Chapter 243 Conditions
Yun Qing checked the storage bags, one of them contained many mid-grade spirit stones, and each high-grade pill was worth 1000 yuan more than the lower-grade spirit stones. Did you add money to the one hundred middle-grade pills?Did Zhuo Zhen take the [-]% in the middle?Some Yun Qing who relied on a calculator didn't know how many spirit stones belonged to her.

However, Zhuo Zhen put a small note in the storage bag, and every stroke was written clearly. The storage bag she got was the hard work of her and 'Master'.

Looking at another storage bag, Yun Qing's eyes have shrunk, fourth-order black crystals!

This is the rhythm for her 'master' to refine the fourth-order anti-dark poison elixir.

The fourth-order anti-dark poison pill has the fourth-order black spar, but she does not have the fourth-order dark poison water.

It is not impossible to collect some more poisonous items and refine the fourth-order dark poisonous water. Whether it is collecting or refining, there is a certain failure rate, and it doesn't matter if you fail. She will always get it if she works harder.

Can refine fourth-order elixir, although she has elixir, it needs a crafting level of 51 to refine it. Now her crafting level is still a little short of level 50, and she can automatically refine the fourth-order anti-dark poison Dan has a high failure rate.

Manual refining?Yun Qing looked at her paws, she probably didn't have a success rate for alchemy with this thing.

If it fails, there are no raw materials, and the dark poison can be collected by itself, but the black spar has no source, so she can't afford it if it is scrapped.

Yun Qing said in embarrassment: "Senior, my master is really not an alchemist! Even if he refines the anti-dark poison pill for this Qi training period, he has studied it for a long time."

Yuanying Zhenjun's refining of fourth-order elixir is not easy, Zhuo Zhen really doesn't believe what Yun Qing said.

He persuaded with kind words: "As long as he is willing to refine it, it is not difficult to come up with a fourth-order anti-dark poison pill."

Zhuo Zhen's mental activities were all written on the expression, and Yun Qing understood it, but she couldn't explain it, so she could only complain to Liu Liu: "Liu Liu! I didn't expect this dark poison pill to turn into a big discus so quickly , I may be killed by this discus, what should I do."

Liuliu continued: "In Xuanjing City, although the number of monks in the Qi training period has mutated, although the number is large, it is far less than the losses caused by mutations in the foundation building period or even the Jindan period."

Yun Qing was completely shocked. This means that if she finally loses money to refine a few fourth-level low-grade anti-dark poison elixirs, then she will ask her for fifth-level, sixth-level or even seventh-level anti-dark poison elixirs?

Even if she has cheats, her production experience can't rise so fast!

Well, she admitted that when the Dark Poison Land first opened, she really wanted to mix with the officials, and mixed production experience for the officials to refine light crystal balls. Now it can be regarded as mixing production experience for the official refining things, but the official requirements are too high. How can she break through her lack of ability?
Zhuo Zhen said whatever he wanted, but Yun Qing was still unmoved, and was anxious, not because he couldn't earn hard money in the middle, but because if the anti-poison pills were not available, high-ranking monks who needed to become angry would definitely dig them out. A few of them killed to vent their anger.

Zhuo Zhen took a deep breath, Yun Qing was young, he would try to persuade her.

He took out the token, waved his spiritual power, and said behind a mark in the dungeon: "Fellow Daoist Yun, let's teleport to this place, and I'll take you there to have a look."

Yun Qing was puzzled, the sign on the map there was outside the prison.

Zhuo Zhen had teleported away, she also took out the token, used her spiritual power, and teleported out of the prison.

Yun Qing looked into the prison, and there were railings on both sides of the passage, including the ground, until the end of the line of sight, but there was no system text displaying any living things inside the railings.

"Senior Zhuo, I don't know what you brought me here to see?"

Zhuo Zhen led Yun Qing to walk in, and said as he walked, "This prison is not for prisoners, but for high-ranking monks who have done meritorious service."


"It has been 2000 years since the establishment of the Xiuxian Alliance, and the establishment of the same half-soul alliance has also been established for 2000 years. In the past 2000 years, countless monks have sacrificed their lives to protect the Zhongzhou Continent against foreign demons, and the seniors imprisoned here have experienced countless times. In the first World War, they successfully defeated the extraterrestrial demons, only because they fought for too long and exploded their own power too many times, which made it difficult to stay awake in the end, so the alliance could only imprison them here."

Hearing what Zhuo Zhen said, Yun Qing's first reaction was, after fighting for a long time, the sanity value is 0, and it mutated into a soul corpse, so what is imprisoned here is a soul corpse?

This has nothing to do with her, does it?Maybe she has a system and can research the corresponding pills, so maybe she can't turn soul corpses back into humans?

Of course she knew that many people sacrificed their lives to maintain the peace of the Zhongzhou Continent. In less than a year, she encountered three dark nights. She also deeply realized that life in the Zhongzhou Continent was not easy.

Although she hasn't been here for long, she also has certain feelings for Zhongzhou Continent, and she is willing to protect this continent.

Zhuo Zhen continued: "If there are more anti-dark poison pills, more people will be saved from becoming soul corpses. These people may grow into a generation of true kings and contribute to the protection of Zhongzhou Continent. "

what!After talking for a long time, it turned out that she should get some fourth-order pills!
Yun Qing said truthfully: "My master is really not an alchemist. He failed many times in refining dark poison pills at the beginning. You can see that he has also refined many low-grade pills. If he refines fourth-level pills, he will definitely fail at the beginning. Refining failed."

"As long as he is willing to refine, it doesn't matter how much refining fails."

"In this way, I hope that seniors can reach an agreement with the alliance. Although my master is not good at alchemy, he is still in the Nascent Soul Stage. The spirit stones he spends are all top-grade spirit stones, and he will not defraud the alliance of half a piece of spirit stone flowers because of this trivial matter. If the alliance is not willing to bear the cost of refining failure, the lost spirit stones will be counted on my head. I have a small Qi training period, but I can't afford the pills in the foundation building period, so I don't want to persuade Master to refine alchemy. "

Zhuo Zhen suddenly realized: "However, this is the case, don't worry, Fellow Daoist Yun, I will definitely handle this matter well."

"Roar! Roar!" At this moment, a powerful roar came from the prison, and her character immediately had a negative state of staring.

Amazing!She was outside the prison, and she hadn't followed Zhuo Zhen a few steps inside. Hearing the voice, she must be some distance away from them, and she was affected by the inability to enter the cave.

Zhuo Zhen hurriedly said: "Let's go!"

"Bah!" The two walked out quickly, and Yun Qing saw behind her, a large cloud of blue-brown liquid flying towards them.

Toxic spit!
The two of them exited the passage very quickly. The saliva from behind hit the railing on the ground and flowed down the gap. When it hit the railing, spit stars splashed, and one of the tiny splashes hit Yun Qingfa. corner of the robe.

Yun Qing saw that the top-quality snow bear magic robe refined by her character exploded, and its durability dropped by [-] points in an instant, and a large part was corroded.

Zhuo Zhen, who had exited the passage, also saw Yun Qing's damaged robe, and said apologetically, "I brought Fellow Daoist Yun here, and I will compensate you for the loss of the robe."

"No need, I can fix this robe myself." She has the recipe for the Snow Bear Robe, and the refining room can repair it automatically, but the repaired Snow Bear Robe will no longer be the best, which is a pity.

(End of this chapter)

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