She is playing games in the immortal world

Chapter 73 The Disadvantages of the Big Villa

Chapter 73 The Disadvantages of the Big Villa
Yun Qing didn't care about the voices of discussion in the rear, nor did she care about the Xia family's continued increase in hatred towards her after she left.

She wanted to go back, waiting for the monsters to besiege the cave in three hours.

According to Yoyo, the content of the monster besieging the cave is similar to last time, the monster is either level 5 or level 10.

Last time, Yunqing was level 18, now level 30, and she has experienced it once, she feels that the problem is not serious.

Liuliu reminded: "Yunqing, I think you need to prepare for the monsters to attack the cave."

"Are the monsters the same as last time? Are they the same strength?"


Yun Qing thinks the problem is not serious, but reminded her, she still checks her backpack, stones, arrows and other long-range attack weapons are ready, the dagger is still there, the long knife is not repaired, but the melee weapons are not bad, don't worry Go to the blacksmith to repair the long knife.

Well, what is lacking is her energy.

In the Dongfu villa, Yun Qing was recuperating on the simple wooden bed, waiting for the monsters to attack the Dongfu.

Sleeping on a wooden bed with many big slits made Yunqing's back ache, and she heard the alarm sound in a daze.

"Didi! The monster siege of the cave will come in 3 minutes, please get ready."

It's finally here, I've been waiting for you for a long time.

Yun Qing got up from the simple wooden bed and jumped out of the villa.

The countdown to the monster's siege of the cave appeared, and soon became 0, and a combatable area appeared around the cave.

The little red dot on the mini-map in my mind moved slowly from the gray area to the combat area.

Yun Qing entered the battleable area and went to the place closest to the red dot.

A red dot enters the combatable area.

Chicken, Level 5.

A small stone hits the head of the chicken.

Combat experience +5;

The body disappeared, leaving a pile of money on the ground.

Obtained: 1 taels of silver.

Another red dot came from the gray area into the combatable area in the other direction.

Yun Qing said inwardly, "Not good!"

From her perspective, she couldn't see the combatable area on the opposite side, and there was a two-story villa in the middle.

A few days ago, in order to have a bigger house for cabinets and villas, she built as big a villa as she could, but only now did she realize that this 'big villa' not only blocked her sight, but also blocked her way.

The monsters that came out in front were not very fast, but Yun Qing, who was killing chickens in all directions around the 'big villa', was exhausted.

Yes, she is a little bit stronger than when she was at level 10, but what's the use? At that time, it took one stone to kill a level 5 chicken. Now at level 30, it also takes a stone to kill a level 5 chicken. pebbles.

The monsters appeared so sparsely that even if she was level 30, she definitely couldn't kill two chickens with one stone.

The chicken appeared faster and faster, and the angle became more and more tricky.

The one in the southeast corner just entered the combatable area for 1 second, and the next 1 second, another chicken entered the northwest corner.

She used jumping skills to jump onto the roof of the 'big villa', ran on the roof, ran from one end to the other, and used tumbling skills to jump off the roof, flying a small stone and killing a chicken.

She tried her best, and when the last chicken appeared, Yun Qing took a step back and watched it fly into the foundation and hit the 'big villa'.

After Yun Qing's little stone killed it, she saw sadly that a big hole appeared in her wooden wall.

Yun Qing said incredulously: "Liu Liu, why is the fighting power of the chicken so strong? When I fought against the sheep, it didn't even have such great strength."

Liuyou said lazily: "This is called monsters besieging the cave. It's not that monsters are besieging you. They attack the cave with bonus damage. Besides, can't the cave be used as a fence? Can't the wooden house be reinforced? If you build a fence, reinforce it Once the wooden house is built, it will not be easily breached."

She wants to make a fence and strengthen it, but the trees for the fence are still being planted, and the ore for reinforcement is still not dug!
It was too late to think about it now, what she had to face was the next difficulty, the level 10 sheep had already appeared in the battleable area.

A total of more than a dozen chickens were killed, and the silver she got was not much different from the silver and energy she used to use the skills.Fortunately, Yinzi is not so nervous now, and these chickens also gave her nearly 100 combat experience points.

Recently, she uses a lot of silver, and she is numb with silver.

Jumping skills Jump on the roof of the villa, bend the bow and set the arrow, metal arrows, targets, level 10 sheep that have entered the combatable area.


The arrow hit the sheep, emptied its health bar, and the arrow disappeared.

Combat experience +10;

The other sheep hadn't appeared yet, and Yun Qing still had time to pick up the goat's drop, but she was afraid that it would be too late, so she didn't jump off the roof to pick it up, but aimed her arrow at another red dot that was about to enter the battleable area.

Combat experience +10;

In this way, Yun Qing no longer ran around, but stood on the roof and used metal arrows to kill the sheep remotely.

However, seeing the piles of coins and items on the ground in the battle area, Yun Qing felt like ants crawling again and again, wanting to jump down and pick them all up.

In the past, seeing other people playing games and not picking up items dropped by monsters, she would only feel itchy in her heart, but now the drops are real money, meat, and papa fertilizer, which makes Yun Qing's heart ache.

Yun Qing bears it!
She can bear it, but some artificial intelligences can't bear it. She turns into an artificial mentally retarded person, rolling around in front of a piece of mutton.

"I'm so hungry, I really want to eat meat."

"Yunqing, I'm so hungry, I really want to eat meat."

"Yunqing, I want to eat mutton, can you pick up this piece of mutton?"

"Yunqing, you are a bad person, how can you not want mutton."

"Liu Liu, can you stop reading it, I want to pick it up too."

"I'm so hungry, I really want to eat meat."

"When did you get hungry?"

"It's too late to starve me. I was hungry for more than three days at the beginning of the game."

Yunqing: ...

She thought it was called: a dog at the beginning, nothing; unexpectedly, the dog thought it was: hungry for three days at the beginning, bigu can become immortal.


Enduring the lingering thoughts in her mind, she just hoped that after she finished fighting the monsters, those drops would not disappear, and she could still pick them up.

Fortunately, a lot of metal arrows have been built, so I can concentrate on shooting arrows.

Combat experience +10;

Finally, she survived the lingering thoughts and the sheep that appeared quickly one after another.

When the last five red dots appeared together, Yun Qing wanted to jump off the roof and fight with the five monsters.

But what she didn't expect was that the five red dots appeared in different directions this time, so she could only stay on the roof and shoot arrows.

Three chickens and two sheep, standing on the roof, the distance of throwing stones is limited, and they cannot throw monsters.

First kill the sheep with metal arrows, and after the sheep, kill the chicken with any weapon.

Combat experience +10;

Shoot a sheep, turn around and draw the bow, the chicken and sheep on the other side have already passed through the combatable area, the chicken has entered the foundation area, and the sheep has rushed into the farmland.

The damage of the sheep must be greater than that of the chicken. The point of the arrow is aimed at the level 10 sheep. The trees in the farmland block its vitals, and the vitals will appear in the next second.

Combat experience +10;

After the sheep dies, the chicken also enters the foundation area. The foundation is because she is not level enough and there is no foundation for expansion.

The attack distance is enough, and the small stone is in hand, hitting a chicken.

Combat experience +5;

(End of this chapter)

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