Chapter 74
The remaining two chickens disappeared under the cover of the big villa. Yun Qing rolled and jumped down from the villa to look for the chickens below.

As soon as she jumped off, Yun Qing didn't see the chicken, but saw a hole about a foot wide on the second floor of the villa.

Needless to say, the chicken must have flown up to the second floor through that hole.

Yun Qing could only feel a buzzing in her head, thinking that her paper villa was easily breached by chickens.

The hole was too small for a chicken to get in, but not for her.

She could only enter the house through the door on the first floor and run up the stairs to the second floor.

At that time, she put all kinds of cabinets and put them as convenient as she wanted, but now she feels that all these things are too in the way, slowing down her running speed.

Entering the second floor, two chickens flapped their wings and plopped around in the simple wooden cabinet, causing a lot of damage to the simple wooden cabinet with their mouths and claws.

Yun Qing saw that the chicken pecked at a wooden cabinet, and the charcoal stored in the wooden cabinet fell out of the cabinet and disappeared immediately when it fell to the ground.

She didn't think about why the chicken could fly up to the second floor, why the cabinet and the wooden house were so fragile, her hand was faster than her thinking, two stones were sent out one after another, and flew towards the chicken.

Combat experience +5;

Combat experience +5;

"Liu, my cabinet is broken, what's the impact?"

"I don't care, you pick up the mutton first, and I'll tell you."

All monsters are dead, the damage to the chest has happened, now it's best to pick up the dropped items.

Obtained: 1 taels of silver.

Obtained: 1 taels of silver.

After leaving the villa, Yun Qing ran around every corner.

Obtained: 4 taels of silver;
Obtained: 2 taels of silver;
Obtained: 3 taels of silver, Baba fertilizer*1;

Obtained: 3 taels of silver, 1 mutton;


Fortunately, the dropped items did not disappear. Yun Qing had just picked up the last pile of dropped items, and the countdown became 0.


"Congratulations, your battle level has been raised to level 31."

A burst of white light flashed across Yun Qing's body, as if he had opened up Ren Du's two veins.

"Congratulations, your character level has been raised to level 31."

Yun Qing glanced at the formula, the formula of Baba fertilizer: Raw material of Baba fertilizer.

Fertilizer can increase the production of farmland, and the raw material of Baba fertilizer must be Baba. This reward, Yun Qing ignored.

The surroundings of the cave were back to gray, and she upgraded to level 31 as she wished. The upgraded white light only brought her a slight sense of comfort, but she was not as happy as imagined.

"Liu, I picked up the mutton, what does it mean that the monster breaks through the cabinet 4/10?"

"The monster breaks through 4 of your lockers, and if it breaks through 10 lockers, the defense fails."

Yun Qing patted her chest with some fear and said: "It's so dangerous, I almost overturned the car."

The first time the monster besieged the cave, Yoyo didn't care at all, because Yoyo knew that the defense would never fail, because she didn't have ten cabinets, or the monster would only fail if all her things were demolished.

This time, Yoo reminded her, but it was already too late to remind her!

Yun Qing said: "Next time, before the hatred comes, we must fix the fence and strengthen the villa!"

"Next time, you can choose the level of the monster besieging the cave, and the things you will be given will be better."

Also, the experience this time is really not much compared to her current level. The silver she got, minus the skills used and the disappearing arrows, can only be said to barely make a loss, and she also got level 1 energy.


"Damn!" Yun Qing cursed secretly, her villa was destroyed, repairing those needs energy.

Looking intently at the wooden wall of the villa, the display on the wooden wall reads: "This wooden wall was damaged by an attack, repairing requires level 1 energy*20, do you want to repair it?"

Entering the villa, several floors displayed: "This floor was damaged by an attack, repairing requires level 1 energy*10, do you want to repair it?"

"This simple wooden cabinet was damaged by an attack, repairing requires level 1 energy*30, do you want to repair it?"

The contents of the destroyed simple wooden cabinet can still be inspected. Yun Qing saw that the simple wooden cabinet full of charcoal had lost about 20% of its contents.

Fortunately, she doesn't care about charcoal, that thing is just a product that she is reluctant to throw away and dare not sell in Yejia Village.

But, what should I do in the future? Sooner or later, things will be put away in the cabinet of her cave. The level and methods of the monsters will become stronger and stronger. Maybe the treasures of heaven and earth she put in the cave will be attacked by monsters. lose.

Yun Qing said depressedly: "Liu Liu, this is unreasonable."

Liuliu said meaningfully: "When you are still very weak, it is best to be kind to others. You don't have absolute strength, so don't spread hatred everywhere. If it weren't for the simplicity of the people in Yejia Village, when you showed off your storage bag, at that time, I'm afraid it would be There will be no tiles left in your cave."

If you don't have enough strength, it's really wrong to attract hatred.

Yun Qing secretly clenched her fists and said, "Liu Liu, can Wa's formula be smoked?"

"What tile?"

"Didn't you say that there are no tiles?"

"That's just a word. It's not tiles. There are only roof formulas. The primary lottery only has wooden roofs. Now you can go to the intermediate lottery and get stone ones."

"Okay! I'll study it."

She is now level 31 and has entered the postnatal realm. Apart from lottery draws, she has many things to study.

The three passive skills of physical fitness, ingenuity, and unyielding will can be upgraded. They all need a hundred taels of silver and a little skill point, which is not enough at present.

Purification skills are automatically improved as her character level increases.

It takes 10 spirit stones to upgrade the crouching skill, no.

Rolling and jumping upgrades require 500 taels of silver, which is not currently available, but can be earned.

Crosshair skills cannot be upgraded.

The upgrade buttons for low-level crafting machines and energy converters are no longer greyed out, they are upgradeable, and do not require silver and energy to upgrade, but it takes time to upgrade.

At present, these two machines have stopped working, and Yun Qing collects the items made by the low-level production mechanism and the energy converted by the energy converter.

Upgrade them, the upgrade time takes 24 hours.

The skills did not increase. Except for the three passive skills of physical fitness, ingenuity, and unyielding will, which were given by the system, the other skills were either drawn by lottery or rewarded by dungeons.

The character attribute, originally only had 100 blood points, but now it has become 200 points, and other attributes have not changed.

Intermediate lottery draw, 800 favorability points can be drawn ten times in a row.

The machine is currently being upgraded, so it is not a good time to draw a lottery. Even if she wants to draw a lottery again, Yun Qing intends to hold back her itching and wait for the machine to be upgraded before drawing.

"Yunqing, I have some good news for you. I now have a new ability. Do you want to spend a piece of mutton and a hundred taels of silver to activate it?"

Yun Qing raised her eyebrows, and looked at Liu Liu suspiciously. One hundred taels of silver might be the system price, and that piece of mutton might be a commission from Liu Liu?
"What new ability is it to warn if there are enemies around?"

"No, you give me the mutton first, and I'll tell you."

Yun Qing rolled her eyes, is she someone who doesn't give meat to dogs?
(End of this chapter)

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