Chapter 23 Skill Experience

Yun Qing recalled that the group of soul corpses just now looked the same, and she couldn't be sure if there was Ye Mingyu, and she couldn't be sure if it was the real world, so she first completed the dungeon according to the request of the Immortal Xu Yuan.

It was not the first time that Yunqing found all kinds of resources familiarly, rescued three villagers without delay, and was almost at the location where he encountered the soul corpse last time.

The fireball technique was ready to go, and he took a few steps back. At the same time, a black soul corpse came out from the side.

The skill Fireball Technique has been used, and the obscure formulas and coordinated moves, the spiritual power summoned from nowhere turned into a fist-sized fireball and flew towards the soul corpse.

This is not an ordinary flame, but a spiritual fire. As soon as the fireball touches the soul corpse, the soul corpse turns into ashes in front of her at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The task of killing soul corpses has become 1/15.

However, no combat experience is given!
The fireball technique seems to be quite simple to use, as long as it is not caught, a fireball technique can instantly kill a soul corpse.

Recalling the appearance of the medical hall, the place where she was pushed down last time, and the approximate location of the soul corpses, she controlled her nervous and excited mood and touched it quietly.

With the protection of the cassock, she will not be injured, and with the help of Xuyuan Shangxian to start again, she has no worries.

At the corner, a smear of black came into her eyes, she leaned out of the corner, and silently played a fireball, and another soul corpse was wiped out by her.

In this way, Yun Qing walked boldly and cautiously among the soul corpses, and when she realized that she was about to be caught by the soul corpses, she used the rolling skill, and she would roll over ten meters in the direction controlled by her, away from the grasping corpses. Her soul corpse, after adding a fireball technique, solved it perfectly.

You can also use the lightness technique, which can make her steps extremely light. With a little leverage point or two, she can jump onto the roof and stand on the roof to use the fireball technique to deal with the soul corpses.

However, the attack range of the fireball technique is limited, and the skill also has a cooling time and release time, so she needs to pay attention.

Soon, the group of soul corpses were all eliminated by her, killing soul corpses 11/15.

Unfortunately, she didn't see any villagers or soul corpses similar to Ye Mingyu's. She searched around the medical hall, but still couldn't find them.

"The copy should not be reality." Yun Qing silently comforted herself.

Going forward, passing the corner of a house, Yun Qing found a smear of blackness, and as soon as he fired a fireball, he saw the white-named Ye Family Village guard on the opposite side turned into ashes in the fireball.

Xuyuan Shangxian reminded: "Kill the villagers, the mission fails, start again."

After a moment of trance, Yun Qing appeared outside Ye Family Village again.

Four words floated in the air: copy plane!

With the experience of the previous two times, Yun Qing successfully completed the task assigned by Shangxian Xuyuan: "Rescue 15 villagers and kill 15 soul corpses."

After Yun Qing completed the tasks of saving the villagers and killing the soul corpses, Immortal Xu Yuan immediately issued a new task for her.

"Clear the pile of soul-devouring insects outside the protective array 0/10."

A pile of soul-eating insects!Just the soul-eating worms are enough to make people feel scary, but they are still piled up.Yun Qing said: "Excuse me, Master Xu Yuan, what skills can be used to clear the pile of soul-devouring insects?"

"Fireball will do!"

Fireball, long-range attack, okay, okay.

She was a little worried again: "I won't be attacked in the soul?"

"Your magic robe can resist these, go!"

Xuyuan Shangxian didn't seem to want to waste any more time, he waved at her, as if saying, hurry up.

Yun Qing felt a shock, and there was a big red circle prompt on one of her temporary skills, reminding her to use this skill.

Yun Qing said silently: "Use the enhanced escape technique!"

Just now, her figure teleported forward for a mile uncontrollably. She was near the medical hall, and she teleported directly to the blacksmith's shop.

Xuyuan Shangxian reminded: "When using the enhanced escape technique, you must pay attention to the direction. Your task is to clear the pile of soul-eating insects above the protective formation, and you must escape from the protective formation."

In the dark night above the protective array?It is definitely not a big problem to have various invincible props in the copy experience volume.

Yun Qing waited for the cooldown time of the evasion technique, and when the cooldown time was up, she silently said again: "Use the enhanced evasion technique!" At the same time, she concentrated and imagined escaping upwards.

There was a moment of trance, and the next second, she appeared in the darkness.

As soon as she appeared in the darkness, her figure was in rapid free fall, the temporary skill Yujian Flying was flashing, Yun Qing muttered: "Yujian Flying!"

A flying sword appeared at her feet, and she stopped her free-falling figure, and Yujian was flying in the air.

Apart from flying and the fragmented memory of the original owner, this was the first time she flew in the air.

Yun Qing looked around, up, down, left, and right, back and forth, it was pitch black, she couldn't see any scenery, and she didn't have consciousness, just like a dream, she was floating in the darkness.

There was a vibration from the night vision skill, reminding her what to do next. After using the night vision skill, she couldn't see the situation outside the protective formation clearly, but a small map appeared in her mind.

A red circle appeared on the small map, and there were 10 red dots in the red circle, just below her.

With a thought, Yu Jianfei controlled her body to fall. When she approached the red dot and was within the attack range of the fireball technique, the red dot appeared with words: 'Pile of Soul Devouring Bugs', and its long blood bar .

Around it, there are many tiny cracks, and these tiny cracks reveal a little fire light, and these faint fire lights are swallowed by the darkness near the red dot.

Combining the small cracks and light around the soul-devouring worm pile, Yun Qing could tell that the soul-devouring worm pile was about the size of a washbasin and looked like a hemispherical monster stuck to the protective cover.

The 'dong dong' sound similar to a heartbeat came from within it, and accompanied by the 'dong dong' sound, was the tremor of the soul-eating insect pile.

Every time it trembles, there will be extremely small black filaments coming out from the inside. These black filaments penetrate the protective formation through the gap opened by the protective formation to absorb polluted resources, and then ignore all defenses, looking for living objects to attach to. , animals, plants or microorganisms, etc.

There were also thin black lines coming towards Yun Qing, but they were blocked by her robes.

The pile of soul-eating worms was already within the attack range of the fireball technique. Without any hesitation, Yun Qing said to the pile of soul-devouring worms, "Use the fireball technique."

The fist-sized fireball streaked across the darkness and hit the pile of soul-devouring worms. The blood bars of the pile of soul-devouring worms decreased by [-]%, but they still maintained the shape of a hemisphere, spitting out black lines like a beating heart.

If one fireball technique can't solve it, use multiple ones.

While using the fireball technique, Yun Qing checked the temporary skills she had obtained. The skills that can be used to attack here are only the fireball technique, and a small sword she picked up that she didn't know how to use.

The cooldown time of the fireball technique was not long, it was a fireball technique, and it took Yunqing Xiao 1 minute. After the last fireball technique was played, the pile of soul-eating insects that were originally the size of a washbasin was finally turned into ashes under the action of the fireball technique.

Soul Eater pile 1/10.

(End of this chapter)

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