Chapter 29 Half Soul Man

Yun Qing killed 15 soul corpses during the mission, and combined with the photos he saw, they were indeed villagers of Yejia Village.

Even if she doesn't kill the soul corpse, the village guards will kill her.

However, if one's close relatives turned into soul corpses and watched him being killed, even if one could understand it, it would be extremely painful.

She knew that suppressed voice was Xiao Shan, and she had heard about Xiao Shan.

His family is not very rich, his father has not reached the realm of Houtian warrior, he has two sons and two daughters, Xiao Shan is the eldest son.

In order to support his family and open his son's veins, Xiao Shandae would often collect poisonous resources, which caused his physical condition to gradually deteriorate, and finally he could not bear the breath of soul-eating insects in this dark night. Soul corpse, leaving only his frail wife and four children.

What their fate will be, Yun Qing doesn't know, the situation of other families should be similar.

She finally knew why it was said that the average life expectancy of people in Yejia Village was forty. At first, she thought it was caused by the easy death at birth and the backward medical level.

For example, Master Liu in the slaughterhouse is willing not to open his veins, not to pursue the acquired state, and to spend his whole life alone, with little knowledge and little knowledge.

Genes will control people when they are young and strong, meet the other half to exchange genes to produce offspring, give everything for the continuation of genes (one's own offspring), and the genes will live forever.

I will also take risks for myself and my offspring in pursuit of stronger strength and a higher quality of life.

The current Yun Qing is powerless to change this situation, she is struggling to save her own life, even if she saves her life, she will take risks for stronger strength and higher cultivation, maybe she will be like Wan Like thousands of seekers, they die on the way to seek the Tao.

Yun Qing looked around the medical hall, but couldn't find Ye Mingyu. After inquiring, he found out that before the arrival of the immortal, he was taken back by his family.

Outside Ye Mingyu's house, before Yun Qing arrived, the guards had already arrived one step ahead.

"Ye Mingyu is not at home. He just went out. He should be in the square. You can go find him there." As soon as he arrived at Ye Mingyu's house, Yun Qing heard a voice.

Looking for the reputation, I saw a middle-aged woman standing in front of the gate, her body was blocking the gate, indicating that Ye Mingyu was not at home.

It's Ye Mingyu's mother, level 21.

Opposite her were two members of the guard who could not tell their ranks.

Yun Qing was a little puzzled, and felt that Ming Yuniang had lied.

She paid special attention to whether Ye Mingyu went to the square. Although there were many people, but with the reminder of the system name, she did not see Ye Mingyu.

If Ye Mingyu went to see the immortals, Ming Yuniang would definitely watch the immortals in the square, instead of staying at home, as if she was afraid that someone would go to the house.

The task at that time was issued by the Immortal Xu Yuan, and Yun Qing didn't think she cured all the poisoned villagers, nor did she think that she cleaned up all the soul corpses.

The guards were exhausted and said: "For the safety of everyone in the village, we must check all the houses. Please make it easier for us."

"I'm the only one in the family, Qi Laosan, why do you make things difficult for me as a woman." Ming Yuniang stood in front of the door, and from her body language, it was clear that she would not let her die.

"Sister-in-law, I can't help it either." The two guards persuaded them emotionally and rationally, but Ming Yuniang remained unmoved.

During the stalemate between the two sides, Ye Wei, the captain of the guard team, came over. Compared with the two guard pair members, he was more stern and selfless.

Ye Wei waved his hand and said concisely, "Go in and search!"

Two guards armed with weapons stepped forward, and Na Qi's third son said: "Sister-in-law, I offended you."

Ming Yuniang shrieked and shoved the guards and said, "Whoever of you dares to go in, just step over my corpse."

The strength of Ming Yuniang at level 21 is very different from that of the guards who have already entered the day after tomorrow. Even if she tried her best, she could not push the guards out. On the contrary, due to excessive force, she fell fell to the ground.

"Don't touch my mother!" A cold voice came from the house, and the figure of a young man appeared with the voice. As soon as he appeared, he pushed the two guards out of the door.

That young man was exactly the Ye Mingyu she was looking for, but the difference was that Ye Mingyu's face was so pale that there was no blood in it. If it wasn't for the words he spoke just now and Ye Mingyu's name on his head, Yun Qing would have doubted it. He is already a soul corpse.

Ye Mingyu, whose rank is unknown, has black threads around his body.

No, isn't Ye Mingyu level 26?

half-soul man!
The word "half-soul man" appeared in Yun Qing's mind, and Ye Mingyu had become the half-soul man Ye Wenjing had mentioned.

He couldn't completely resist the poisonous gas attack of the soul-eating insect. The poisonous gas changed his body and wounded his soul.

Incomplete soul, I wonder if it is still a human being?I don't know if I still know her, will I go crazy?wait?
They were in the same team for half a month, and Ye Mingyu, who was also a handyman, took good care of her and often told her not to touch things surrounded by poisonous gas.

And he will touch those things. All along, she thought that he had already opened his veins, so he was not far from the Houtian realm. Even if he touched those things, it didn't matter. She didn't want this to be the result.

Thousands of thoughts rushed into her mind, and Yun Qing felt mixed feelings for a moment. With such a big change, she didn't know how to face her former teammates.

As soon as Ye Mingyu appeared, he saw everyone's reactions in his eyes. Seeing the indescribable expression on Yun Qing's face, Ye Mingyu said: "I won't cause you any trouble, I will go by myself."

Mingyu Niang, who fell to the ground, resisted and said: "Mingyu, you can't leave, what should I do if you leave?"

Ye Weidao: "He is not suitable to live with you and everyone. The poisonous gas on his body will poison those who are close to him. If you want to be with your son, then become an acquired martial artist."

Yun Qing worried: "Captain, Ye Mingyu, where is he going? Is there any danger?"

"Half-soul people have a special city. This time, several villagers in Yejia Village have mutated into half-soul people. They can go together, and they can be regarded as companions."

Looking at his crying mother, Ye Mingyu said to Ye Wei: "Captain, can you give me two more days, I won't go home, I just go to collect some resources, I hope my mother's life can be guaranteed in the near future."

Ye Wei nodded and said: "Okay, come with us now, before opening the village gate, you will be quarantined separately."

Ye Mingyu nodded, and the guard called Qi Laosan said to Yun Qing: "Please, help Ming Yuniang out."

"it is good!"

Yun Qing stepped forward, and Ming Yuniang struggled fiercely. Although Yunqing's rank was low, her strength was not comparable to that of Ming Yuniang. She easily lifted Ming Yuniang up, walked to the door, and walked towards Ye Mingyu.

Before getting close, Ye Mingyu backed away while reaching out his hand to refuse, "Don't come over, it's not good for you."

Ming Yuniang broke down in tears and said: "Mingyu...Mingyu..."

(End of this chapter)

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