Chapter 113
Xiao Jingzi winked at Duan Mengrou, the meaning couldn't be more obvious: the young man you've been thinking about is coming, and whoever you like, why don't you go to the conference hall to see more.

Duan Mengrou gave Xiao Jingzi a white look, and continued to struggle with the food in the bowl, and the members of the caravan in the private room talked a lot.

"It doesn't look like you're here to discuss business."

"But we're just businessmen."

"Things are not that simple. Three years ago, the caravan owed Mayor Lu a favor."

"Three years ago, what happened."

"Ahem!" The only car leader, Old Li Tou, coughed and interrupted everyone's conversation: "If you are full, go back to your room or rest in the car, wait for the leader's instructions, and don't talk about things behind your back. "

Old Li's words successfully prevented everyone from continuing the topic just now, but no one wanted to leave the private room.


As soon as they entered the meeting hall, Mayor Lu, the captain of the guard, and a group of experts in the town bowed deeply to Chief Jing. Mayor Lu said: "Boss Jing, this visit is to ask for something."

"You guys are so generous, don't let me wait. Mayor Lu, with our friendship, please speak up if you have anything to do. I will do my best." The leader guessed that their arrival had something to do with mosquitoes.

Mayor Lu saluted again and spoke eloquently.

It turns out that the mutation of the mosquito occurred after the last dark night. However, the people in the town discovered that the mutation of the mosquito was not long ago. There were strange deaths of villagers in many villages. After detailed investigation, it was confirmed The culprit is mosquitoes.

The investigation discovered the old nest of mosquitoes, and the old nest of mosquitoes can only find the entrance at night.

Just yesterday, the town sent two innate warriors and a dozen acquired warriors to the mosquito's lair, but none of them came back.

The leader of the search is to hope that the caravan can send out some masters to help save people, and investigate the situation of the mosquito lair by the way, and it is best to get rid of the scourge of Rizhao's poisonous mosquitoes.

Leader Jing discussed with several car captains. Because the caravan owed favors to Rizhao Town, everyone was willing to go. Wei Yi and Fang Ruiyuan could not go, but Wei Yi was very interested and asked to go together, and Fang Rui also wanted to go. peers.


I don't know what the leader and the mayor talked about, just a cup of tea, the leader went back to the private room, and ordered a dozen or so 39-level guards, saying that they had something to do, leaving only 40-level Xiao Jingzi's brother and a dozen or so Several members of the caravan were at the inn, and asked everyone to go back to their rooms to rest and listen to Old Li's arrangements.

After the leader and others left, everyone still wanted to discuss, so Old Li organized everyone to go back to their rooms to rest.

In the room, Yun Qing first entered the cave and rested on a simple wooden bed. She was a little tired from traveling and shopping today. She had to recover her energy quickly and use her best energy to face possible sudden problems.

In a daze, she heard that the refining machine had finished refining the mosquito swatter. When she woke up from the simple wooden bed, her energy had been restored to full. This was because she had only consumed half of her energy.

Mosquito Swatter: Available at Combat Level 31, Attack Power 1, Durability 35/35.

There are two buttons on the mosquito swatter, the sticky button, which can stick to animals below level 40 that touch the net surface, press it once to turn it on, and press it again to turn it off.Internal force button, input internal force, the maximum damage plus 200.

"Liu Liu, this weapon is not bad! The strong stickiness of the net surface can stick to the animals that touch the net surface, and the HP of acquired warriors is 200, that is to say, it can instantly kill acquired warriors."

"It also needs suitable internal strength, the opponent has no defense."

After putting away the mosquito swatter, Yun Qing left the cave to test the use of the mosquito swatter in the room. The mosquito swatter was doubled in size and length, and the attack range of the modern mosquito swatter was much larger.

When the sticky button is turned on, Yun Qing touches the net surface with her hand, and feels that her hands are stuck with super glue, and it is difficult to break free. When a master fights, it is often only a moment of delay to win. Yun Qing has confidence in the stickiness of the mosquito swatter .

As for its attack power, she didn't test the input of internal force. If she killed herself in an instant, she might not be able to travel back.

Press the sticky button again, the mesh is no longer sticky, and her hand is easy to remove.

It seems to be very easy to use, enter the internal force and wait for mosquitoes to test again.

Yun Qing played with the sticky button on and off for a while, then looked at the mosquito swatter and found that the durability had changed to 34/35.

"Liu Liu, what's going on, it's also durable and easy to drop."

"The mesh surface is too sticky, and a lot of dust and impurities from your hands stick to it."

"Then can the dust and impurities be removed?"

"Water washing is not enough. Before the durability becomes 0, you need to find something with strong cleaning power, otherwise the stickiness of the mosquito swatter will be gone."

It turns out that the stickiness is so delicate, she was reluctant to test it again, Yun Qing put away the mosquito swatter, meditated and practiced the fate of the universe.


The leader of the caravan, King Jing, and other experts from Rizhao Town, led by the chief guard of Rizhao Town, went straight to the mosquito's lair. They encountered many mosquitoes along the way, and stopped at a meadow more than ten miles away from the town.

"Xiangfang is a nest of mosquitoes, everyone, pay attention to safety and take precautions."

Fang Rui was puzzled: "There seems to be an underground river below, and this underground river seems to connect the entire Rizhao Town."

"Mr. Fang has good ears. There is indeed an underground river below, and the mosquito larvae grow in this underground river. It is also because of this underground river that flows through the whole village that the mosquitoes can be elusive and difficult to eliminate."

"Then how to solve the problem of drinking water in the town?"

"Hey!" The mayor said after a long sigh: "In the past, the villagers at home used to drink boiled water, and they didn't have any problems. It's just that the villagers who worked outside would drink raw water when they didn't have the conditions to boil water, which resulted in being punished." The poisonous mosquitoes parasitized, and eventually the weaker villagers died after drinking raw water. Since then, the mosquitoes have further mutated and become more and more powerful. Fortunately, they were discovered in time and did not cause a larger-scale tragedy. Now the villagers drink the water purified from the water purification array."

"Oh? When we came to the town, we saw many villagers queuing at a water station. I wonder if the water purification array can provide enough drinking water for all the residents in the town?"

"Rizhao Town is facing this problem. Many villagers in the village do not have the conditions to drink the water from the water purification array. They can only drink it by boiling it, and let the warriors of the day after tomorrow sense whether there are living things in the boiled water. In the past, almost No insect eggs can survive in boiled water, but in recent days, it has been found that insect eggs can survive, which is why we can't wait to solve the mosquito problem."

Fang Rui frowned. The villagers who drank raw water died, and the mosquitoes became more severe. The mayor said it lightly, but in fact it should be an extremely cruel thing.

The villagers drank the water with the eggs. If the eggs survived in their bodies, they would hatch into larvae. The larvae absorb nutrients in the villagers' bodies to become pupae, and finally emerge into mosquitoes.The real cause of death of the villagers is horrific.

Wei Yi said: "As far as I know, female mosquitoes can breed at any time. What about this mosquito nest?"

"After a period of investigation, I found that since the last dark night, mosquitoes have mutated, and ordinary female mosquitoes have lost the ability to lay eggs. All eggs are produced here, but this place is too hidden , there are no traces in the daytime and you can't get in, you can only get in at night."

(End of this chapter)

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