Chapter 93
On the minimap at the top right, there is a yellow icon 200 meters to her left.

Yun Qing walked towards the location prompted by the system, and when there were only about ten meters left, Yun Qing saw a white halo on the ground, and there was nothing in the halo, presumably that was where the stairs to go up were located.

She approached and touched it with her hand, and unexpectedly found a hidden long ladder. The long ladder was vertical, and she couldn't see where it connected.

Yun Qing tried to climb up, and found that she could indeed climb.

"Senior, it seems that we can go up from here." She reminded Qin Feng who was still using his spiritual sense to carefully explore every inch of the land.

Qin Feng rushed to the vicinity of Yunqing after a few breaths, touched and praised: "The unique spirit stone, the climbing ladder made from the unique spirit stone that depicts hidden runes, is really a masterpiece."

The alliance of gods naturally has spirit stones.

It turned out that this was the Absolute Spirit Stone. After Qin Feng finished talking about the Absolute Spirit Stone, the unknown stone dug in the mine in Yunqing's system backpack finally had a name.

Absolute Spirit Stone: It can isolate spiritual energy and spiritual sense induction, and is a good material for refining weapons and arrays.

"Through this ladder, we must be able to go up. If we can get out safely, Qin will definitely thank you."

"Qin Feng's favorability towards you is +20."

After finally giving her a surname, Yun Qing smiled and said, "Thank you, Senior Qin."

"Miss Yunqing is really a good skill. Qin has been investigating for a long time but has not found this ladder. Miss Yunqing can find this ladder hundreds of meters away. She is no longer just talented in formation."

"Qin Feng's hatred towards you is +5."

Yun Qing had already adapted to Qin Feng's increasing affection and hatred at the same time, and she asked, "Is senior going up?"

"Miss Yunqing please, first, I'm afraid this peerless stone ladder is too old to bear Qin's weight."

Yun Qing nodded, grabbed the ladder with both hands, stepped on the invisible hidden ladder with both feet, and groped vertically with one hand to see if there was a ladder above. It was about a foot high, and she really touched the ladder. climb.

In a blink of an eye, after climbing dozens of steps, she was already as tall as Qin Feng, and continued to go up.

In the air, Yunqing seemed to have nothing in front, back, left, right, up, down, and as she climbed higher and higher, her heart became more and more palpitating, and her feet involuntarily weakened when she stepped on the hidden ladder, as if she was stepping on cotton.

Climbing out of thin air, occasionally there seemed to be a gust of wind blowing, Yun Qing had the illusion of shaking in the air, every time her heart beat seemed to jump out of her mouth, a sense of danger hit her wave after wave.

She had to use all her energy to concentrate, so that she had only one goal in her heart, which was to climb the black platform above. As she climbed higher and higher, the platform gradually became clearer and clearer.

Finally, after her hands and feet were soaked in sweat and a little slippery, she climbed up a thousand steps and finally landed on the upper platform.

And the omnipotent white-haired Liuyou didn't climb the stairs, but he didn't know when, and appeared beside her.

There was a faint light on the platform, and there were no red monsters as far as the eye could see, and the mini-map was also pitch black.

A little tired, Yun Qing gasped and looked down. He could see the light of fluorescent stones on the medicine field, and Qin Feng directly below him. He was climbing up at a speed that Yun Qing could not match.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" Qin Feng's tall feet were wide and wide, and after a few thumps, he climbed halfway. Yun Qing took three big breaths before Qin Feng poked his head on the platform.

She got up and rolled over and backed up several times to make room for Qin Feng to stand.

After Qin Feng came up, he observed with his spiritual sense first, and found that there seemed to be danger nearby. His strength was not enough, and he stretched his feet downwards. With a little force, the ladder made of Lingshi broke from the bottom, and the whole was crushed. He pulled it up, and he stuffed it into his mouth.

Yun Qing could hear Qin Feng eating in Ka Ba Ka Ba, but he didn't know that what he ate was the ladder they just used to climb.

"Boom! Boom!" At this moment, Yun Qing heard the sound of dong dong from far to near, and in the dim light, she saw something crawling from a distance.

Red name: Red iron spirit insect, level 70, long blood bar.

A monster of level 70, Yun Qing was startled, retreated to the platform, groped for the stairs, and was about to retreat, seeing Yun Qing like this, Qin Feng said: "It's just a monster of level nine, don't leave here, I Go fix it first."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he flew towards the 70th-level red iron spirit insect. He raised the four legs in front of him and used Wufeng swordsmanship. In an instant, the invisible spiritual energy around him gathered towards him, and the formed sword energy Attack the red iron spirit insect that just appeared.

The 70th-level red iron spirit insect jumped and waved its legs to fight, and when its spiritual power condensed, it defended itself airtight, and the spiritual power condensed, turned into a black spiritual power bullet and attacked Qin Feng.

The speed of their battle was too fast, Yun Qing could only see Qin Feng rushing up, and the two red iron spirit worms immediately fought together, not seeing their moves clearly, so they could only learn from the two sides. Blood volume to judge who has the upper hand.

The ninth-level monster is level 70. Yun Qing, who still doesn't know the conversion between level, level and cultivation level, silently keeps this number in his heart.

Qin Feng, who is at level 71, is not afraid of monsters at level 70 at all. He is afraid that there is a big gap between 70 and 71.

The level 70 red iron spirit worm has more blood bars than Qin Feng's, but its blood bar drops much faster than Qin Feng's.

Fighting can't help, but Yunqing wants to grab experience and pick up monster drops.

When she walked out of the platform, Yun Qing knew what Qin Feng meant by asking her to stay on the platform and not leave.

It turned out that there was a safe zone, leaving there, one could feel the spiritual power and sword energy damage in their fighting techniques. Even though they didn't target her at all, her blood was falling drop by drop uncontrollably.

In Qin Feng's view, the platform is equipped with related formations.

She wants to return to the platform quickly, but she really wants the level 70 monster to drop it.

To die for the daring, to starve to the death of the timid.

With a thought, Yun Qing held two stones in her hand, gathered strength, and she wanted to hit the level 70 red iron spirit insect.

The crosshair appeared, but it was still difficult for her to aim at the fast-moving level 70 monsters in battle.

Seeing that her health had dropped to 65, Yun Qing knew that she had to return to the safe zone quickly.

Can't control that much, the stone was thrown, Yun Qing returned to the platform, and her life was only 63.


"Battle experience +100!"

One hit!Just don't know who was hit.

Looking at the level 70 boss whose health bar was getting less and less, Yun Qing silently waited for it to die, to see if Yoyo could pick up something good for her.

The battle between the two monsters continued. During the battle that Yun Qing couldn't see clearly, the blood bars of the two monsters kept dropping. In the end, Qin Feng's blood bar dropped by a third, and he lost a leg on each side.

He emptied all the blood bars of the level 70 red iron spirit insect, and he removed all the legs.

After the level 70 red iron spirit worm died, Qin Feng ate on the spot, took apart the dead red iron spirit worm, and ate it in large pieces.

It turns out that this red iron spirit insect is not a real red iron spirit insect. It has no flesh on its body, and it is all refined from ore. Inside are the formations that control it and the natural treasures that drive it.

(End of this chapter)

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