Chapter 8 The Apprentice
After the lottery draw, Ye Qiaoqiao's and Ye Xiaolang's favorability for her has not changed in the favorability list, but the points in the lottery system are gone.

Look at the prizes you just got, skills?quasi-heart?

Yun Qing checked her backpack and skills, but she couldn't find where this auxiliary skill was.

The quasi-center must have something to do with aiming.

With a thought, a small stone appeared in her hand. She concentrated on throwing a twig ten meters away, and saw a red crosshair mark on the twig. This mark followed her to use her muscle power The size becomes larger or smaller or disappears.

Yun Qing swung his arm, and the stone was thrown, right where the crosshair was aiming.


Yun Qing was overjoyed, with this support, hunting was much easier.

However, she also knew that she should not rely too much on the crosshairs. It was okay to hit stationary objects, but the prey would not stand still for her to hit. If it was a bit more vicious, it could still fight her desperately.

Among her attributes, there is also divine consciousness. Divine consciousness locking is definitely easier to use than aiming, so this aiming is only suitable for her in the early stage.

Well, it is very suitable.

Yun Qing turned her head and looked at Liu Liu. In the future, she still needs to sacrifice something practical in the lottery draw, and only the ones she gets will be practical.

Liuliu: A bad feeling wells up in my heart.

Yun Qing tried a few more times, and roughly understood the use of the quasi-heart, but after using it more than ten times, she became mentally exhausted.

Ye Qiaoqiao accidentally saw Yun Qing collecting herbs once, and she was deeply shocked while secretly admiring her flowing movements.She has been picking herbs for two years, and she is the most powerful in the herb-picking team, and among the best in Yejia Village, but she is not as proficient as Yun Qing who has only been picking for a few days.

Yun Qing is not only very talented in understanding herbs, but also very talented in picking them. At first, she didn’t get any results because she couldn’t. and.

The talent is so high that Ye Qiaoqiao can't even feel jealous. She secretly made up her mind to work hard to improve her medicine gathering skills, and not to be complacent because of her good medicine gathering skills in Yejia Village.

At night, Yunqing came to the blacksmith shop in the village to learn more about the prices of various weapons, and to see which one was most suitable for her.

There are more than [-] kinds of weapons in the weapons shop, including knives, spears, swords, halberds, axes, battle-axes, hooks, forks, whips, maces, and hammers, and she doesn't know several of them.

Yun Qing looked it over and found that she liked the bow the most. This weapon can be used for long-range attacks, and it can be assisted by aiming. The bow is tailor-made for her.

I also want a melee weapon, a dagger, which can be used for self-defense and skinning; one inch is longer and one inch is stronger, and I need to choose a longer weapon for melee.

The idea is beautiful, but the reality is the backbone. In the past few days, with the few taels of silver she saved, she can only buy a metal arrow, let alone a weapon.

Just as she was thinking about how to get the weapon in a shorter time, a arrogant voice appeared: "Hey, why are you here?"

It's Ye Xiaolang!

Yun Qing smiled and said: "I want to see the weapons, and see when I can go hunting like you."

If you want to go hunting, you must go to the hunting group where Ye Xiaolang is. The reason why she is here cannot be hidden.

Thinking of a few days ago, he asked her what she could do, but she didn't know anything at that time.

Ye Xiaolang raised his chin slightly and asked, "Have you ever killed anyone?"

kill!Yun Qing was slightly startled, except in TV and movies where she watched actors kill people, let alone kill people, she had never even seen people kill people with her own eyes.

What does hunting have to do with killing? She just wants to hunt, not a hunter.

From Yun Qing's expression, Ye Xiaolang got the answer, he said disdainfully: "Then what did you kill?"

Yun Qing shook her head and thought: Do mosquitoes count?
"Then are you afraid of death, injury, or bleeding?"

so dangerous?Yunqing did see some injured villagers.

She swallowed, hunting is to kill animals, they will resist, and the hunter will be injured, bleed or even die. An inexperienced hunter like her may accidentally injure herself before seeing the prey.

Ye Xiaolang said: "Hunting is not what you want to kill, any prey will appear in front of your eyes, often a small team of people cooperate to hunt down one or a group of large carnivores. If you want to be a hunter, you must have the courage to face danger, A brave heart that is not afraid of bleeding and wounding, not afraid of death."

It seems to be much more difficult than imagined, but there is no way, her character level is a pitiful level 1, she can't stay in Novice Village until she dies of old age.

She looked at Ye Xiaolang firmly and said, "I know very little now, but I will study hard."

Ye Xiaolang has seen Yun Qing's ability to learn, regardless of gender, Ye Family Village welcomes everyone who is willing to become a hunter.

"Looking at your appearance, I guess you haven't killed anything, and you haven't reached the realm of acquired warriors. You can't even do odd jobs in the hunting team. Yejia Village can train hunter apprentices, but you are not from Yejia Village, and you need to pay five taels of silver. You Want to learn?"

She doesn't know the level of acquired warrior realm.Being an apprentice seemed to be a feasible path, Yun Qing pinched the few taels of silver in his cuff, and after handing over the five taels, there were no more than two taels left.

"I want to learn, may I ask what to learn?" Learning is investing in oneself, as long as it is not completely unnecessary, she is willing to spend money to learn.

"As an apprentice in a slaughterhouse, there are no wild animals for you to kill and practice. They are all farmed poultry and livestock. Although this can't improve your resilience, it can at least give you the experience of killing animals. After you start from there, Then you can join the hunting group to do odd jobs."

Kill poultry and livestock?Yun Qing did not expect that her second job after time travel would be to become an apprentice butcher.

If killing monsters can gain experience, then this job is the most fragrant job for her who has a system.

"I want to learn. May I ask how to pay the money and where can I learn?"

"You may not be suitable for this. Go to the slaughterhouse tomorrow to see the environment and see if you can learn it."

"Good! Thank you, little wolf."

"Don't call me wolf."

Back in the room, Yun Qing was lying on the bed full of thoughts. She had never seen a bloody scene. In her previous life, she went to eat roasted whole lamb with her family. When she learned that the sheep was going to be killed, she would try her best to dissuade her family from doing so. The kind of person who eats roasted whole lamb.

She is not a vegetarian, and has no feeling for the kind of processed meat in the supermarket. She will feel uncomfortable with the lives killed for her, except for fish and shrimp.

It may be that life is too happy to have such a heart. In this different world with imperfect laws and many dangers, one must be strong to protect himself.She hopes that her heart can be strong enough to adapt to the life of a butcher's apprentice in a slaughterhouse.

Yun Qing secretly made psychological preparations: My level cannot stay at level 1 forever, I must upgrade, the fate of the poultry and livestock raised in the village has been doomed early on, and no poultry and livestock in the village can die well.

(End of this chapter)

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