Chapter 7
Yun Qing raised her eyebrows and looked at Liu Liu. This guy has been hungry for more than four days, and nothing happened. If you think about it, you don't need to feed this dog.

She didn't give up, and continued to try various ways to open the scroll. She tried many times, but still failed, until there was a knock on the door.

Yun Qing opened the door, and outside the door was Ye Xiaolang with an impatient face.Ye Xiaolang stuffed a leaf bag in her hand, like a troublesome item, and said: "Keep one for tomorrow."

After speaking, without waiting for Yun Qing's reaction, she turned and left.

Yun Qing lowered her head and looked at the warm leaf bag in her hand. A corner of the food inside was exposed, and it was baked potatoes.

Sending charcoal in the snow, Yun Qing suddenly felt a little moved, and when he looked up again, the back of Ye Xiaolang, who was striding away, was already submerged in darkness.

Yun Qing returned to the house, opened the package, and there were three steaming baked potatoes inside.

'Baked potatoes, delicious value 1, restore satiety to 30, increase strength by 5 within half an hour. '

Food with attributes is much better than the baked potatoes she bought for five copper coins.

When collecting today, Yun Qing felt tired many times while walking in the grass, and needed to rest for a while before continuing.

Gathering tomorrow will be easier with this beefed up baked potato.

Yun Qing ate a few wild strawberries and put three potatoes into the system backpack.

When Ye Xiaolang came back, he easily inquired about Yun Qing's harvest today, and this was the scene where he exchanged food for her.

On the way to collect medicine the next day, with the help of four friends, she got a few small tools.

A pointed stone about a foot long, a solid wooden stick and two pointed bamboo sticks.

With the baked potatoes given by Ye Xiaolang and the help of these small tools, Yun Qing's collection was much easier, and he quickly rose to level 2.

Upgrading to level 3 requires more experience. Before the end of the work, she upgraded the harvesting technique to level 3, and can collect flax leaves through the gathering technique, and the harvest is more than double that of yesterday.

Regarding Yun Qing's harvest, Ye Qiaoqiao and the others were happy for her. Today, her harvest can support herself.

On the third day of collecting herbs, with the help of her friends, Yunqing improved the grass backpack to store more herbs.

She finally burst out the belated breath of the European Emperor, and came across a flax field.

When the collection was almost finished, she received a system prompt:
Obtained achievement: hemp picker, award achievement point 1, skill point 1.

Seeing this prompt, Yun Qing had a feeling that learning skills or upgrading skills in the future would not only require silver and spirit stones, but also skill points.

Hemp Picker: Gather 100 flax leaves in total.

Achievements don't seem to be difficult, but what's difficult is that she can't see the list of achievements, all achievements are hidden, and she needs to try.

After harvesting a flax field, her harvesting skill was upgraded to level 5, which allowed her to gather flax stalks, and she was able to gather flax stalks at level 5 in the field where she had collected flax leaves.

When the work was over, the flax leaves and stalks in the backpack surprised the friends.

Although the friends were happy for her, there seemed to be a bit of sincerity missing in their smiles.

Ye Dachun said in a slightly sour tone: "Sister Yunqing, you have gained more than me today, so you have to take care of us in the future."

No matter where you are, human nature is complicated. The people in Yejia Village are very nice and simple, and they are willing to lend a helping hand when others are in trouble, but they may not like people who are far inferior to them. In a few days, they will surpass them in collecting herbs.

They have taken care of her, and since she has golden fingers, it's fine for her to take care of them a little if she's not developed, but Yunqing definitely can't say that.

She smiled and said: "I was very lucky today. I found a field full of flax. I told everyone, but you think I have gained very little these two days. Let me, next time there is such a good thing, don't let it go." I'm here, let's pick together."

Ye Qiaoqiao smiled and said, "Next time you remind us, we will definitely go."

On this day, Yun Qing got one tael of silver plus two hundred copper coins. If he only ate baked potatoes, he could still live for a long time with these harvests.

The money needed to buy a medicine hoe was still quite a bit short. After repeated requests from Liuyou, she spent a hundred copper coins to buy a piece of raw pork without adding any attributes, and fed it to Liuyou, who said that it was only half full.

It was also on this day that she learned that she couldn't afford a potato with added attributes for more than one tael, and food with added health value was even more expensive.

Those chefs who have reached the realm of acquired martial artist use their own internal or spiritual power to purify the contaminated food and make delicious dishes.

When going to collect herbs, Yunqing will put most of the harvest in the system backpack, and the harvest left in the backpack will always be a little less than Ye Qiaoqiao and the other four.

In this way, in just a few days, Yun Qing's harvesting technique has risen to level ten, and he can collect qi-tonifying ginseng without tools.

There is one more thing, Yun Qing is sure.

The Zhongzhou Continent is not the Lingzhou Continent. People here don't know about the Lingzhou Continent, including those from the Chamber of Commerce.

Yun Qing suspected that the original owner had crossed the dark sea and entered another continent from one continent.

No wonder her 'sacrifice lottery drawing method' has no effect, the distance is too far, the delay is too long, the lottery items are not ideal, and the experience scroll in the backpack has no use at all.

What annoyed Yun Qing was that since the Gathering Technique reached the tenth level, no experience would be given for collecting anything.

Liuliu told her that the level of the collection technique was too different from her character level, and she could no longer gain collection experience. To gain collection experience, she needed to upgrade her character level.

Upgrading the character level, Yun Qing guessed that she was going to hunt small animals.

She wants to change her job. Before that, she needs to prepare a handy weapon.The big stones and small stones in her backpack are almost meaningless to go hunting.

There is a blacksmith shop in the village, where you can buy weapons. She, who has been selling medicines in a low-key manner these days, is still far from the money she wants to buy weapons.

Sell ​​the 100 sets of qi-tonifying ginseng and hemostatic grass in the system backpack, and maybe you can buy a weapon that is almost there.

There are not many herbs, and all of them can be exchanged for a few hundred points of level 1 energy by handing them over to the energy converter, but Yunqing is a little reluctant, so she puts them on emergency for now.

Just as Yunqing was worrying about how to earn money, a reminder came from the system:
"Ye Xiaolang's favorability towards you is +8."

"Ye Qiaoqiao's favorability for you has increased to recognition."

On the favorability interface, there are two people's names.

"Ye Qiaoqiao, with a favorability score of 8, I know her."

"Ye Xiaolang, favorability degree 2, I know you."

Yun Qing was puzzled, did Ye Qiaoqiao's strength advance by leaps and bounds to the Houtian realm?Or did she get some opportunity and potential?Why is her favorability much higher than Ye Xiaolang's?
Yoyo tempted: "10 favorability points, do you want to draw a lottery?"

Liuliu's words made Yun Qing let go of her doubts about Ye Qiaoqiao's favorability, and she said with some concern: "If I draw a lottery, will their favorability for me return to zero."

"No, it's just your system number, and you can't influence their thoughts. If you don't believe me, just try."

It made sense, Yun Qing eagerly opened the lottery interface.

Beginner lottery draws 10 favorability points once, and those who can hold back from the lottery draw are all masters.

Yun Qing muttered: "Sacrifice Liu Liu's three-day ration in exchange for Ouhuang, smoke!"

The turntable rotated, the pointer stopped at a question mark, and the question mark unfolded.

The system prompts: "Congratulations, you have obtained the combat auxiliary skill—Zhixin."

(End of this chapter)

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