to say, if there is no temporary water condensation technique, she is afraid that together with the Han family mine, it will become a Han family swamp.

Looking at Xiao Haoran again, this time she was sure, she really saved him, and also saved the people near the Han family mine.

Such natural materials and earthly treasures cannot be taken away by the system, Yun Qing said: "Hua Ni Shenshui, you agreed to give me half of it."

"A little bit."

"If I have such a life-saving artifact, the system will not need to spend more energy to help me in some dangerous places in the future."

"That's right, I'll leave some for you."

After Liu Liu finished speaking, Yun Qing saw that drops of transparent liquid slowly accumulated in her bottle.

I don't know if it's due to the God Transformation Condensation Technique, but the rate of rising of the quagmire below has slowed down a lot, and the rolling of rocks above has also decreased a lot.

Looking at the state of teammate Xiao Haoran, his life is slowly recovering, 16, 17, 18.

Yun Qing took out a qi invigorating pill and took it for herself first.

The effect of the Qi Bu Pill was good. As soon as she entered her abdomen, she felt that the internal energy in the meridians and dantian was full, and there was more medicinal power that could not be absorbed, which naturally dissipated.

Her pitiful 15-point blue bar has also been restored to full, and she can use her internal energy again.

The god-level water condensation technique is still going on, and the quagmire is still rising, but the speed is much slower than the beginning.

Things that can turn everything into mud must be kept away. With full internal energy, she continued to push Xiao Haoran upwards.

Pushing out about half a meter, Yun Qing saw that his health bar, which had already recovered to 19, had become 18 again.

Xiao Haoran's recovery of blood is not slow, no wonder he was still in a coma for so long, it turned out that it was caused by being dragged, pushed and stoned by her when he was seriously injured.

The amount of water that transforms mud in the quagmire flew out less and less, and the use of the god-level water condensation technique came to an end.

When the last drop of mud-forming water flew out, the quagmire would no longer rise, and there would be no big rolling stones falling down from above.

The water bottle was automatically closed and flew to Yun Qing's hand.

Yun Qing looked at the 500ml bottle filled with less than 100ml of colorless transparent liquid, which was probably taken away by the system.

After collecting the loot, she secretly made up her mind that the next time something like this happens, she must first agree on how much the system will share with her.

Concentrating on looking down, the quagmire does not rise anymore, but there seems to be a trace of black air in the quagmire. From now on, this is a poisonous swamp.

The mud-forming water that can dissolve everything into mud has been collected by the system. Even if there is only a poisonous quagmire below, it is extremely dangerous to her.

Items dissolved by the water of the mud will become a poisonous swamp. At first she dragged and pushed, and led Xiao Haoran up to a vertical height of no less than 20 meters, which meant that the swamp was at least 20 meters deep, and falling would not dissolve her. Can swallow her too.

This place is too dangerous, it's better to leave early!

The god-level skills have been used up, and it's time for teammates to contribute.

Xiao Haoran, who is in a coma, should not be able to eat roast chicken and potatoes with added blood, and he can slowly recover some of his blood.

For Lan Tiao, the elixir should be ok, is it good? Yun Qing asked: "Master Immortal, I have the qi invigorating pill, which can be taken by warriors the day after tomorrow to replenish internal strength. I don't know if it will work for you."

Xiao Haoran could hear Yun Qing's words, he tried his best to open his mouth, but he couldn't make a sound.

He was very speechless in his heart, and thought to himself: Why didn't you give me the qi invigorating pill earlier, it's better than nothing.

At first they were not teammates, Yun Qing couldn't see Xiao Haoran's state, later he was afraid that he would see her put away things in weird ways, so of course he couldn't give them to him earlier, now, there is no scruple.

"excuse me."

It was within Yun Qing's expectation that Xiao Haoran didn't reply, she took out a qi invigorating pill, pinched Xiao Haoran's chin, and stuffed the qi invigorating pill into Xiao Haoran's mouth.

Let go and observe the status of teammates in the team.

I saw his blue bar grow little by little, after 1, 2, 3 to 3, it stopped moving.

The qi invigorating pill is more than enough to fill up her blue bar, and it can only replenish 60 points for a person at level 3. It really is that the elixir is too bad.

Suddenly, Xiao Haoran's blue bar dropped rapidly, 3, 2, 1 quickly changed back to 0, while his red bar was recovering quickly, 23, 28, 33...

When it reached 33, the red bar did not continue to recover quickly, and Xiao Haoran also opened his eyes at this time.

Woke up!

That's great, I don't know if I can take her to fly out, even if I can't take her to fly, at least I can go by myself.

The first time Xiao Haoran woke up, he saw his situation clearly. He was on the downhill slope he had been to before. There was someone below him. Who was it?
Short curly and dry hair, a black body, three-layer acquired, and a woman's breath.

Could this be Yun Qing from Ye Family Village?Below that is the quagmire he heard in a daze. Comparing the height of the fluorescent stone on the top when he first arrived, the quagmire below is probably tens of feet deep.

He asked uncertainly: "Yunqing... girl?"

The voice was very hoarse, but there was no doubt that she had woken up, Yun Qing said: "Master Immortal, Yun Qing is in Ye Family Village."

"I don't know if there are Qi Buling Pills?"

Yun Qing didn't know what method he used to convert the blue bars into red bars, perhaps the qi invigorating pill also has a certain healing effect.

It's a good thing for them to get out of here if his injury is better.

She took out a bottle containing ten qi invigorating pills and handed it to Xiao Haoran, "Please, immortal master!"

(End of this chapter)

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