She is playing games in the immortal world

Chapter 24 Treasure Experience

Chapter 24 Treasure Experience
After clearing a pile of soul-eating worms, Yun Qing felt that the sound of the heartbeat on the protective formation seemed to be missing one, but it was still very chaotic and could not hear much difference. She flew to another pile of soul-eating worms with Yujian .

It is not difficult to solve the pile of soul-eating worms, just wait for the cooldown time of the fireball to end, and keep outputting the fireball.

After the last pile of soul-eating worms was cleared, the sound of the heartbeat on the protective cover disappeared, and the protective cover stabilized.

It's just that the small crack on the protective cover has not been repaired. Standing outside the protective cover, she can faintly see the situation in the village through the protective cover.

Immortal Xu Yuan flew out from nowhere and issued a new mission for her.

"Clear the extraterritorial demon soul body 0/1."

The soul body of the heavenly demon from outside the territory?Is it the extraterrestrial demon who has not succeeded in seizing the house?

The original owner may have been taken away by this thing, and Yun Qing was also very curious about what the soul body of the Heavenly Demon outside the Territory looked like.

In the darkness, something seemed to appear, and it seemed to be roaring, but Yun Qing, who had not reached the first level of Qi training and had no consciousness, could neither hear nor see.

A red dot appeared on the small map, very close to her position, and the other party was moving towards her.

Actively attack monsters!

The text shows: the soul body of the extraterrestrial demon, unknown level, followed by thick and long blood bars.

The rolling skill is vibrating. Rolling is to avoid monster attacks. She has learned to use it when she was fighting with soul corpses. Yun Qing muttered: "Use rolling!"

At the same time, she controlled her body to dodge to the left. She was flying with a flying sword, and with the power of the flying sword, she made a left-handed roll in the air, and her figure also moved tens of meters to the left with the rolling motion. .

"Bang!" A loud voice appeared ten meters in front of Yun Qing's original location. With the firelight shining through the protective array, Yun Qing saw a huge hammer hitting the protective cover, and the protective cover was immediately smashed out. Hole.

A large amount of black air poured into the protective cover like a flood from an opened gate.

Xuyuan Shangxian reminded: "The defense of Yejia Village failed, start again."


After a moment of trance, Yun Qing appeared outside Ye Family Village again.

Four words floated in the air: copy plane!

Failed again!

continue!This is already the fourth dungeon, and Yun Qing has found her vestments, small swords, elixirs, beautiful stones, and activated temporary skills, etc., familiarly.

After taking these things, Yun Qing asked: "Shangxian Xuyuan, the extraterritorial demon soul body holding a big hammer seems to be a big boss, is it also killed with a fireball technique? Its attack range is so large, it seems difficult for me to kill it." Protect Ye Family Village, which is as fragile as a spider web."

"When he comes out, kill him before attacking the protective formation, and you can use the Aurora Spirit Sword."

After Xuyuan Shangxian said to the Aurora Spirit Sword, the little sword without a name had a name.

Aurora Spirit Sword: Talisman, the sword intent carved into the ore by a high-level monk, a disposable item, can kill opponents at the early stage of Jindan.

Magical treasure, one-time use, so high-level, Yun Qing swallowed secretly, this experience scroll, let her experience things that cost a lot of spirit stones.

The task of killing soul corpses and rescuing villagers appears.

Once the temporary skills are activated, she no longer walks cautiously in the village as in the previous two times, but uses skills such as light body technique, and her white figure is like an afterimage, gliding across the village, accurately finding the people who need help. If the villagers are fed the pills, they will float away without waiting for the villagers to be grateful, and rescue the next villager or kill the soul corpse with a fireball.

She also memorizes the location of the soul corpses by heart. When the houses and roofs are flying, the fireball technique can always incinerate soul corpses one after another just right, and the task of treating and killing them is quickly solved.

Escape technique appeared outside the protective formation, and Yujian flew outside the protective formation, heading straight for the pile of soul-devouring worms. Hundreds of fireballs solved the pile of soul-devouring worms, and the protective shield became clear again.

As soon as the task of clearing the soul body of the extraterrestrial demon appeared, Yun Qing flew towards the red dot with Yu Jianfei.

When she seemed to feel the roar, she threw the Aurora Spirit Sword at the soul body of the Heavenly Demon outside the territory.

As soon as the Aurora Spirit Sword was thrown by her, it turned into countless light spots, so small that it was hard to see with the naked eye, but it brought light into the darkness where you couldn't see your fingers. It was pitch-black like a bird with wings, but it was not the big hammer that hit the shield in the last round, but its big hammer-like fist.

And the environment she was in was surrounded by black silk threads everywhere, and the amount of these black threads was a thousand times that of the poisonous wheat fields she had seen.The cassock on her body shone with a faint spiritual light, blocking all the black threads from approaching her.

Countless light spots are like mischievous little elves, quickly shuttle back and forth in the huge extraterritorial demon soul body.

The light spot came into contact with the soul of the extraterrestrial demon, and the latter didn't respond at first, perhaps because it was stunned. From the rapidly decreasing health bar, Yun Qing knew that it was seriously injured in the first round.

Its originally dark figure like a mountain, in an instant, under the fast shuttle of the light spots, seemed to turn into a plug, leaking light everywhere.

I don't know if the soul body of this extraterritorial celestial demon has not reached the golden core, or the Aurora Spirit Sword is its nemesis. When the extraterritorial celestial demon reacts to resist and struggle, it is about to lose blood.

It entered a berserk state with residual blood, and saw the black matter in the light-leaking body rapidly gathering in large chunks. Through the light of the Aurora Spirit Sword, Yun Qing saw that every piece in its body was like a small A pile of soul-devouring insects.

In the blink of an eye, the move was successfully brewed, and the extraterrestrial demon soul raised its head, sprayed several black objects from its mouth, and attacked in the direction of Yun Qing, which was also the direction of the protective formation.

After spitting out these black lumps, the soul body of the Heavenly Demon outside the Territory seemed to be weaker, with blood remaining, and the killing by the Aurora Spirit Sword was estimated to take only two breaths.

Ye Family Village's protective formation was already in jeopardy, if Hei's attack hit the protective formation, she might have to start over again in this dungeon.

Every time the dungeon is restarted, it has to be played from the beginning. Up to now, it takes less than half an hour to play, which is not easy.

Yun Qing uses Yujian flying, light body technique, escape technique and fireball technique to quickly fly her body. The fireball technique burns the black block before it reaches the protective formation. If the fireball technique is too late, she blocks it in the protective formation Before, use your body to block the black blocky attack.

Fortunately, after going through a few dungeons, she can barely use these skills. Between the flashes of her figure and the flying of fireballs all over the field, she blocked one attack after another.

No matter whether he used his own body to block the attack, or used the fireball technique to incinerate the attack, Yun Qing didn't feel much pressure in his heart. The result of the failure was a new copy, not more than [-]% of the villagers in Yejia Village were buried.

It is also this kind of mentality that allows her to calmly face the current situation. Even if there is no pressure, she will go all out.

(End of this chapter)

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