Chapter 114 Attack
Wei Yi clenched his fists tightly and said: "Then what are you waiting for, since its lair is here, today we will take it out in one litter, and it will be counted as eliminating harm for Rizhao Town."

Leader Jing nodded and said, "Young Master Wei is right."

Under the leadership of the chief guard, a group of people found the entrance of the underground passage and entered it.

As soon as they entered the ground, there was no light in the dark night with a little moonlight, and everyone took out fluorescent stones for lighting.

The passage is not narrow, full of poisonous gas, there are no such swarms of mosquitoes here, and occasionally there will be a few elite mosquitoes in the passage, all of which are killed by Wei Yi, who is walking in the front, with a fireball technique.

Slowly, the poisonous gas became thicker and thicker. The underground passage twisted and turned, and the poisonous gas covered the passage. Even with fluorescent stone lighting, it was not very clear. A group of people walking in the black poisonous fog, as long as one is not paying attention, You can lose track of the people in front of you.

Leader Jing said: "Everyone, be careful, don't get separated."

From time to time, a few elite mosquitoes would suddenly appear from the black mist and attack everyone.

Some captains of the caravan only realized the gap between themselves and Wei Yi when they dealt with the elite mosquitoes. For those who don’t know how to fireball, let alone killing the enemy with one move, it is difficult to hit the mosquitoes without being bitten by them. It takes all your energy.

"Boss, the mosquitoes here are more powerful than imagined, and they have all reached the innate level."

"Everyone be careful!"


When Yun Qing was halfway through her practice, she suddenly heard the sound of "ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping" coming from all directions.There seemed to be something like hail, constantly beating the roof and walls of the house.

"Liu, the dampness in the air hasn't changed, which means it's not summer and hail is falling. Judging from the faint buzzing sound, it's probably mosquitoes attacking the inn."


The house in the inn seemed to be safe, but Yunqing felt oppressed that the house's defenses would be broken in minutes. She joked, "Liu, mosquito meat is also meat. Are you hungry?"

Yoyo rolled her eyes, there was meat in her backpack, so she wouldn't eat mosquito meat.

There were constant humming and ping-pong-pong crashes, the sound on the roof where Yun Qing was staying was getting smaller and smaller, while the sound elsewhere seemed to be getting louder.

Listen carefully, the sound there seems to be where the lions and horses are.

At the same time, the lions and horses roared, as if they were under attack.

"Boom! Bang!" There was a sound of collapse, and Yun Qing secretly said: No, I'm afraid the house collapsed.

The weakest defense in the inn is the area where the lions and horses are located, and the lions and horses in the caravan are all over 30 levels. Their blood is equally attractive to mosquitoes, and they are more attractive if they are locked together. big.The all-pervasive mosquito has no difficulty breaking through weak defenses.

The only weapon that lions and horses use to attack mosquitoes is their tail, but the attack range of the tail is limited, and a large number of mosquitoes bite where their tails cannot attack.The lions and horses were tied up and became a fixed target for the mosquitoes.

Some lions and horses couldn't bear the mosquito bites, resisted jumping, broke the pillars that tied them, and finally got free, ran in the courtyard, trying to get rid of the mosquitoes on their bodies, but let them run, the mosquitoes Already staring at them tightly, they had to hit the wall and rub against them to try to deal with the mosquitoes that bit them.

"The inn was breached by mosquitoes, everyone came out to kill the mosquitoes." Old Li's voice came from outside the room.

Immediately after hearing the sound of several doors being opened, Yun Qing also held a torch and left the door.

The courtyard is illuminated by fluorescent stones. The mosquitoes in Rizhao Town are only afraid of sunlight, but not the light of fluorescent stones.The swarm of mosquitoes saw the Houtian warriors exposed to the air, and some of the mosquitoes that flew to the swarm of lions and horses turned to fly to the crowd.

Most of the mosquitoes that attacked and entered the inn were between 20 and 35 levels. Compared with the ones seen in the afternoon, their bodies were a bit darker, and they were the elite of mosquitoes.

In the courtyard, the lions and horses were running around, and you could see a lot of mosquitoes stuck to their bodies, ranging from a dozen to dozens.

There are more than a dozen members of the caravan in the inn, plus the inn's buddies, but there are only about twenty people, and now they are all in a mess in the courtyard.

Lao Li said in his hair: "Control the violent lions and horses first, we can't let them tear down the inn, it will only attract more mosquitoes."

Xiao Jingzi said: "The whistle to control the lion and horse beast is in the hands of the leader. The leader and the several car captains are not at the inn. We don't know how to control the lion and horse beast."

Yun Qing suggested: "Help them kill the mosquitoes on their bodies first."

A level 39 lion-horse beast ran towards where Yun Qing was, because there was a wooden pillar near her.

Yunqing knew it, it was the leader's mount, and it was also the leader of the chariot.

The wooden pillar couldn't withstand its impact, Yun Qing rolled over and pulled its rein, one man and one beast fighting for strength, while Yun Qing pulled in the opposite direction, while stroking and soothing its emotions.

The lion-horse beast was bitten uncomfortably, but its sanity was still there. Yun Qing had been feeding it every day for a while, and it made Yun Qing somewhat uncomfortable. When her hand was strangled so painfully, the lion-horse beast finally He stopped tugging with Yun Qing.

Yun Qing held the reins of the lion and horse beast with one hand, and stopped stroking with the other hand. With a thought, a mosquito slapped her hand.

You don’t need to wave it hard, you don’t need to turn on the sticky function, and you don’t have to worry about not being able to hit mosquitoes. Stick a 26-level mosquito on the lion and horse on the mesh, and make sure that the other places on the mesh do not touch the lion and horse.

The critical strike of the mosquito swatter can reach 200, and the life value of the lion and horse beast with more than 30 levels is only 200. Yun Qing is worried that the lion and horse beast will be injured or even killed, so she tries to input a little bit of internal force into the mosquito swatter.


Crit -100;

Combat experience +26;

There was only a crisp sound, and a brief and dazzling light was emitted at the place where the mosquito net surface was in contact with the mosquitoes. The mosquitoes that had bitten the lion and horse beast turned into a handful of ashes and flew away.

Looking at lions and horses, the places bitten by mosquitoes have also become scorched black.

"Hey, are you injured?" Yun Qing caressed the lion and horse beast's head.

The lion and horse animal seemed to understand Yun Qing's words, and felt the place Yun Qing had just treated. The mosquitoes there were dead, and the places bitten by them were not painful or itchy. It rubbed its head against Yun Qing's hand , begging Yunqing to quickly help him deal with the mosquitoes on other parts of his body with his rapidly swinging ears.

The input of internal force just now is really very little, she just used it tentatively, unexpectedly killing a mosquito at level 26 in seconds, the mosquito swatter moves, and the target is a mosquito at level 28, still input a little bit of internal force.

Crit -100;

Combat experience +28;

Another crit attack!How is luck so good, try again, this time Yun Qing's target is on a 31-level mosquito on the lion's neck.

Crit -200;

Combat experience +62;

100% crit, is it because of her weapon, or because of her internal force?

Yun Qing thought of the battles in the past, when he gathered his internal strength to attack poisonous animals, he usually relied on long-range attacks, arrows or stones.

(End of this chapter)

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