Chapter 125
In the dungeon, Yun Qing, regardless of the consumption of qi invigorating pills and the durability of the mosquito swatter, she sent the three villagers to the designated place within an hour.

Currently, there is only the last villager left. This time, she does not intend to send the fourth villager first, but to fulfill what Ye Xiaolang said at the beginning, to kill all the soul corpses inside.


In the brood, Wei Yi and Fang Rui fought with the mother worm for half an hour. The mother worm had gone berserk and finally moved away from its nest of birth. These two human beings who delayed its birth should become its food. It's getting serious.

During the silent roar, four wings as thin as cicada's wings grew from the back of the female worm, and its figure became extremely flexible. The two of them needed to concentrate all their spiritual consciousness to touch the trace of the female worm.

Even though Yun Qing dispelled the intelligent soul of the mother worm, and even though Fang Rui's spiritual plant absorbed part of the mother worm's strength, it was still a bit of a disadvantage for the two of them to work together to deal with the serious mother worm.

"Bang!" The claw of the female worm hit Wei Yi's body, and the magic weapon automatically activated the body protection. The huge force made Wei Yi fly backwards far away, which made the jade pendant he was wearing on his belt almost fly off.

Wei Yi said angrily: "You are fighting me, I respect you as my opponent, but you are courting death if you beat the jade pendant that Luo Luo gave me."

Luo Luo is the beauty that Wei Yi heroically rescued on the road.

With a thought, Wei Yi took out a treasure talisman from the storage ring, stuffed it with a high-grade spirit stone, activated the treasure talisman, and the small sword in the treasure talisman flew out at such a speed that even the female insect could not see clearly.

The sense of crisis made it block his head with two legs, and the small sword of Fu Bao passed through the legs of the female insect, passed through the head of the female insect, and dissipated after passing through the body of the female insect.

The female worm has no breath, and the dead can't die anymore.

Wei Yi secretly said: It's a pity, if only I can fight for a while, I just showed a little sign of being able to build a foundation, so I can't kill my opponent so impulsively next time.

Fang Rui's eyes narrowed slightly. Wei Yi's identity is not simple, and it is very extravagant to start using magic talismans. During the Qi training period, there is a magic weapon that can automatically protect the master, can use high-grade spirit stones at will, and there is also a one-time talisman.

Although, these, he also has.

"Brother Wei, good method, I don't know how to deal with the corpse of this female insect."

"Bring it back to the caravan. Lao Jing's weapons are too bad. They can make a few. Just in time, we will stay in Rizhao Town for a while, and I may have to build a foundation."

"It just so happens that I'm going to build a foundation too."

The two put away the body of the female worm, burned everything in the place where the mother's nest was with a few fireballs, escaped from the mother's nest, and went to find the leader and others.


At the moment when the female worm died, some people only felt a pain in their consciousness, whoever ruined his good deed, no one can escape!

Yun Qing, who was purging soul corpses, received a system prompt:

"Unknown's hatred towards you is +100."

"Unknown's hatred for you has increased to doubt."

"Unknown's hatred for you has increased to hatred."

System prompt: Add 1000 to the hatred value.

Seeing this reminder, Yun Qing, who had gained a lot of experience and money, instantly felt unsatisfactory.

Who is unknown, who hates her?

She doesn't know who hates her, and the people who hate her don't know who she is?Yoyo is not in the dungeon, and there is no answer for a while.

The hatred value has been increased by 1000, which is higher than her two realms, and the system will reward ten times the favorability or hatred value.

It's just that the ten times the upper limit of rewards made her unable to prepare to judge the other party's cultivation.

Who would hate her, could it be Qin Yan?Or Bai Wuyou?

When Yun Qing suspected these two people, the names in the hatred value list did not change, so it was most likely not these two people.

Qin Yan died, of course not Qin Yan.

What is alive is only the soul that occupies Qin Yan's body and is recruited by forbidden techniques. His name may not be Qin Yan, so his name cannot be revealed.

Most likely!

It's just that this reaction is a bit slow!It has been almost three hours since she expelled Qin Yan's soul.

The system prompts: "It was detected that the hatred value is too high, the monster besieged the cave and upgraded to a first-level elite."

"It is detected that the hatred value is too high, and the monster siege of the cave has been upgraded to level two."

"It was detected that the hatred value was too high, and the monster besieged the cave and upgraded to a second-level elite."

"The monster siege of the cave will open in three hours. A boss will appear when the second-level elite monsters siege the cave. Please be prepared."

"Damn!" Yun Qing cursed inwardly, it came really fast, her level almost reached level 40.

The soul corpses in the map have been cleared up. Yun Qing found the last NPC and sent it to a safe map, and then saw the system prompt to complete the copy:
"Congratulations, you successfully found and rescued the trapped villagers in the village. Obtained: combat experience +15000; crafting experience +8000; collection experience +8000. You successfully killed all the soul corpses in the dungeon and obtained the achievement: no one left, reward achievement Point 1, skill point 1."

"Congratulations, your battle level has been raised to level 40."

"Congratulations, your character level has been raised to level 40."

After completing the dungeon, Yun Qing was sent out of the dungeon by a burst of force majeure.

As soon as the copy was sent out, I saw a system prompt:
Obtained: Low-grade Lingshi*10, Mosquito Queen's Poisonous Claw*1.

Yun Qing looked at the environment she was in. She appeared in the brood, but there was no female worm in the brood. There were battle marks and burning marks everywhere in the water, walls, and ground. Not only was there no female worm, but even The insect eggs and mosquito nutrient solution all disappeared completely.

The mother worm is dead!

Thinking of the Lingshi and Mosquito Queen's Poisonous Claw that she had just obtained, Yun Qing thought that before entering the dungeon, she used her broadsword to "fight" with the female insect, knocking out a drop of blood from the other party, and wasted a large sword.

Unexpectedly, later, the mother worm died, and the thing she got just now was the drop that Yoo Yoo picked up for her. It was only because she was in the dungeon and couldn't receive the drop.

Yun Qing checked the weapon she just got.

Poison Claw of the Queen of Mosquitoes: High-grade spiritual weapon, attack power 320, durability 35/35, poison attribute attack, 10% chance to make the enemy enter the poisoned state.The use of spiritual power can activate the breath of the queen of mosquitoes, and the crowd of mosquitoes will surrender.

The spirit weapon is still top grade, it is a weapon that can be used in the foundation building period.

Yun Qing, who is not yet in the Qi training period, cannot be sacrificed, so he can only use it as an ordinary and stronger weapon, and there should be a chance of being poisoned.

She has no spiritual power, so she will definitely not be able to subdue the crowd of mosquitoes.

Even if she has spiritual power, she doesn't want such a minister.

Who killed the mother worm, Yun Qing asked in her mind: "Liu Liu, how did the mother worm die, do you know?"

"You're not here, I can only stay in the system space, I didn't see how it died."

"Then how can you pick things up?"

"You just appeared, and I also appeared. The mother worm may have died not long ago, and its drop has not been refreshed, so I can pick it up."

Thinking that it wasn't long before she received the reminder of the hatred value, it is estimated that the mother worm died and was perceived by the behind-the-scenes. Some people are born smart and have good perception. I don't know what method they used. he.

Be more careful in the future.

"Liu Liu, look at my hatred value, hatred list, why this happened. Also, what is the level of the second-level elite, monsters will besiege the cave in three hours, how should I prepare."

"Huh!" After reading it, Yoyo uttered in doubt.

"Is there anything wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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