She is playing games in the immortal world

Chapter 6 Gathering Technique

Chapter 6 Gathering Technique

With a thought, Yun Qing put the wild strawberries she had just obtained into her backpack, and continued to use the gathering technique to collect wild strawberries.

Gathering experience +1;

Obtain intact wild strawberries*1;

This place has been harvested, Yun Qing looked at other places, and looked around, there are still many plants with words, but it is difficult to walk in the grass without a path.

There was a mature flax plant not far away, and Yun Qing broke off a shrub branch to drive away the snakes, insects, rats and ants that might exist in the grass.

After approaching, Yun Qing silently said to the flax: "Use the collection technique to collect flax leaves!"

Her hand didn't respond, and Liu Liu reminded her: "You can only use the collection technique on items that are equal to or lower than the requirements of your own collection technique, and you must have successfully collected this object before."

It doesn't matter if it can't be automatic, she can do it manually, the flax leaves need harvesting skill level 3, she collects the flax leaves more carefully.

Collection failed;

Get broken flax leaves;

It failed in the end, and the level of the collection technique was still a little low.

Looking at the damaged flax leaf in his hand, Yun Qing said: "Liu Liu, can this damaged flax leaf be converted into energy with an energy converter?"

"It takes 10 first-level energy to activate the energy converter. This damaged flax leaf can only get 0 to 1 first-level energy. The consumption is greater than the harvest. You must convert."

It's best to accumulate a little more resources for one conversion, take your time with energy matters, don't be in a hurry, and upgrade the gathering technique first.

Yun Qing looked for the next target with lower requirements. Looking around, there were all kinds of wild vegetables, herbs, wild strawberries, etc. The ground was full of experience and harvest.

She walked to the wild vegetable closest to her that only required a first-level harvesting technique, and collected it manually first, and then automatically collected it next time.

Gathering experience +1;

Obtain intact wild vegetables*1;

"Wild vegetables, restore satiety to 1."

Yun Qing looked at the palm-sized green wild vegetables in her hand, which were not delicious. She definitely wouldn't dare to eat them raw unless she was extremely hungry.

Income system backpack, target, dig garlic ten meters ahead.

Even though what she collected were wild fruits, wild vegetables, seasonings and other items of little value, but she had experience in collecting and could get things, and Yun Qing enjoyed it.

Occasionally, when her companions shouted loudly not far away, she also shouted loudly in response, and truly realized what it means to communicate by shouting.

Breathing the clear air in the wild is completely different from the modern feeling of speaking loudly and fearing to disturb others, which makes her want to sing a song.

The territory assigned to her seems to have a lot of things, but there are not many that she can collect in good condition.

If the collection technique requires more than three levels, she can't do anything about it and can only ask her partners to collect it.

There is no way to walk in the weeds, and it is still hard to gather herbs. Fortunately, the original owner has trained her body. If she had a small body in her previous life, it would be very difficult to persist for two hours, let alone one day.

At the end of the day, Yun Qing's gathering experience only increased by 90, and this was after successfully gathering several flax plants, and each flax plant gave 3 experience points.

Yes, after her test, she collects level 1 things at level 3 and gives 3 experience points, but she can't use the collection technique and has to do it manually.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, Yun Qing received Ye Qiaoqiao's call to gather at the side of the road.

When she walked out of the grass, Ye Qiaoqiao and the others were already waiting, and their baskets were placed aside. Yun Qing glanced at them, and saw that they were full of flax leaves, flax stalks, qi-tonifying ginseng, hemostatic grass and so on.

She looked dejectedly at her basket. There were only a few flax leaves, some green onions, ginger, garlic, and wild vegetables. Most of the wild strawberries were eaten by her because of hunger.

Although there were ten wild strawberries and five wild vegetables in the system's backpack, the value of these added up was no match for one or two of their herbs.

Yun Qing's gains were clear at a glance, and the few people were shocked at first, and then laughed.

Ye Daniu covered his cheeks with his hands and said, "I'm sorry, Sister Yunqing, we didn't mean to laugh at you, really, I couldn't bear it, you really only got these... these seasonings?"

It was too heart-wrenching, and it was too embarrassing. On the first day of work, I was laughed at by a few children.

The corner of Yun Qing's mouth twitched and said: "There are some wild strawberries, I ate them."

Ye Qiaoqiao pointed to the area assigned to Yun Qing and said, "Yun Qing, why don't you dig the qi-tonifying ginseng and hemostatic grass here?"

She also wanted to dig, but the harvesting technique level was too low, and digging would be a waste of these good medicines.

Ye Dachun answered for her, "Did you not recognize it?"

Yun Qing rolled her eyes secretly in her heart, she was hit again, can she chat and work happily together?

Ye Qiuyue took out a medicine hoe from the basket and said, "Yunqing, don't you have a medicine hoe?"

Ye Qiaoqiao and the others dug high-end herbs with hoes. Yun Qing purely digs them by hand, and high-end herbs will fail. If they can dig high-end herbs whole with the help of medicine hoes, the success rate will be much higher.

Yun Qing nodded and said: "I really don't have a medicine hoe. I know the qi-tonifying ginseng and the hemostatic grass, but when one enters the grass, the herbs that can be seen seem to be invisible."

Ye Qiaoqiao comforted: "It's okay, if you dig a lot, you will gain experience. After a few days of digging, I can dig up qi-tonifying ginseng, support myself, and save some money."

I was heartbroken, and after only a few days of digging, I was able to dig up the qi-tonifying ginseng. She is systematic, so she may not be able to dig out the qi-tonifying ginseng within a few days.

What Yun Qing didn't know was that, since they had been exposed to these things since they were young, they would naturally get used to them faster, and the tools were all prepared for them by the adults at home, unlike her, she had never eaten pork, never seen a pig running, let alone killed a pig Tool of.

After finishing work, several people went back to the village together.

The price of the medicine hoe is not low. On the way back to the village, several friends gave her various suggestions, some said to get a sharp stone first, and some said it is better to prepare more sharpened wooden sticks or bamboo, etc. Wait.He didn't alienate her because of her facial illness and her poor ability to dig herbs.

After returning to the village, there are special villagers at the gate of the village to register the people returning to the village.

Under the leadership of her friends, Yun Qing handed in all the resources she collected except those in the system backpack to the warehouse, and got five copper coins.

Ye Qiaoqiao and the others are all from Yejia Village, and they went home after handing over their things.

Yun Qing exchanged five copper coins for a baked potato.

'Baked potatoes, restore satiety to 20. '

She still lives in the single-room thatched hut arranged for her by the relief station. There are many houses in the relief station, but very few people live in the relief station. Most of the people living in the relief station are villagers who have lost their support. Pay a certain fee.

After eating a baked potato, Yun Qing touched her somewhat deflated stomach, she was still very hungry!She felt that she could eat at least five of these fist-sized baked potatoes.

The first day of work was over, and Yun Qing was barely half full, feeling too hungry to be hungry.

It will be dark now, and it is not convenient to find tools for digging herbs, and an upgrade is imminent.

After closing the door, Yun Qing placed his hope on the scroll drawn by the lottery in his backpack.

This was obtained by sacrificing 'someone' for 'One Hundred Years of Solitude', Yun Qing excitedly looked at the scroll in the backpack and said silently: "Use the scroll of experience!"

A mechanical voice sounded: "Only under certain circumstances can the activation of the experience scroll be triggered."

"Liu, the scroll can't be used! If this continues, people will starve to death."

Liu Liu: "I'm so hungry, I really want to eat meat."

(End of this chapter)

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