She is playing games in the immortal world

Chapter 13 The Legend of Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 13 The Legend of Immortal Cultivation
Yun Qing bid farewell to the slightly hunched middle-aged man: "Master Liu, thank you very much for your care during this time. Tomorrow, I will join the hunting team as a handyman."

Yunqing is the fastest apprentice Master Liu has ever brought to the teacher. Although she is only a little girl, her strength and skills are no less than men's.

"Xiao Yun, why don't you just stay in the slaughterhouse as a job. The wages here are not low. Except for festivals, you will be a little busy and tired. Usually, you are not very busy. The key is that there is no danger."

How could it be possible to stay in the slaughterhouse as a butcher, Yun Qing shook her head like a rattle in her heart.She really didn't mean to look down on the butcher, but, if possible, she hoped that the half-month life of a butcher could be erased from her resume, and she didn't want people to call her Yun Butcher.

Yun Qing clenched her fists on her chest and said, "I am determined to have a brave heart and become an excellent hunter. Master Liu, if the slaughterhouse is too busy in the future, please tell me. As long as I am fine, I will definitely come to help."

For example, if you want to kill a large number of poultry and livestock, she can come to get some experience.

"After that, I'll save another piece of meat for you in the future?" Master Liu knew that after returning from the slaughterhouse, Yunqing would go to the blacksmith shop to work as a handyman for two hours. It is the age of growing body, so it is natural to eat a lot .

The dog eyes on the side were shining, the meat that Master Liu saved for her was naturally better than the meat bought, Yun Qing said with a smile: "I follow the hunting team, I may go home late when I go out."

"It's too late, you can go to my house to get it." Master Liu's house is near the slaughterhouse.

"Thank you, Master Liu, you have to collect the money, or I won't take it."

"it is good!"

In this world where strength is the most important thing, even though she has not yet left Novice Village, what Yun Qing cares most about is the improvement of personal strength.

Master Liu in the slaughterhouse is just an ordinary person who doesn't know martial arts, but Master Li is not, he is an acquired martial artist.

Working in a blacksmith shop for many days also allowed Yun Qing to come up with some things about internal strength, acquired realm, and cultivation of immortals.

She summed up what she heard:

Even if you have spiritual roots, you may not be able to cultivate immortals. Every two years, people from Yunquan Town will test their spiritual roots for free, and the schools with single spiritual roots and double spiritual roots will accept and train them.

Those with poor spiritual roots will not be taken away, but they will be registered, and some words of encouragement will be given.

The sect does not take away, no matter whether there is a spiritual root or not, the sect is willing to accept it if you have to cultivate to the acquired state before the age of 30, or to the innate state before the age of [-].

Even people with single or double spiritual roots need to reach the innate realm before they can practice immortality.

The specific reason, according to Li Tiechui, is that it is easy to introduce poisonous gas and die if you have not yet cultivated the cultivation method of immortality.

For the children who are not left behind by the sect, wealthy families will let them go to the town to learn martial arts, and strive to reach the sect's income standard as soon as possible.

Master Li didn't have spiritual roots, he didn't reach the postnatal level when he was alive, and he didn't reach the innate level before the age of 30. He didn't know much about sects and cultivating immortals.

He has only seen immortal cultivators a few times, and the last time he saw immortal cultivators was in the dark night half a year ago, and there were no immortal cultivation skills.

How come the day after tomorrow, Master Li still knows very well, to open the pulse, it is best to learn from a teacher, to eat good food for a long time, etc.

To practice martial arts until the day after tomorrow, you must open the pulse. Opening the pulse is the prerequisite for practicing martial arts. The person who has been opened is soaked in many precious liquids. The experienced person who opened the pulse guides the internal energy to circulate in the meridians of the person who has been opened for a small cycle. .

Those who successfully open the pulse can practice inner qigong from then on, and those who fail to open the pulse cannot cultivate inner qi.

Those with great perseverance can open their own veins, and Ye Xiaolang is the one who opens them by himself.In adulthood, the success rate of opening the pulse is very low.

When the body reaches a certain strength, it can allow the inner qi to circulate in the meridians and lead the inner qi to circulate outside the body, which is the sign of entering the day after tomorrow.

"Under the age of ten, the price for opening the pulse is ten taels of gold, and every year after ten years old, there will be an extra ten taels of gold, not including success."

The price quoted by Master Li echoed in Yun Qing's mind for a long time. If she wanted someone to open her pulse, she would need 60 taels of gold. For her who had no silver to buy weapons at present, she could only set a small goal first.

Moreover, Yun Qing had a feeling that even if she went to the town to spend 60 taels of gold to open the pulse, she might not be successful.

The original owner must have opened the pulse, because she had practiced body training, but when she passed through the boundless darkness, her body seemed to have suffered a lot of damage. She tried many times, but she was unable to absorb the spiritual energy, nor could she use her internal energy.

In half a year, it will be the time to test the spiritual root and strength every two years.

Yunqing still has to consider whether to participate in the school's spiritual root test.

She may be an extremely rare single-light spiritual root. According to Master Li, this kind of spiritual root will join the sect at the age of six or seven. If she fails to join the sect, the reason will definitely be investigated.

Moreover, in her memory, the light root is a very rare existence, which can pose a threat to certain forces.Guanglinggen monks, especially when they are still weak, will not disclose their identities, and they are protected by powerful forces.

Regarding the Guanglinggen matter, either she can hide it, or she can be protected by Da Dao.

These things can be considered after a few months. The problem she is facing now is that she promised Master Li that she will work in his shop for a period of time, but now she doesn't know if she can do it.

"Master Li, tomorrow, I will go to do odd jobs with the hunting team of the seventh team. If I come back early, I will come to your place to do odd jobs."

The way this ugly girl from other places covets Yinzi made him shudder, but she really has nothing, and she is too shabby.

Master Li opened a wooden box, picked out a curled dagger and threw it at Yun Qing's feet, saying: "This dagger is useless, if you can fix it, use it!"

Looking at the dagger under her feet, Yun Qing immediately understood what he meant, it was to give her a weapon.

Broken Refined Iron Dagger: Physical Attack +20, available at combat level 10.

Picking up the dagger, Yun Qing said gratefully, "Thank you, Master Li."

It took nearly an hour for Yun Qing to use the blacksmith's tools to repair the broken fine iron dagger.

Yun Qing looked at the first real weapon in her hand. It was more than half a foot long. The material of refined iron gave it enough weight. The straight and beautiful lines were her masterpiece of refinement.

She couldn't help but said: "Liu Liu, this sharp point and blade must be good for skinning pigs with it."

Bah, bah, bah, she is no longer an apprentice butcher, she actually wanted to skin a pig when she got her first weapon.

Liu Liu agreed: "This way I will have more pork to eat."

Yunqing: ...

Refined Iron Dagger: Physical Attack +100, available at combat level 10.

During this time, Yun Qing researched clearly the restrictions on levels and weapons.

In her hand, she can hold any level of weapon, but if she holds a weapon higher than the combat level, there will be no system skill bonus. For example, when she holds a level 20 sword, there will be no crosshairs when she uses it.

Characters currently have no equipment bar and cannot equip weapons in the system.

Yunqing's study time in the slaughterhouse was very short. Master Liu spoke highly of her, but killing poultry and livestock is very different from hunting. When she joined the hunting group, she still had to learn from the beginning.

Everything was ready, Yun Qing fell asleep early.

(End of this chapter)

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