Chapter 30 Wood
Yun Qing did not expect that when she found Ye Mingyu, what she saw was the scene of mother and child parting.

What she didn't expect was that just after she helped Ming Yuniang outside the house, Qi Lao San entered the house and came out after two breaths. When they came out, the house was already on fire.

Yun Qing was surprised: "This...why?"

Qi Laosan said: "When he mutated into a half-soul man, he would release a large amount of poisonous gas. The place where he stayed needs to be burned with fire, otherwise, it is extremely easy to poison other people."

The captain waved: "Let's go!"

Ye Mingyu looked at his weeping mother and the burning home with nostalgia in his eyes, his pale face and indescribable eyes made Yun Qing, who was standing opposite him, at a loss for a moment.

Mutations in the body, separation of mother and child, burning of the home where she lived for more than ten years, a series of accidents happened within an hour. Yun Qing didn't know how strong her mental ability was to bear all this cruelty.

Ye Wei said: "If you want to kill your mother, just stay a little longer."

Ye Mingyu turned around, and tears flowed down the air as he turned around. He took big steps and walked towards the place where the half-spirit was temporarily placed in the village.The guards followed, and they still had a lot to attend to.

Guard Qi Laosan said: "Sister-in-law, your family's gold and silver finances will not be destroyed by the fire. Someone in the village will collect them, so don't worry."

He turned around and whispered to Yun Qing: "Please send my sister-in-law to the relief station."

Yun Qing nodded and said, "Okay!"

Seeing the backs of the four getting farther and farther away, Yun Qing suddenly felt a violent struggle from her hands. It turned out that Ming Yuniang was overly sad and wanted to jump into the raging flames.

Yun Qing was worried that something would happen to Ming Yu's mother, so she comforted her: "Ming Yu is only going to another place, you have to live well, so that you can see him again one day. Ming Yu also wants you to live well, so that he will have a goal to find Immortal, look for the antidote, and then return to the village to see you."

When Ming Yuniang heard this, her eyes changed from despair to excitement and she said, "Is there really a elixir to detoxify Ming Yu?"

"We saw it in the square. The immortal saved many poisoned villagers. If you don't believe me, let's go to the relief station and ask other people."

Originally, Ming Yuniang, who was unwilling to leave even if she died, walked towards the relief station and said, "Okay!"

Yun Qing followed closely behind, afraid that she would not be able to figure it out and what would happen.

During this process, Yun Qing took a look at the favorability system.

Ye Mingyu's affection for her has not changed, and her name is still there.

Many villagers at the relief station were queuing up to register, and Yun Qing accompanied Ming Yuniang in line.

In the chaos of life, Yun Qing has almost figured it out.

Before the village gate was opened, all the people in the queue were Ye family villagers. Some of them lost their support because of their relatives who were killed by immortals and turned into soul corpses; Take them away; there are still relatives who have not returned.

Yunqing also finally knew why there were so many houses in the relief station, and why Aunt Ye Six at the relief station kept emphasizing people donating food.It turned out that it was in response to a sudden disaster, and such a disaster also happened three years ago.

When queuing up, seeing the busy people, Yun Qing thought that she was well taken care of in Ye Family Village, and now Ye Family Village was in a time of disaster and was short of manpower, she wanted to do what she could for Ye Family Village.

When Yun Qing was helping Ming Yuniang to register, Aunt Ye Six, who was in charge of the registration, said, "The food relief station is short of food, and the slaughterhouse has a lot of things to do. Master Liu hopes you can help him."

She learned how to kill in a slaughterhouse, and now she has something to do, she will help, Yun Qing nodded and said: "Okay."

After Ming Yuniang settled down, Yun Qing came to the slaughterhouse, outside the gate of the slaughterhouse, Yun Qing saw the notice posted.

It turned out that in order to prevent the animals from mutating, it was required to dispose of all the poultry and livestock raised by the villagers. If they had mutated, the guards would deal with them.

Poultry and livestock have poor resistance to poisonous gas and have a long incubation period. Maybe one day they will turn into soul corpse pigs, soul corpse sheep or soul corpse chickens, and kill their owners.

The slaughterhouse hired villagers as helpers, and they were all paid, and the money was paid more than usual.

Silver is not a resource with aura, and it cannot be used in formations. The village is in trouble, and the villagers are also in trouble. Many institutions in the village do not allow villagers to help for free. Life is not easy for anyone.

Of course, the wages are the same for those who come to help, including Yunqing.

She didn't expect to have money, she was short of money, and this was Yun Qing's first time earning money in a slaughterhouse.

Yun Qing has already mastered the work of slaughtering poultry and livestock. With the help of unyielding skills, physical fitness and ingenuity, Yun Qing's speed and quality of work are not inferior to those of many people. Master Liu for ten years.

In the gap between decomposing pork, she also found time to 'help' several helpers kill chickens and ducks.Although killing poultry now only gives a few battle experience, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, and if it accumulates a little, it can add bricks and tiles to level up.

After being busy for about 6 hours, Yun Qing perceived the cave with her mind, and saw that the saplings in the cave had grown into big trees, ready to be harvested.

It's just that you can't harvest it with your mind, you need to enter the cave to harvest it yourself.

In order to harvest the big trees on the farmland, Yun Qing went to the hut.

Looking at the indescribable latrine, she prayed not to fall into the latrine when she came out of the cave, and with a thought, Yun Qing entered the cave.

Her level 1 energy is only 987. When she left the cave, it was 998, that is, a sapling growing into a big tree in the farmland would consume about 10 points of energy, and she spent another 1 point when she came in.

The big tree can indeed be harvested. Yun Qing placed her hand on the trunk and said silently: "Harvest!"

There is a progress bar in front of you, no need to cut down. When the progress bar is over, the big tree disappears.

Gathering experience +10;

Get wood*6;

Yunqing checked the system backpack, and there was a grid showing wood*6.

Wood: basic resource, can also be used to burn, not tradable.

Yun Qing wanted to take it out to see what the wood looked like, but unfortunately there was no way to take it out in the cave.

If you want to take it out for inspection, you need to go out of the cave first. There is a latrine outside. Too many times of entering and exiting the cave will increase the risk of falling into the latrine.

Asked the elf any questions, Yun Qing said: "Liu Liu, can you describe in detail the appearance of the wood in my backpack?"

"You have six pieces of wood in your backpack, each about three meters long, twenty centimeters in diameter, and weighs two hundred kilograms. It is hard and suitable for making wooden houses, raw materials for burning refined charcoal, making bonfires, and making various items. raw materials."

It is three meters long and weighs two hundred catties!
Fortunately, I didn't take it out of the hut recklessly for inspection, otherwise I would definitely poke a hole in the roof above the hut, and the lower part would not be able to bear the weight and go straight into the pit...

The picture was so beautiful, Yun Qing hurriedly stopped imagining it.

Xu Shi knew what Yun Qing was thinking, and Liu Liu added: "The wood harvested from the farmland cannot be used in reality."

"So that's what it means to be non-tradable. Can the things made by farmland or low-level crafting machines be used in reality?"


Great, there must be a way to make a lot of money.

(End of this chapter)

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