Chapter 84

There is also a large white circle that appears at the same time. The white circle covers almost all the ground where Yun Qing goes to the gate. The eight yellow dots are all near the white circle. Inside the white circle, no one can set foot on it.

The nearest yellow dot is near her and outside the white circle. This yellow dot can be approached visually.

Yun Qing cautiously approached the yellow dot first, and when she got closer to take a closer look, there were yellow dots on the small map, but there were actually nothing.

"Liu Liu, how does it work?"

"Try digging."

Yun Qing took out the pickaxe and carefully dug the yellow dot on the map. After a while, a cylindrical metal object the size of a palm appeared in front of his eyes.

Before she could get confused, a clockwise transparent prompt appeared.

Yun Qing carefully twisted the cylinder clockwise according to the prompt, until she heard a soft 'click', the prompt icon disappeared, and the small metal cylinder was still there, Yun Qing let go of her hand.

On the small map, the yellow dots turned into seven.

The other seven were blocked by white circles, unable to walk over.

Yun Qing looked around, perhaps to prevent landslides, the walls here are not vertical and there are many sunken places.

If you can't walk, you can definitely climb the wall. Yun Qing tried it outside the range of the white circle, and was barely able to climb.

Although there are occasional places for footholds on the steep walls, the place is also very small. Fortunately, Yun Qing has been practicing the luck of the universe for some time, otherwise he would fall into the white circle every minute.

It takes a lot of effort to dig out the mechanism below the steep wall, but it is not difficult. Some buttons require clockwise rotation, some anti-clockwise rotation, some are pressed down, some are pulled out, etc.

Under the reminder of the system, Yun Qing carefully completed these operations until the last reminder point was closed, and she also climbed the wall and walked to the gate.

Unlike the usual elusive, Bai Liuyou also followed behind her, walking the steep wall to the gate.

"Boom!" With the sound, the originally tightly closed door was opened, revealing the scene behind the door. The artificially built wall was inlaid with glowing stones, illuminating a staircase leading down.On the walls on both sides of the stairs, there are words that Yun Qing can't understand.

The formation was successfully cracked, the gate opened, and the white circle behind had disappeared, as if there was no other way, Yun Qing walked into the gate.

As soon as he entered the gate, the gate behind him was closed, and he could only move forward, not retreat.

But what she didn't know was that just after she entered the gate, the formation that she 'cracked' behind her was functioning again, absorbing spiritual power, and returning to its original state.


After searching for Xiao Haoran who hadn't found anything in the mine, he had a whim to see if the greedy mortal who entered the mine was still alive.

When he returned to the mine, he found the hole opened by Yun Qing, the traces just dug, and the clear spiritual power fluctuations deep in the bottom of the hole.

He came here precisely to investigate the strangeness of the mine, searched all over the mine, only here was something abnormal, Xiao Haoran jumped into the cave.

He has divine consciousness, so he doesn't need a torch to illuminate it, but under the strange attraction, he can't walk upright in the lower glide passage and fly with the sword.

Xiao Haoran flew his sword to kill the red iron spirit insect. The red iron spirit insect that he thought could be easily killed by him was particularly strange here, and he was unable to cause damage to it.

What made him even more incredible was that the red iron spirit worm, which seemed to be only of the first order, was able to grab him with its claws, and it was difficult to break free. He finally struggled to break away from the red iron spirit worm The claws were burned by the ensuing venom.

He didn't dare to be careless anymore, the fire spirit power condensed the fireball technique and floated beside him to disperse the approaching red iron spirit insects, leaning his body to avoid the poisonous water in the passage, all the way down.


After entering the gate, Yun Qing looked at the strange words and symbols on the wall, which she didn't understand.

There is no time limit in the secret realm, and Yun Qing was not in a hurry, so she took out a pen and paper, intending to write down these symbols, maybe they will be useful in the future.

While she was concentrating on writing and drawing these words, the system translated these words: "Tian Shen Alchemy Workshop 4".

God?Alliance of Gods?
Isn't that an extraterrestrial demon?The alchemy workshop was built in such a hidden place?The fourth alchemy workshop?

The alchemy room is generally called the alchemy room. Is the alchemy workshop the alchemy workshop?
Wait, the predecessor of chemistry was alchemy, alchemy, etc. Yun Qing boldly guessed: "Liu Liu, is this the fourth secret laboratory of extraterrestrial demons?"

"Or maybe!"

Yun Qing continued to speculate that there must be a big secret in the laboratory of the extraterrestrial celestial demon, which also means great danger, no wonder it is in hell mode.

Yun Qing is still a little interested in what the extraterrestrial demons are studying in Zhongzhou mainland, but this is not a game, this is not a game, if she investigates this with her strength, she will be wiped out in minutes.

Even though she knew there might be no way out, Yun Qing couldn't help but said: "Liu Liu, this place is too dangerous, is there any way you can take me away?"

Liuyou rolled her eyes and said, "What do you think?"

All of a sudden, Yun Qing felt that the white rolling eyes looked much better than the black rolling eyes. The black rolling eyes were so obvious, and the white rolling eyes couldn't be seen unless one looked carefully.

There is no way to go back, only to go forward, Yun Qing carefully went down the stairs, hoping to find a way to leave through this ladder.

Just when she was halfway down the stairs, a red dot appeared on the small map. This was the first red dot she saw after going down the slide. Soon, she saw the true face of Lushan Mountain—— A red iron spirit insect patrolling upright.

Red Name: Species unknown, grade unknown.

It also has a long blood streak on its head.

It seems that it is not the same kind as the red iron spirit worm over there, Yun Qing said in his mind: "Liu Liu, since the reminder scroll is used, why the level of these monsters is still unknown, it should become known to be reasonable."

"It is known, you concentrate on watching them."

Yun Qing concentrated on looking at the red iron spirit insect walking upright. In addition to seeing the species and grade, there are also suggestions for killing:

Red Iron Golem, level 59.

Description of the monster: This is a puppet made with reference to the red iron spirit insect. It combines the advantages of both the puppet and the red iron spirit insect. It is the loyal guard of the alchemy workshop of the gods.

Reference: The Red Iron Puppet has been patrolling for a long time, the body material has degraded a lot, and the original characteristic of being afraid of fire has also emerged.It urgently needs to find iron ore, dark iron ore and other items to replace the degraded materials in the body.

The red iron spirit worm is afraid of fire, Yun Qing knew that a torch could at most drive it away, even if the material on the puppet was no longer good, it would be impossible to burn it to death with a torch.

The red iron puppet is a guard, and there must be a bigger place behind it.

"Liu Liu, if I light a fire here, will I burn out the oxygen and kill myself?"

After checking and calculating for a while, Liuyou said: "You can try."

If you try it, you probably won't. If you do, you will definitely tell her.

(End of this chapter)

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