She is playing games in the immortal world

Chapter 123 Single brush copy

Chapter 123 Single brush copy
Subtly, the 'brother' became increasingly ignorant of his own body, and he was not able to control the powerful power of cultivation very well, while the 'brother' became more and more fit with his body.

Yun Qing, who was watching the illusion, found a big problem. Qin Yan was afraid that it would be easier to ask God to give it away than to give it away. What the 'brother' wanted was his body, and he completely ignored the intention of the 'brother', only thinking that the 'brother' was willing. Do everything for him, and he is also willing to do a lot for 'brother'.

Until one day, he found that he was not in the Qin Family Manor, but in a place where the sun could not be seen. The "brother" was often doing alchemy, and all he read were words he didn't understand. Alchemist.

This may be another garden of his father, he can feel his father's aura here, without Bai Wuyou's aura, his younger brother can cultivate better.

As time went on, Qin Yan fell into a deep sleep. He spent a year, two years, ten years, 20 years, and a hundred years in a trance.

"Brother! I have finally succeeded in cultivation and can avenge my mother."

"Really, that's great. I wanted to take revenge with my own hands, but the power of my body is too strong for me to control."

"My brother's hatred is my hatred, but Bai Wuyou is very strong, and I need my brother's help to take revenge."

"What are you busy with?"

"I'm worried that during the fight, if Bai Wuyou resorts to tricks to make her brother appear suddenly, then we will not be her opponents."

"I promise not to show up, but I don't know what means she has."

"Big brother leave the body for a while, it's safer for me to seek revenge from her."

"it is good!"

Qin Yan woke up again, just underground, eating and laying eggs in a daze.

He seemed to understand his situation, and hatred spewed out, making the entire underground lair full of poisonous gas, until Yunqing's soul exorcism ball dispelled his soul.

Yun Qing's heart could not be calm for a long time, and it was difficult for her to comment on Qin Yan's tragedy.

Qin Feng's human instinct is to want offspring, maybe he made a mistake in finding a mortal woman before he broke up with Bai Wuyou, maybe the two have been together for hundreds of years, and they can't divide if they want to.

Is there anything wrong with a mortal woman?When Qin Feng looked for her, he definitely wouldn't say that I have a wife and you will give me a son.She bore a son to a man and lost her life in doing so.

Qin Yan's investigation was done by Bai Wuyou. In this world where the strong are respected, in everyone's mind, the life of a Nascent Soul monk is not equivalent to that of a mortal, and the monk who protected her will be buried with her.Bai Wuyou didn't pay any price for this, maybe she didn't see it comprehensively enough and didn't understand it.

Maybe Bai Wuyou either didn't do anything back then, or shouldn't let Qin Yan go.

From Qin Yan's memory, Bai Wuyou probably gave Qin Yan the jade slips of the forbidden technique. This caused Qin Feng and his son to lose their lives, not to mention their lives. Many innocent villagers in Rizhao Town lost their lives. lives; in the past hundred years, perhaps many people she didn't know also lost their lives.The people who are currently using Qin Yan's body are still in the world of cultivating immortals, and I don't know how many people they will harm.

If Qin Feng knew what happened, he wondered if he regretted marrying Bai Wuyou when he was young.

Yun Qing doesn't know whether Bai Wuyou is safe or not, but Yun Qing can't figure it out, even her own husband is an independent individual, so let him go if he has any ideas.

Bai Wuyou's cultivation is so high, and he still has a lifespan of hundreds of years. Without Qin Feng, it would be wonderful. Why would he dirty his hands and directly and indirectly kill many people? Isn't the cultivation of immortals all about cause and effect?
Qin Yan's soul dissipated, and the resentment dissipated together. Yun Qing, who was weak, finally recovered from Qin Yan's illusion of resentment.

Enduring the discomfort in his head, Yun Qing looked at the place where he was.

The sky is very dark, the surrounding fog is hazy, there is nothing in front of it except a pile of firewood, the scene is a little illusory, and the environment is not real.

Four words in the air: "Copy of illusion."


Yo is not there!

She remembered that the time of this dungeon was three hours, that is, the illusion just now, an hour and a half had passed.

Checking the system records, it really took an hour and a half to kill Qin Yan with an unknown level, so that she got [-] experience, upgraded, and many items.

Chapter of Wuji Jue Qi Training, jade slips, yes, she didn't even want to find the Wu Ji Jue Qi Training Chapter, she didn't expect this to be delivered to her door.

Seventh-order God-returning elixir, the medicine taken in the golden elixir stage, keep it first.

Strong cleaning agent, mosquitoes are afraid of spiders, as the mother insect of BOSS, it is not surprising that there is something to deal with the stickiness of spider silk, she is also lacking this thing to repair her mosquito swatter.

Looking at the body again, the original owner's clothes seemed to have suffered some damage. Although it was not damaged, it was no longer as comfortable as before.

Apart from these things, Yun Qing still has many doubts.

For example: after using the soul exorcism ball, the female worm seemed to be still alive.

Another example: the cultivation level of the soul recruited by Qin Yan's forbidden technique should not be low. Qin Yan didn't practice much, and his blood volume is more than that of Xiao Haoran. The cultivation level of that soul is probably higher. Is Qin Yan's body used now? Mixed in the high-level of the world of cultivating immortals?
These problems need to be worried, but they can't be solved by worrying about them.

There is only more than an hour left in the dungeon, and the thing to do now is to hurry up and clear the dungeon.

Yun Qing walked towards the pile of firewood not far away: "Light the bonfire to dispel the fog."

Yun Qing, who knew that when the bonfire was lit, the soul corpse would appear, took a deep breath, and looked at the big knife in her hand that had been deformed and had a durability of 0. This was caused by a fight with a female mosquito before entering the instance. matching weapons.

The only weapon prepared in the acquired stage is the mosquito swatter.

I originally planned to buy or build a weapon in the town, but before I could build it, the level would rise slowly.

Fortunately, the repair tool for the mosquito swatter was picked up by Yoyo, so she now hopes to use the mosquito swatter to kill soul corpses.

If it is difficult to kill the soul corpse, then the dungeon mission will not be completed. Wait until the time for the dungeon is up, and then look at the situation outside. I hope that after Qin Yan's soul dies, she will not be suppressed by her spiritual consciousness and can enter the cave for a while. Avoid the edge.

Without a weapon, it's not in her character to give up without trying. Yun Qing walked towards the firewood and lit it.

The flames dispelled the hazy fog in the dungeon, and small roads and red dots appeared on the mini-map.

"Roar!" Four soul corpses appeared.

Soul corpse, level 39.

The last time she came with Ye Xiaolang, at that time Ye Xiaolang was level 39, she was level 29, the dungeon averaged their strength, the soul corpse was level 37, this time it was only her, the level of the dungeon soul corpse was also level 39 .

Four soul corpses, a group of soul corpses beat her up one by one, quit!

Yun Qing took out a small stone, silently calculated the hatred range of the soul corpses in the dungeon, moved to the nearest soul corpse, and seduced a level 39 soul corpse while the other three were not paying attention. come over.

After leading the soul corpse for a certain distance, and making sure that the movement here will not attract the other three soul corpses, Yun Qing no longer retreats, but runs towards the chasing soul corpse. Jump up, somersault high in the air, and the person appears behind the soul corpse. Before it can react, raise the mosquito swatter in your hand, press the sticky button, input internal force, and pat the soul corpse's back .

(End of this chapter)

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