Chapter 11 Production
The original owner lived in a place full of aura since he was a child, and he also used a lot of elixir to refine his body. His physical fitness is much better than that of the modern Yun Qing. Yun Qing, who is limited in thinking, skills and environment, does not understand this physical strength. limit.

After finishing her work in the slaughterhouse, Yun Qing didn't go to practice bow and arrow, but went to the blacksmith shop. She had to learn to make more things and get familiar with the strength of her body.

Yun Qing is already a regular customer of the blacksmith shop, so she would come here to see which weapon is suitable for her and how much money it would cost.

Master Li at the blacksmith shop is used to Yun Qing who only looks at and asks but does not buy.

But this time when Yun Qing came over, he didn't look at the weapons, but asked the burly, dark-skinned shop owner, Master Li: "Master Li, do you still need small labor here? Those who do groceries, don't need wages."

Do you want weapons if you don’t want money?This ugly girl has been coveting the weapons in his shop for a long time, Master Li looked at Yun Qing suspiciously and said, "No wages or anything else?"

Master Li's tall stature gave her a sense of oppression, Yun Qing said firmly against the suspicious gaze of the other party: "Yes, but I don't know much, I only do what I can do."

Master Li stared at Yun Qing for a long time, which made Yun Qing's heart pounding. When she was about to have the idea of ​​leaving, she finally heard the other party say again dullly: "It's okay to do small jobs here, but If you can’t come here today, you won’t come tomorrow, so you have to do it for a while.”

There is a feeling of being dismissed for chasing free workers, and also, a little girl said that she would come to the blacksmith shop to do free labor, which was more like making trouble than coming to work.

Unexpectedly, Master Li wanted to keep her without asking further questions. Yun Qing repeatedly stated: "No problem, you are also open at night. If I don't have time to come during the day, I will come at night."

"Okay! Then you try it first!"

Unexpectedly, she managed to stay so smoothly, Yun Qing secretly compared her with scissors in her heart.

Master Li had his own reasons for keeping Yunqing. First, the ugly girl seemed to really like the weapons in his store. Second, he heard from Lao Liu in the slaughterhouse that Yunqing was strong and hardworking. Do some work in his shop, there are no good weapons, and it is not impossible to let her repair an old one by herself.

The job Yunqing was assigned was very simple. Pickaxes would be damaged to varying degrees during mining. The smithy had a batch of pickaxes that needed to be repaired. Her job was to cultivate these damaged pickaxes.

The pickaxe is composed of a wooden handle and a metal part. To repair the pickaxe, the two parts must be separated first. This is a laborious task, and it is also the first test that Master Li gave her.

There was no system prompt, Yun Qing held the wooden handle with one hand, the pick head was down, and the other hand held the hammer, according to what Master Li said, knock the pick head off with the hammer.

It was a bit difficult, but for Yun Qing who had a lot of strength and hadn't used it much, it was still a success.

Master Li on the side nodded secretly, the conditions are good.

After separating several times in a row, Master Li reminded Yun Qing to proceed to the next task.

Lit fine charcoal in the iron furnace, put the pickaxe that needs to be cultivated into it, and burn it red until it can be beaten to change its shape. The first time I made Yunqing was done under the prompt of Master Li.

Yunqing held a fine iron clamp in his left hand, and took out the burnt pickaxe from the furnace, and put it on the blacksmithing platform without letting go, while holding a fine iron sledgehammer in his right hand, referring to the appearance of a brand new pickaxe on the side, beating the pickaxe taken out of the furnace. pickaxe.

The left hand should be used to keep the pickaxe from moving while beating, and the hammer in the right hand should not weigh more than [-] jins, so it needs to be lifted and hammered continuously, and the strength is not that the bigger the better, it has to be appropriate.

When Yun Qing realized that she was capable of this job, she realized deeply that this body is really great.

When beating, there will be a crosshair, but this is Yunqing's first time doing such a job, after a long time of bumping and fumbling, he finally managed to finish training a broken pickaxe.

Throw the repaired pickaxe into the pool beside it to cool down, and the repair is considered complete.

After completing the repair of the pickaxe, she did not receive a reminder of the system production experience, which was expected by Yun Qing, but she was still a little disappointed.

She was a little disappointed, but Master Li on the side was not disappointed, he nodded secretly, this free handyman is not bad.

Yun Qing comforted herself secretly, it doesn't matter, you can't rely on the system for everything, and blacksmithing is just like exercising.

After nearly an hour, Yunqing finally finished repairing the five pickaxes. Every time she repaired a little bit of progress, she turned off the blacksmithing stove and forged iron in front of the hot blacksmithing stove. She was already sweating profusely.

After resting for a while, Yun Qing hammered the wooden handle into the repaired pick.

Just after hammering, the system prompts:
Production experience +10;

Repair pick*1;

Yunqing: ...

A total of 50 production experience points, a belated surprise, finally found a good way to upgrade production.

Yun Qing took the five repaired pickaxes and went to the busy Master Li and said, "Master Li, I have repaired everything, let's see how it goes."

Master Li picked it up, checked them one by one, and said, "Not bad!"

"Then can I fix some more?"

Master Li pointed to a pile of tattered pickaxes, axes, medicine picks, and hoes, etc.: "There is no wages, you can repair this pile as you like."

Yun Qing smiled and said: "No wages, I will repair some more today."

"it is good!"

When Yun Qing walked towards the pile of broken utensils, he heard a wonderful prompt from the system:

"Li Tiehammer's favorability towards you is +1."

"Li Tiehammer's affection for you has increased to awareness."

Li Tiehammer must be Master Li without a doubt.Yun Qing said in her mind: "Liu Liu, tell me, is Master Li an acquired state, or someone who has a chance?"

"It must be someone who has a chance."

"Why, you see, he is already middle-aged, and he is just the owner of the blacksmith shop."

"Those who have no chance cannot reach the acquired state."

Yun Qing: "What you said is so reasonable, I can't refute it, then Master Liu doesn't have a good opinion of me, I'm afraid there is no chance, and I won't reach the acquired state."

Liu Liu: "It's not a good thing if you can't reach the acquired state."

Yun Qing: "You are a dog, you are right."

Liuliu: ...

Master Li's favorability is easier than Ye Xiaolang's. Ye Qiaoqiao definitely does not have the acquired state. When Master Li's favorability for her is higher, she will ask him about the acquired state.

Yun Qing picked five pickaxes again and prepared to repair them.

This time, she was finally able to use the crafting technique, and the system repaired her redundant and invalid movements. The repair process was perfect. Although it was a little worse than the old master, it was comparable to a skilled blacksmith.

Yun Qing's rapid progress added 1 to Master Li's favorability towards her.

Even though it was done with the help of the system, it was her power that was available. After repairing ten pickaxes, Yun Qing returned to the residence exhausted, took a simple shower and fell asleep.

In the morning of the second day, Yun Qing arrived at the slaughterhouse half an hour earlier than usual, the genius was slightly bright at this time, and Master Liu also arrived at the slaughterhouse.

(End of this chapter)

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