Chapter 244

The quality of the railings was really good. Yun Qing used Spiritual Awareness on the prison railings, and found that the material was 20 levels higher than hers, and the Spiritual Awareness could not recognize it.

The railing can't be removed, so I don't know if the drool can be collected. She doesn't care about the robe now, what she cares about is where the drool just flowed.

Yun Qing pretended not to care and asked her doubts. As a result, Zhuo Zhen, who had just become a half-soul man, didn't know much about it. He left in a hurry, and was going to discuss with the upper echelons of the alliance about who was responsible for the success rate and losses.

At present, there are not enough materials to refine the fourth-order anti-dark poison elixir. Before waiting for Zhuo Zhen's news, she came out of the prison. Where will the thousand-year-old phlegm go?

After searching around, she didn't find that she was several miles away from the prison. Just when she was about to give up, she heard the sound of running water not far away.

When I got closer, I saw a brook full of dark poison.

According to the perception of spiritual power, this dark poison seems to be more powerful, and Yun Qing used the spirit watching technique on it.

Dark poisonous water, cannot be collected, but can be collected with a level 51 collection technique.

Looking around, Yun Qing found that the dark poison in this creek seemed to be unmanaged and could be used at will.

Her collection technique is level 49, which does not meet the collection requirements for the dark poisonous water here, so she can only collect it manually.

With a thought, Yun Qing took out a jade bottle from the system backpack and used Ning Shuijue to put the dark poisonous water into the bottle.

I tried several times in a row, but no matter how concentrated I was, the collection failed.

Although her character is only level 49, her combat experience has already reached level 51, and her physical strength has also been transformed to level 51 by the dark poison.

Yun Qing simply did not do anything, did not use the water condensation technique, directly touched the dark poisonous water with her claws, and collected it in this way.

Unexpectedly, collecting the dark poisonous water in this way is surprisingly smooth and almost impossible to fail. The poison resistance of the claws is so high that the dark poisonous water does not harm it at all. Dozens of copies are collected in a blink of an eye, and every Each has hundreds of points of collection experience.

Yun Qing was stunned in her heart: "Liu Liu, I'm sleepy and someone gave me a pillow. I was looking for the fourth-order dark poisonous water. I didn't expect to find it so easily. It's so easy to collect and give me so much experience. What do you say about me? How can you be so lucky?"

Liuliu said: "Yun Qing, have you ever thought that this dark poisonous water is most likely the old phlegm of those mutant people imprisoned above, why are you so happy to catch old phlegm here?"

Liu Liu's words successfully made Yun Qing feel sick, she raised her paw and said firmly: "Look at me, do I care how these dark poisonous waters come from?"

The dark poison those people spit out is very strong, she must not touch it directly.

Is there a possibility that the half-soul alliance is also collecting their poisonous water as a weapon, and what flows here is the purified and diluted dark poison?
Very likely.

Yun Qing thought darkly in her heart: maybe locking them up means trying to save them on the surface, but is it secretly turning them into tools to produce sharp weapons?

No matter how this dark poisonous water was formed, and no matter what the purpose of the half-soul alliance is, anyway, she didn't eat the dark poisonous pill that was refined, and continued to collect dark poisonous water.

The creek is not big, and when she collected more than 100 pieces of dark poisonous water, it stopped flowing.

It was also at this time that Zhuo Zhen sent news that the half-soul alliance was willing to provide her master's alchemy materials, but there was no wages for alchemy failures, and wages for successes.

With such conditions, Yun Qing felt that her 'master' had become an alchemist hired by the half-soul alliance. In other words, this condition was really good.

Now that the conditions have been negotiated, Yun Qing pretends to teleport away from the dungeon to find her master.In fact, they are going back to Xuanjing City to clean up poisonous items. As for alchemy, there are 100 copies in the queue, and success or failure depends on the probability.

After the last two transactions, Yunqing has a lot of spirit stones.

In addition to cleaning up, she would also go to Hengsan Street to buy materials for refining the spirit pills and snow bear robes, as well as materials for axes and pickaxes.

Replenishment pills are relatively rare, and the alchemy room is mainly used to refine the fourth-order anti-mosquito poison pill. The success rate is low, and the proficiency is unfamiliar. Even with more than ten times the time bonus, the refining is still very slow.

Only in the spare time of refining the anti-dark poison pill, and not occupying the alchemy room, would he refine the spirit-replenishing pill to earn some small spirit stones.

In such alchemy and refining tools, the consumption of yellow flint is not small. The yellow flint purchased for the first time has long been used up, and she bought several storage bags of yellow flint.

With the bonus of the top-grade refining hammer, the snow bear robes, axes, and pickaxes that are automatically refined are of good quality. After the refining is completed, she will sell them on Hengsan Street for a considerable income.

After a wave of business was completed, 100 anti-dark poison elixirs were automatically refined and 32 were successfully refined, all of which were low-grade.

This success rate made Yun Qing feel a little overwhelmed, and the poisonous water was not enough.

She had no choice but to go back underground again and teleport to the creek not far below the prison. Just as she thought, she didn't come for a while, and there was dark poisonous water in the creek again.

Continuing to collect the dark poisonous water in the creek, Yun Qing really suspected that this was the thousand-year-old phlegm spit out by the imprisoned high-level mutant monks. This matter cannot be thought about, and the more she thinks about it, the more disgusting she becomes. She can only collect dark poisonous water while divert your attention.

Yun Qing thought beautifully, it is estimated that it will not be long before her collection and production experience can break through to level 51, and she can be regarded as a real foundation cultivator, with greatly increased combat power and flying with a sword.

It's just that she may not have time to practice these.

That's okay, the half-soul alliance can provide her with a lot of black crystals to upgrade her.

After level 51, refining the fourth-level elixir will not fail. After level 54, refining the fifth-level anti-poison pill can be refined, and after upgrading, you can refine the sixth-level.

At that time, the collection and production experience can exceed the combat level by 10 levels.

What to do if the combat level is not enough, well, find out her little black feather eagle, give her combat experience, beat her three times a day, and beat her for three hours, until her level is the same as the little black feather eagle.

By then, hum!Little Black Feather Eagle can't beat her, she can bully her however she wants.

Black Feather Eagle: Ahh!Little cook, this big eagle has already reached the seventh rank, so he is no longer a little black feather eagle.Come here!I can slap you back and forth with one wing; I can crush you into the soil with one paw, and I can't even pull out the buttons.Cook for Ben Da Diao honestly, don't have any distracting thoughts.Ben Da Diao is happy to eat, and I can reward you with some leftovers.

The alchemy room and the refining room are working for her non-stop. Her production experience is after all the first to collect experience and reach the peak of Qi training.

After making level 50, Yun Qing fell into the bottleneck of gaining production experience. No matter it was refining qi invigorating pills or snow bear robes, she didn't give any production experience. She needed to successfully refine the fourth-order anti-dark poison pill to have production experience.

In the past, when breaking through the level, she had to rely on her own efforts, but now it is different, there is a big force, and she will do her best to help her break through to the foundation stage.

The half-soul alliance gave materials and spirit stones, and she could leapfrog her collection and production experience without worrying about the materials at all.

(End of this chapter)

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