She is playing games in the immortal world

Chapter 94 Qin Feng Distressed

Chapter 94 Qin Feng Distressed
Yun Qing waited for quite a while, but did not see Liu Yao come back from picking up things.

This made Yun Qing suspect that it was Qin Feng who was hit by her trying to lose blood just now.

Yes, she hit Qin Feng, who could have hit the red iron spirit insect, but Qin Feng stretched out his leg to block the stone when he saw the stone coming.

After Qin Feng ate the red iron spirit worm, his blood bar returned to more than before, but the lost leg failed to grow back, which didn't affect him who had many legs and didn't feel pain.

After some spiritual exploration, Qin Feng found two places where the spiritual sense could not enter.

"You wait here first, I'll go and investigate." Not to mention that it's too dangerous to bring a mortal in everything, Yun Qing also has her weirdness, he doesn't want her to participate in everything.

"Yes!" Strength determines everything, and she can understand that Qin Feng didn't take her to explore the unknown map.

After Qin Feng left, the system didn't give her further prompts to crack the secret realm, so Yun Qing explored the map in the safe area.

After checking around, the small map in the upper right corner opened up a little bit, and she checked the safety zone in detail. Yun Qing noticed that the ladder going down disappeared.

Thinking of the sound of Qin Feng eating when he came up, Yun Qing boldly guessed: "Liu Liu, Qin Feng couldn't have eaten a ladder not long ago!"

"I don't rule out this possibility. Without a ladder, I'm afraid you won't be able to go up and down freely."

"Yes, I only have a rope, but it's not so long. It's barely possible to go down, but it's almost impossible to go up again. You have to find a way out on the top, or you can go down with 100% certainty that you don't need to go up again."

Yun Qing groped around the ladder for a while, and felt something, it seemed that Qin Feng hadn't cleaned the ladder.

Holding it in the hand, it looks like a white translucent silk thread, but the light is dim, so you can't see it clearly.

When Yunqing was about to ask Yoyo what it was, a white translucent silk thread appeared and a system prompt appeared: spider silk.

Spider Silk: A precious resource that can be used to craft weapons or clothing.

Yun Qing happily put it into the system backpack. The dungeon with difficulty in hell mode is good. As long as it is not eaten by Qin Feng, you can find good things in many places.

After waiting for a while, Yun Qing didn't see any movement, nor did she see Qin Feng come back.

She can't put all her hopes on Qin Feng, she has to find a way out.

"Liu Liu, I'm going out to check the situation."

"Is that right? Be careful that all the good things will be eaten by Qin Feng. You only have to pick up fertilizer and broken wood."

"Isn't this also picking up two good ones?"

Stepping out of the safe zone, she carefully explored the secret realm.

Yun Qing searched around the safe zone so that she could escape back to the safe zone at any time in case of danger.

Outside the safe zone, the light is dim, and as far as the eye can see is a flat area with no end in sight.

As expected, she didn't encounter any danger, and she didn't encounter any good things with good luck. Occasionally, she saw some fighting scenes. The traces were very new. It might be Qin Feng's work. She didn't see any monster corpses. It has been eaten by Qin Feng.

Along the way, there were a lot of dusty fluorescent stones. She didn't dig out the fluorescent stones and let them continue to illuminate the secret realm. There were quite a few in her system backpack, which was enough for her own use.

Yun Qing's search became wider and wider, but she couldn't see Qin Feng's shadow, nor did she find any other clues.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Yun Qing, who was searching, heard deafening explosions in the distance.

"Liu Liu, did Qin Feng encounter a situation or danger? The sound of the explosion doesn't look like it was caused by a fight."

Qin Feng is not her teammate, she can't see his position and health status.

"If you want to know the situation prompt on the side of the explosion, you need to be within a certain range."

"Then I'll go and have a look!"

Yun Qing no longer looked for clues near the safe zone, but went straight to the place where the sound of the explosion came from.


The huge explosion destroyed the formation of alchemy workshop No. 4, quickly consuming the spiritual energy in the alchemy workshop.

Xiao Haoran, who was trapped in the formation, was already at the end of his strength.

The pills, spirit stones and all the things that can replenish the spirit energy on his body have long been exhausted, and he is just relying on his last perseverance to support himself.

At this time, it seemed that there was no continuous attack from spiritual beasts, so he meditated on the spot, trying to recover his spiritual power.

Zhou Tian hadn't run yet, and the whole person fell into lethargy. His body and primordial spirit were consumed too much in this trap, and he urgently needed to let his body recover automatically through sleep.


Along the way, Yun Qing also encountered no danger, and only saw traces of newer battles.

After running for more than a mile, she saw the end not far ahead, all gray and black rock walls, and there was a place where dust was billowing, presumably it was the place where the explosion had just happened.

Yun Qing arrived at the place where the explosion occurred, observed carefully, and saw brand-new marks like swords on the ground, which seemed to be left by Qin Feng.

Among the messy ore in front of him, there was no written reminder of Qin Feng's name, and Yun Qing couldn't tell whether he was crushed by the gravel or had gone far away.

"Senior Qin, are you there?"

There was no response from Qin Feng.

No matter whether Qin Feng responded or not, Yun Qing also planned to stay here for a while, because she saw a lot of text prompts:
Black iron ore, can be collected.

I don't know if Qin Feng blasted the mine out of good intentions, exposing so much black iron ore, it was all for her.

"Collection experience +31!"

Obtained: black iron ore*1.

"Collection experience +31!"

Obtained: black iron ore*1.


"Collection experience +100!"

Obtained: black iron concentrate*1.


Yun Qing was very busy collecting black iron ore, and in a blink of an eye, she already had a set of black iron ore.

Unfortunately, due to lack of preparation, her pickaxe has been damaged.

If the pickaxe is broken, you can dig with bare hands, but the opponent will be damaged and the speed will be slower, but the system will repair her movements so that she suffers the least damage.

Yun Qing lowered her head to look at her hands. Her delicate hands were now full of old and new wounds and calluses due to her long labor.

Looking at the extremely hard black iron ore, this thing is really difficult to dig.

By the way, Qin Feng likes to eat ore, he may not be here, otherwise it would not be her turn to collect so many ore.

Qin Feng, who was seriously injured by the explosion, woke up from a coma. He saw that he was in a strange pool, and in this pool, it was not water, but something called the water of the gods by the extraterrestrial demons.

In the pool, he saw his body melting little by little. He no longer had a leg, and the eyes on each leg were all melted in the water of the gods.

His body was also slowly melting in the water of the gods. For a hundred years, he had been integrated with this body for a long time, and his soul could not be separated.

Just after waking up, with just two breaths, Qin Feng understood his situation, he couldn't leave this place.Feeling the gradually blurred spiritual consciousness, I said: I am delusional, I have already known that the transformed body cannot leave this place at all.

However, he still has a lot of unfinished business. He is not sure about the current situation of Yan'er, the foundation he has laid down for hundreds of years, his property, the current situation of his Qin family village and so on.

Yun Qing was about to plan the ore with his hands, when Qin Feng's weak sound transmission came from his mind.

"Miss Yunqing, but you?"

(End of this chapter)

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