She is playing games in the immortal world

Chapter 12 Comprehensive Development

Chapter 12 Comprehensive Development
Master Liu held a sharp knife more than one foot long and explained to her, which angle to stab the pig's throat from which position can penetrate the heart, and then turn it 90 degrees to ensure its quick death.

In the meantime, let the four feet hang in the air so that it has no strength to resist and so on.

Under the guidance of Master Liu, Yun Qing arranged the tools. Looking at the sharp knife about a foot long in the tool bar, her heart felt a little tingly.

A pig with an unknown grade written in white on its head was kicked out of the pigsty. Yun Qing was still dreaming, not daring to think about what she was going to do next.

Concentrate, and only have every precaution that Master Liu said in your mind.

Cooperating with Master Liu and another master, they drove the pig to the wide stool. When Yun Qing grabbed the two front hooves of the pig with both hands and lifted it vigorously, the white characters on the pig's head turned red, and long blood streaks appeared. There was also a violent struggle in the hands.

The three of them lifted the pig onto the wide stool together, and Yun Qing put away all distracting thoughts in her mind, only the next process that Master Liu taught her was in her mind.

With her left hand, she used her greatest strength to control the pig so that it would not struggle. She could not hear the pig's desperate screams in her ears, but only saw the sharp knife in her right hand and the red crosshair on the pig's neck.

Angle, strength, everything was ready, without the slightest hesitation, Yun Qing stabbed the knife exactly as Master Liu said, turning it 90 degrees more.

The reason why she didn't hesitate was because Yun Qing knew that the pig's dying struggle might hurt her.

She saw the pig's blood, from full blood to a quarter of blood, and turned into residual blood after she turned the knife. When she drew the knife, the pig's blood flowed into the wooden basin that had been prepared.

Combat experience +220;

Combat level increased to level 6;
Putting down the bloody sharp knife in his hand, Yun Qing still firmly grasped the pig's two front hooves with his left hand until the pig's blood stopped flowing.

Yun Qing felt an indescribable feeling and nervousness in her heart. Someone was more nervous than her, and that was Master Liu, who was watching her apprentice slaughter a pig for the first time, and watching her perform the knife. In the wrong position, I was even more worried that she would hurt me, and I wished I could get on it.

There was no mistake in every step, and it was not until Yun Qing put down the sharp knife in his hand that Master Liu heaved a sigh of relief.

The girl who usually loves to smile has been expressionless for a long time at this moment.

Master Liu picked up the shochu prepared on the side and said, "Drink it and go to have a rest. The first time you kill a pig, you will feel a little uncomfortable. It will get better gradually. If you meet two wild boars outside, But there is no such good opportunity to rest."

Yun Qing took the shochu and drank it all in one gulp. The fiery liquid flowed from her mouth through the esophagus into her stomach, making her feel that her body never radiated warmth outside.

Only then did she notice that her hands and feet were cold, her blood was protecting her vital parts, and her body was ready to fight.

She said in a hoarse voice, "Okay! I'm going to boil the water."

Yun Qing knows that this world is very dangerous. The world of cultivating immortals is ten thousand times crueler than the slaughterhouse in Yejia Village. Many times, when facing many things, she must make her heart colder. In the future, she will have to face even more Much blood and death.

By the time the water in the cauldron boiled, Yunqing had already prepared herself mentally. In another world, she had to become stronger.

At this time, Master Liu had already peeled the skin, and he and another guy from the slaughterhouse were processing the internal organs.

Skinning also belongs to the scope of gathering, but skinning pigs requires a higher level of gathering than her gathering technique, so Yun Qing can't help.

Divide the meat into pieces, and separate different types of meat from pig's trotters and knuckles. She still knows how to do this kind of collection.

There are not many classifications of meat in Yejia Village, but Yun Qing, who comes from modern times, knows more classifications of meat.

Apprentices also need to learn how to decompose prey. Yun Qing took over Liu Butcher's work, collecting pork.

Similarly, she didn't decompose it very well the first time, but later, with the help of the harvesting technique, she decomposed the pork, just like a paoding decomposes a cow. She could perfectly avoid the bones and use ingenuity to divide it into pieces very well.

In order to avoid wild thoughts, Yun Qing went to the blacksmith's shop after leaving the slaughterhouse. After working in the blacksmith's shop for more than two hours, she fell asleep when she was so tired, and continued the next day.

From the day Yun Qing was able to butcher pigs, she took over most of Master Liu's jobs.

Apprentices don't get paid. Master Liu sees that Yunqing always buys meat, so in order to save her some money, he will leave a piece of meat weighing two catties for Yunqing every day.

Of course, Yun Qing didn't eat all the meat, she saved half of it in the system backpack as food reserve.

Even though Master Liu took good care of Yun Qing, there was still no favorability of Master Liu in the system. Sure enough, not everyone had chance and acquired state.

Time flies, and half a month has passed. Her character level is 11, her gathering skill is 13, her combat is 12, and her crafting is 11.

She didn't like or dislike the work in the slaughterhouse, and she overcame her own psychological discomfort.

During this period of time, she spent all her time upgrading and controlling her power, so she didn't earn any money.

There are several achievements, and almost every achievement will give her skill points, plus the ones she got when collecting herbs, now she has a total of 8 skill points.

Ye Xiaolang added 1 point of favorability to her, and Master Li's favorability toward her increased every day. Although it was still in the stage of getting to know her, it increased to 30. She had done three lottery draws and got three passive skills.

Gathering skills, ingenuity, can speed up the collection speed and increase the success rate.

Make skills, strengthen your body, and be better at using your own power.

Combat skills, unyielding will, can enhance one's own brave heart.

Although she got the skills, the cheating system makes all her skills level 0, and there is no bonus for level 0. To upgrade these three skills from level 0 to level 1, each requires five taels of silver and 1 skill point .

Yun Qing, who has no income recently, has no money to learn skills.

She wanted to make money very much. When she was in the blacksmith shop and watched the villagers take out the money to buy weapons in a daze, she managed to stop Master Li Tiechui from increasing her favorability every day.

Yun Qing, who lacked production experience, had to think less about money, and settled down to work in the blacksmith shop. In addition to repairing common tools, she could also forge some household tools, and she was almost unskilled in making weapons.

The pig's level, she could finally tell, was level 20.

Fighting level 12, she needs 13 experience points to upgrade to level 2200. Killing chickens only gives 4 experience points, killing pigs gives 200 experience points, and killing sheep gives 24 experience points. Pigs have to be killed every day, and sheep occasionally kill a few .

As an apprentice, what can be learned has been learned, the experience of the slaughterhouse is not very attractive, it is time to change jobs.

Yun Qing had already greeted Ye Xiaolang, and the next day she went to work as a handyman in the hunting team, but at level 11 she still couldn't tell Ye Xiaolang's level.

On the last day of being an apprentice in the slaughterhouse, Yun Qing cleaned up, wiped and wiped the tools and put them away.

Working in the slaughterhouse for half a month has changed Yunqing's view of butchers in her heart. Master Liu, who taught her, is very kind. Anyone who can teach her as soon as possible will teach him without reservation. Liuyou also likes him very much.

It's a pity that there is still no Master Liu in the favorability.

(End of this chapter)

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