Chapter 83 Tip Scroll
Yun Qing's body continued to slide down, and she didn't know how long it would take.

When sliding over somewhere, she clearly felt that she had slipped over a sticky place, and the coarse animal skin coat she was wearing seemed to have been damaged at that time, but she was wearing the original owner's clothes inside, and the clothes were still in good condition It is non-destructive, and because of wearing this dress, she is protected from being injured in the slide.

The more dangerous it is, the less you can panic.

Yun Qing thought that this place was not entered by the dungeon scroll she opened, but by entering the secret realm of the Zhongzhou Continent.

The secret realm of hell mode may only be for her level. If she comes back at a higher level, it must not be hell mode.

No matter what level, what secret realm, the most important thing is to leave alive.

I got a reminder scroll a few days ago, I don't use it now, and when will it be.

Yun Qing said silently: "Use the hint reel."

As soon as the reminder scroll was used, Yun Qing felt as if a burst of light scanned the entire environment, and then she saw a small map appeared in the upper right corner. The front of the small map was completely dark, and there was only a long passage behind, representing her green dot. Sliding down the channel.

A text prompt also appeared in the air: slide along the ramp to the secret realm.

Small print hint: You can use the torch to disperse the monsters on the ramp, and shake your body left and right to avoid the poison on the ramp.

With a thought, Yun Qing took out the torch from the system backpack and struck flint.

When the flint and steel struck sparks, out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of a black mass approaching her quickly.

There is a red font on the head of the black thing: red iron spirit insect, unknown level, and a long blood bar.


There was a huge disparity in strength, and Yun Qing couldn't help but tense in her heart. The instinct of her body made the blood flow and internal force all over her body involuntarily concentrate on her key parts in an instant.

She was sliding, except that her body could tilt left and right, she couldn't do other movements, and she couldn't enter the cave to hide.

The red iron spirit insect was getting closer and closer, ready to pounce on her, Yun Qing's trembling hand finally lit the torch in his hand, and the flame became bigger and bigger.

The sudden light of the fire made the red iron spirit insect, which had been in the dark all year round, a little afraid, and did not dare to attack rashly, it retreated cautiously.

And Yun Qing slid down with inertia, and was lucky enough to get out of the attack range of the red iron spirit insect.

Yun Qing looked at the small map, and the red iron spirit insects did not come after them.

The system prompt is really useful, you can use the torch to disperse the monsters on the ramp.

Slightly relieved, she took out another torch for redundancy and lit it, hoping that the torch could help her drive away the danger in the darkness.

She remembered that the system had just reminded her to avoid the poison on the ramp.

What kind of poison?

Before Yun Qing was puzzled for long, she saw a puddle of black sticky substance in front of her. The black puddle was in the middle of where it slid, and it looked poisonous. And narrowly avoided the pool of black poisonous water.

The slide continued, the torch in his hand was flickering and dimming, occasionally encountering red iron spirit insects in the passage, occasionally encountering poisonous water, Yun Qing dodged them one by one.

It's just that every time the black shadow of the red iron spirit insect appears, it will make her heart twitch. Can a torch made of ordinary wood really block the red iron spirit insect whose level cannot be seen?

I don't know how long it took to slide, but the speed of the slide became slower and slower, and the slope became more and more gentle. Yun Qing had gradually been able to control her body, and when she was about to stand up and keep her feet on the ground, the slideway had come to an end.

The end of the passage is no longer dark, but the light is dim.

Yun Qing looked up and saw that this place looked like a large artificially built site, and it was unknown how many meters deep into the ground.

The top is about [-] meters, similar to the ceiling, inlaid with several bright stones, bringing a dim light to the place.

And the place where she is probably has thousands of square meters, and the end can be seen at a glance. There is no monster, and there is no decoration at all. It looks like an empty field.

As far as the eyes can see, there is no way out, no system text prompts, and no guidance from Xuyuan Shangxian.

It's just that there seems to be a gate hundreds of meters ahead, and it is estimated that you have to pass through that gate to find the exit.

Yun Qing raised the torches in his hands, but he didn't know whether the two torches had been extinguished just as he was on the ground.

Just as she was about to take out the torch and flint and steel from the system backpack again, she caught a glimpse of a black figure sprinting from her left side from the corner of her eyes.


I didn't see any monsters just now, and yet another monster popped out of nowhere out of nowhere.

Yun Qing's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and she turned her body to the left using the rolling skill, and rolled over ten meters. With a thought, she lit the torch in her hand.

After settling down, she didn't dare to breathe, and looked at the black that just sprang out.

With a black body, a height of less than one meter, and four legs, she looks naive.

It turned out to be yo!
Yun Qing put her hands on her chest, and in her chest, her heart was still beating wildly.

She complained in a slightly trembling voice: "Liu Liu, didn't you not come?"

Did you know that she was almost scared to death just now.

"You used the reminder scroll. Since this is a secret realm and not a copy of the system, I fear that the system will not be fully replenished, so I'm here."

"Then why didn't you say anything in advance when you showed up?"

"I always appear by your side like this every time, and I haven't seen you say anything?"

That's right, Liuyou is like this every time, quietly appearing beside her, why is she scared to death now?

It's her who has been nervous and frightened by the black shadow, yes, it's the reason for the blackness.

"Liu Liu, you are a system elf, you should be able to change your form at will, right?"

"Yes, yes, it depends on how many spirit stones you have produced."

She doesn't have any spirit stones, and the shape doesn't need to change much, Yun Qing said: "Yuyou, by the way, many Labradors in other people's homes are white, can you change the color?"

Generally, monsters are rarely white. If yoyo is white, she probably won't be frightened by yoyo before she cultivates her spiritual consciousness.

"It only takes 500 taels of gold to change the coat color."

Actually wanting gold, Yun Qing persuaded: "Liu Liu, don't you think that your dark and shiny appearance is very popular with carnivorous animals?"

Liu Liu was unhappy, and retorted: "I didn't eat much of your meat, how do you say I'm shiny?"

"If you are white, no matter how much meat you eat, you won't look shiny."

Yoyo closed his eyes, Yunqing said that no matter how much meat he eats, it’s okay, so he moved his heart. He searched for system functions, and said after a while: "Use 50 taels of silver to experience the effect of changing colors once, and the duration is three days. Do you want to experience it?"

50 taels of silver, you can earn back by making two qi invigorating pills, Yun Qing gritted her teeth and said, "Success!"

A burst of white light flashed across Yoyo's body, and the originally black Labrador turned milky white.

The black dog turned into a white dog, and Yunqing spent 50 taels of silver 'for' a dog.

"Here, is there any good way to leave?"

The white yo looked at Yunqing's site, and after a while, the system text appeared: Do not touch the ground in the white circle with your feet, follow the prompts to close the formation.

In front of Yun Qing, eight small yellow dots appeared, corresponding to eight places near the wall, the closest one was three meters away from her, and the farthest one was a hundred meters away.

(End of this chapter)

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