Chapter 124 Unknown Hatred
The soul corpse's reaction was not as flexible as that of a mosquito, and it was easily hit by Yun Qing.

Crit -200;

Combat experience +390;

After the soul corpse was shot by her, it didn't turn into ashes, but disappeared into the dungeon like last time, leaving a pile of drops.

Beating soul corpses is like beating mosquitoes, there will be critical strikes, I didn't expect the mosquito swatter to be so effective.

When Yun Qing was about to lure another soul corpse over, she realized that she hadn't received a reminder of the item. Then she remembered that guy Yoo Yo, thinking that the dungeon was too dangerous, so she didn't follow her.

This means that there is no dog to help her pick up the drops, which is very uncomfortable!

Having not picked up anything for a long time, Yun Qing approached the pile of fallen things.

Obtained: 10 taels of silver.

Yunqing conducted another test and found that if the sticky function of the mosquito swatter was turned on, 100% of the soul corpses could be critically hit, achieving a one-hit kill. Easy to hit empty.

With the sticky function turned on, as long as she is careful not to be attacked, she is still not afraid of the group of soul corpses attacking.

Soul corpses have the poison of soul corpses. When they were in Maitian Village, Yun Qing's harvesting skills were not high enough to collect the poison from soul corpses.

But in this dungeon, most of the drops of soul corpses are silver, without the poison of soul corpses.

Yun Qing did not forget that she was looking for a solution to the poison of soul corpses, nor did she forget Ye Tao who was blind in Ye Family Village.

During the fight, a soul corpse spit out a puddle of blue saliva on the ground. Yun Qing wanted to collect it, but couldn't.

She wanted to dig some soil so that the Jiebaidu formula could research the detoxification pill for the poison of soul corpses, but unfortunately, this is a dungeon, the soil is not what she wants to dig, she can dig it if she wants to.

It seems that the soul corpse poison can only be found slowly.

It has been a while since I got the detoxification formula. During the period when I joined the caravan, the caravan guards were very powerful. As a cook, she never encountered any danger on the way. She only got the corpses of wild beasts and soul corpses. I have never seen it, and I have never seen the corpse of a soul corpse, so I have no chance to collect the poison of the soul corpse.

Wei Yi: I can fireball, I can burn it.

The poison of the soul corpse will be obtained sooner or later.

In order to gain more experience and upgrade faster, Yun Qing killed the soul corpses in the dungeon as quickly as possible, regardless of the fast consumption of durability by the mosquito swatter.


Fang Rui and Wei Yi, after going in and out several times, neither found the brood nor found other people.

Fang Rui said a little dejectedly: "The mist here is too powerful to induce hallucinations. The innate warriors who entered this place in Rizhao Town last night couldn't come out. They must have searched for it many times, but they couldn't find it."

Wei Yi could guess what Fang Rui wanted to say, but he didn't want to give up. The more frustrated he became, the more courageous he said: "Brother Fang, I don't believe it anymore. It's just a small mosquito. What can I do? Going to search again, there are still many paths inside that I haven’t searched, even if I search the mosquito nest, I still want to see what kind of female mosquito is doing the trick.”

When some people do things, they want to consider a lot objectively, and some people do things based on their own feelings. When the rational Fang Rui met Wei Yi who was based on his feelings, he couldn't explain why, so he had to sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman.

The two entered the ground again.

What the two of them didn't expect was that, unlike the previous few times, the poisonous fog was not as thick as the previous few times, and the range of spiritual consciousness had also become larger.

What the two of them didn't know was that this was why Yun Qing dispelled Qin Yan's soul from the mother worm.

Wei Yi had a natural good feeling, he felt that there was a powerful existence in the depths of the lair, and he went all the way down, heading straight for that powerful existence.

The little monsters along the way could no longer stop Wei Yi, who was fighting more and more courageously. The two went together and quickly arrived at the nest.

"Brother Fang, there's a big guy inside!"

"Brother Wei, why don't you wait for the leader to join the people in Rizhao Town?"

"It's just a small mosquito that's less than the seventh step, it's not necessary."

Fang Rui smiled wryly and shook his head. Has it been a long time since their family was born?Why don't people at the peak of the first and third ranks pay attention to the strange beasts of the half-step seventh rank.

Before Fang Rui could answer, Wei Yi's escape technique had already entered the territory of the brood, and Fang Rui could only follow closely behind.

Wei Yi entered it, no nonsense, the big knife in his hand, the fire spirit power burning on it, looking for this broken mosquito all night, Wei Yi's anger was full, and the fire spirit power that was about to explode was condensed on the big knife. Cut off the female worm.

The female worm swung her two front legs to resist Wei Yi's sword. I don't know if it was because Wei Yi's spiritual power was too hot, or the mother worm was afraid of the fire. After touching it, she vigorously pushed away the sword supported by her front legs.

The power of the female worm is so great that it directly pushed Wei Yi who was jumping and slashing in the air. Wei Yi backflipped and landed firmly on the wall. He tightened his sword tightly and said with a hearty smile: "Hahaha! I can't think of you, a little bug." , I still have some strength, now let you see the strength of the uncle."

Before he finished speaking, he used it like a sky, and his figure and sword increased several times out of thin air. When he jumped up, he hit the female insect's body like a mountain pressing down on him.

The female worm instinctively felt that the concentrated energy was powerful, so she didn't dare to be careless. The four legs at the back gathered together to catch Wei Yi's move, and with a hook on her leg, she held Wei Yi's big knife tightly with her four legs. At the same time, her two front legs The knife pierced Wei Yi's chest.

Wei Yi dissipated Fatianxiangdi, his body and sword returned to their original size, but the tightly held sword suddenly became smaller, and the female worm clamped the air, Wei Yi took the opportunity to turn over and use the heavy drop, avoiding the mother worm's two forelegs at the same time , turned over and stepped on the female insect.

The body of the female insect is attacked, and a series of mosquito eggs are ejected from the back.

Fang Rui also appeared in the nest at this time.

"You are really disgusting!" Wei Yi cursed, and a fire talisman appeared in his hand, jumped out of the range of the female insect, and threw it into the piles of mosquito eggs in the water.

Mosquito eggs are in the water, and ordinary fire can't burn them, but Wei Yi used the magic talisman used in the foundation period, so it's no problem to burn these ungraded mosquito eggs, even if they are in water.

Seeing the death of the eggs, the mother worm fell into madness. Her six legs were like six top-quality spiritual weapons, and they all attacked Wei Yi.

Although Wei Yi is crazy and tall, he is also extremely flexible. With the strength of the peak of Qi training, he did not lose for a while in the battle against the beast with the soul of the sixth-order peak.

Fang Rui saw that there were many nutritious things in the water, so he came up with a plan. He sprinkled a kind of wood spiritual power seed into it. Under the catalysis of his spiritual power, the seeds quickly germinated in the water, and the invisible roots easily pierced through the water. Break through the defense of the outer layer of mosquito nutrient solution, absorb the essence inside, and grow rapidly.

Not only that, but under Fang Rui's intentional control, some of the roots smaller than aura took advantage of the battle between the female worm and Wei Yi, entered the female worm's body from the water below, and slowly absorbed its power.

When Wei Yi and Fang Rui were fighting the sixth-order female insects, Chief Jing, the mayor and others finally found everyone who was lost in the underground poisonous mosquito nest.

What made them sad was that all the warriors who entered the town last night had been wiped out, and the bodies of those missing today except Yunqing, Wei Yi and Fang Rui had all been found.

They didn't have Wei Yi's intuition and couldn't determine the location of the mother's nest, but they found the underground river by listening to the sound of water.

When Mayor Lu saw the large mosquito larvae on the underground river, he was so angry that he trembled all over. If these disasters were not eliminated, the people of Rizhao Town would find it difficult to live and work in peace and contentment, so they worked together to kill and clean up the large area of ​​mosquito larvae on the underground river.


(End of this chapter)

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