Chapter 99 Teammates
This back slide was broken. Yun Qing was originally on the slide, and the two of them were able to stop at this place with a gentle slope, all thanks to her strength for support, but now her strength could not support it, and the two of them stopped. Swipe down as if pressing the resume button.

The big rocks were pressing down on them, making them slide down faster.

At the critical moment, Yun Qing pulled back Xiao Haoran's left hand, and pushed towards the boulder with both hands. With all his strength, he finally pushed the boulder off the way.

With the danger in front of him lifted, Yun Qing turned to look at Xiao Haoran, and saw him sliding down the ramp at a constant speed into the mud like a stone.

Using the rolling skill downwards, Yun Qing used a much faster speed than Xiao Haoran to slide down, and caught Xiao Haoran before he slipped into the quagmire.

Yun Qing, who is 49 years old, saw Xiao Haoran's feet about to touch the quagmire, and many phantoms appeared.

Stones are still rolling down above, and below is a strange mire that is slowly rising.

Yun Qing said in her mind: "Liu Liu, is there any way, I think I'm almost done."

"There seems to be a way, you get closer to the quagmire."

"it is good!"

Yun Qing dragged Xiao Haoran up a few more steps, and she rolled over him, bringing herself closer to the quagmire. She didn't expect a stone the size of a washbasin to hit Xiao Haoran's back heavily.

If the two of them hadn't changed positions, it would have been Yun Qing who hit her just now. If such a big rock hit her, she might lose a lot of life points.

Yun Qing heaved a sigh of relief, fortunately it wasn't her who hit her just now.

Xiao Haoran, who was hit by the stone, frowned even more, Yun Qing said "sophistry": "Master Immortal, there is a strange quagmire below, and there are rolling stones above, I can only pay attention to it, the quagmire below seems to be more dangerous , I am below, if the quagmire rises, swallow me first!"

"Xiao Haoran's favorability towards you is +40."

System prompt: Add 400 to favorability.

Yun Qing clicked tut twice in her heart, and her favorability increased so much. If she told the truth, it was just a coincidence that Xiao Haoran blocked the rock for her in order to get closer to the quagmire. Hate value.

If Xiao Haoran develops hatred towards Yun Qing, don't think about it, Yun Qing will let go and let him slip into the quagmire.

"Liu Liu, it's true that since ancient times, true feelings can't be kept, only routines can win people's hearts."

Yoyo didn't talk to her, presumably he was trying his best to figure out how to break the situation.

Soon, a yo-yo voice sounded: "It's the mud-forming water. Generally, caves or tombs that don't like others to intrude will place this thing in the eye of the formation. Once the formation is activated or destroyed, the mud-forming water will disappear." Flow out and turn everything into mud."

"Everything turned into mud, so powerful? Did Qin Feng die in its hands? It wouldn't turn the entire mountain, the entire mine, or even the entire Zhongzhou mainland into such a quagmire!"

"There is a range. After Huamu Shenshui turns a certain range of things into soil, the effect will be weak until it disappears. The place where it existed has also become a swamp where poisonous gas is rampant."

"Is there a way to break it?"

"With 900 low-grade spirit stones, you can use a temporary skill once to collect the powerful mud god water here."

System prompt: Do you want to use the temporary skill Transformation God Level Condensation Technique now?

Yun Qing wondered in his heart: "The skill of transforming gods only costs 900 low-grade spirit stones once?"

Liuliu said: "The skills of Huashen level are all calculated according to the top-grade spirit stones, but the system has gone through countless calculations. At present, you are facing a situation of ten deaths and no lives, and there is no way."

"What is the conversion relationship between spirit stones?"


"Seeing that I'm dead and alive, I really have such good intentions. You have to charge money for things like changing your fur color."

"The operation of the system also requires energy. With your strength, it is difficult to survive in this secret realm. The energy of the system is almost exhausted."

"Speaking of the main point, Mu Tan is going up again."

"The mud-melting magic water has a lot of energy."

It turns out that the system wants to get the magic mud from the middle.

"Then can you save some of this mud-forming water for me?"


System prompt: Do you want to use the temporary skill Transformation God Level Condensation Technique now?

Seeing that the quagmire below was still rising, in a critical moment, Yun Qing didn't care about how much mud-resolving magic water she wanted to give her, and immediately confirmed: "Yes!"

In the system backpack, the water bottle she had drawn with 100 favorability not long ago flew out, and the spirit stones instantly decreased by 900, leaving only 50.

The lid of the bottle was opened, and in the quagmire, dots of unknown liquid rose up and flew towards the bottle.

Yun Qing looked at the bottle in the air for a while, and looked at Xiao Haoran above her for a while.

Xiao Haoran still had his eyes closed, his brows slightly frowned.

The god-level water condensation technique is being used, but the rising speed of the mire has not changed, and it is getting closer and closer to her legs and feet.

Yun Qing dare not touch anything that can turn everything into mud.

She could either pass over Xiao Haoran and continue to drag him upwards, but then she would be stoned.

If she pushes Xiao Haoran up from the bottom, and he blocks the falling rocks from above, she won't be injured and lose blood, but it will take more effort.

Worrying that he would have some objections, Yun Qing said: "The quagmire is still rising, Master Immortal, please forgive me for offending, we need to move up."

Before Xiao Haoran could respond, Yun Qing grabbed Xiao Haoran's two legs and pushed them up, and the two moved up slowly.

Yun Qing was sure that Xiao Haoran definitely felt it, when she grabbed him with both hands like iron tongs, his brows frowned even more.

After she moved up about one meter, she saw the system prompt again:

"Xiao Haoran's favorability towards you is +10."

System prompt: Add 100 to favorability.

Just now, Yunqing gained 1100 favorability points, and she looked at Xiao Haoran with a little more sparkle in her eyes.

"Xiao Haoran's affection for you has increased to friendly."

"Xiao Haoran joins the team."

Join the team?Team up with kindness!Yun Qing checked the team formation.

There are two villains in the upper left corner, they are in a team state, she is the captain, and the other is Xiao Haoran, you can see the information of the two.

Yunqing: Level 33, red bar 49/200, blue bar 0/15, combat power 32, defense power 31.

Xiao Haoran: Level 60, red bar 15/400, blue bar 0/200, combat power 60, defense power 60.

After Yun Qing entered the Houtian realm, she had tested that the more cultivated she was, the damage would be tripled in battle, and the crit hit would be doubled when hitting vital points.

She has a combat power of 32, not counting the weapon bonus, assuming that the opponent has no defensive equipment and has not trained.She hits a mortal with full blood with all her strength, which will cause 96 points of damage, and ordinary people with a blood bar below 30 will fall into a coma.

That is to say, she is an acquired martial artist, and she can kill a mortal who has no defense ability with a single blow.

She has not been tested beyond the two major realms, this Xiao Haoran must be higher than her two realms, the damage is tripled and then tripled, no weapons, no vital points, a full blow, can send her away when she is full of blood.

No wonder she didn't respond no matter how long she dragged. It turned out that he was so badly injured that he only had 15 points of blood left.

(End of this chapter)

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