Chapter 95
There is something wrong with Qin Feng's voice. Could it be that he is so injured that he can't eat ore?Spiritual awareness can confirm that it is her, why do you have to ask this question?Yun Qing hurriedly replied: "It's me, Senior Qin, what's the matter with you?"

"Qin is trapped here, I wonder if Miss Yunqing can do something for Qin?" Yunqing is strange, maybe there is a good opportunity, but he can't trust her, and he is not willing to give away his important affairs, property, The foundation was handed over to her.

She didn't even have a Qi training period, and she couldn't even make an oath to the heart demon.However, he could not escape today, and he had no other choice.Either disappear in the Zhongzhou Continent with everything related to him, or hand it over to Yun Qing, and keep it in mind.

Yun Qing was puzzled, Qin Feng said he was trapped here?Trapped in the alchemy workshop of the heavenly demon outside the territory, he had known this for a long time.

It seems that he means trapped under this pile of ore, unable to get out?

She suspected that he was injured so badly that he couldn't walk, even so, Yun Qing believed that he could make her disappear in an instant.

But doubting her for a while, and Qin Feng's favorability for a while, Yun Qing worried that he would not be able to survive with labor and capital, and no one would want to live a good life.

No matter what Qin Feng wanted to do, she couldn't run away, so she simply continued digging the unfinished half of the ore in front of her.

Meditate: "Collect black iron ore."

With the help of the system, she dug up the ore by hand.

At the same time, he replied hurriedly: "Senior, don't worry, I will dig the ore right away, and senior will come out."

"Qin Feng's favorability towards you is +20."

Sensing Yun Qing's movement, Qin Feng said: "Thank you, Miss Yun Qing, don't waste your energy, I'm afraid Qin will die."

"Collection experience +31!"

Obtained: black iron ore*1.

Yun Qing quickly pulled the newly collected ore into the system backpack with both hands, but she just dug a piece with her bare hands, and her fingers were broken in two places.

With her fingers connected to her heart, she took a breath and continued to dig the ore: "Senior, please be safe, we will definitely be able to get out, and I will dig the ore as soon as possible."

"Qin Feng's favorability towards you is +20."

Yun Qing's actions were all within Qin Feng's spiritual observation. Rather than disappearing into the world with secrets, it is better to leave a glimmer of hope before death.

"Miss Yunqing, Mr. Qin has something to trouble Miss, if Miss can help Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin would like to thank you very much."

Qin Feng asked her to help with something, how can he be sure when she will do it, and how to give a big thank you?How do these work?

Yun Qing still doesn't understand the means of cultivating immortals. Qin Feng has such a high level of cultivation, and he has hatred towards her. She is worried that he will play tricks.For example, the limitation of spiritual consciousness, the control of spiritual consciousness, the primordial spirit staying on her body, etc.

Yun Qing, who was digging the ore by hand, insisted: "Senior, you can definitely complete your work by yourself. If you persist, I will dig the ore as soon as possible."

"Qin Feng's favorability towards you is +30."

"Qin Feng's affection for you has increased to friendly."

Yun Qing looked at it inexplicably and became friendly. She also experienced the strange thinking of a bunch of people. The more she refuses, the more she will develop a good impression.

It's a pity that there is hatred between the two, otherwise they can form a team and check each other's current position and status.

"Please also ask Miss Yunqing to help Qin." Qin Feng's voice transmission became weaker and weaker.

Yun Qing stopped digging the ore and asked: "Is there anything I can do, please let me know, senior."

"If Miss Yunqing can leave this place, please help..."

Qin Feng used the sound transmission technique, and before Yun Qing could reply, a piece of information was quickly passed into Yun Qing's mind.

The information came in too fast, some were Qin Feng's description, some were Qin Feng's emotions, Yun Qing sorted it out and summed it up.

Qin Feng, who cultivated in the Nascent Soul stage, met Bai Wuyou when they were more than ten years old, and became a Taoist couple for hundreds of years.

When he and his Taoist companion pursued higher cultivation levels when they were young, they did not think about future generations. Later, because their cultivation bases were too high, they had no children for many years.

The two Jindan stage used some means to enter the Nascent Soul stage when their lifespan was about to expire, and it is unlikely that they want to cultivate to a higher level in this life.

Being able to prolong his life by cultivation, Qin Feng doesn't care about his offspring, he can live by himself.

But knowing that his lifespan is limited, every gene in his body is urging him to pass on the family line.

Due to the problem of the method of conceiving the baby, some unknown problems gradually appeared in his body, and he could not live to the 200 years of the Nascent Soul Stage.

There is no hope for himself, and he is more and more eager to have a descendant. He discusses with Bai Wuyou, but Bai Wuyou also has problems with his body, and it is impossible for her to have a descendant in this life.

He once promised Bai Wuyou that he would be a couple for the rest of his life, but day by day, without offspring, he had no hope for life.

He can die and let him do anything, but he must have a son as a continuation of his life to prove that he has come to this world, even after that, it would be good to let him become a eunuch.

He and Bai Wuyou mentioned separation, but the other party disagreed, so he left Qinjiazhuang in a fit of anger.

Those with a high level of cultivation are not good enough, then look for someone with a low level of cultivation. Qin Feng wanders the mortal world, doing chivalry and righteousness in the mortal world, and soon meets a mortal woman who admires him and is willing to bear children for him.

Perhaps it was God's favor for him. He hadn't been with the mortal woman for long, and it was convenient for her to have his flesh and blood. Under the observation of his spiritual sense, he was indeed his son.

The arrival of his son rejuvenated his life, and what he had to do for the rest of his life was to protect his son and raise him up.

After waiting every day, his son was finally born safely. He named him Qin Yan, which was the continuation of his life.

The Taoist couple couldn't accept this, so he placed the mother and son in another garden.

More than ten years ago when he was captured by the demons outside the Territory, one day he was not in Bieyuan, and Bieyuan was sought for revenge. When he rushed back, he only saved his newborn son, Qin Yan's mother, and Qin Yan who protected them. The mother and son's monks all died tragically.

After Bieyuan was bloodbathed, Qin Feng took Qin Yan back to Qinjiazhuang and took care of it himself.

What made him very gratified was that Qin Yan's aptitude was not bad. Under the nourishment of heaven and earth treasures, he practiced until the day after tomorrow at the age of 15, and he may not have no hope of cultivating to a higher level in the future.

But what pleased him was that not long after Qin Yan entered Houtian, he seemed to have enlightened himself. He practiced extremely fast and solidly. It took only one year to enter Xiantian from the Houtian level. After two years, he had already cultivated to Qi later stage.

However, Qin Yan, who was in the late stage of Qi training, disappeared in Qinjiazhuang for no reason.

Qin Feng traced his whereabouts to the vicinity of the Xuantie mine through clues, and inadvertently broke into the forbidden area of ​​the extraterrestrial demons, which is the alchemy workshop of Tianshen No. 4.

Trapped in the formation, after fighting for several days and nights, he was caught off guard by the phantom formation in the end. He fell into a coma without checking for a while, and when he woke up again, he was the red iron spirit insect that Yun Qing saw.

In the days that followed, he was sometimes sober and sometimes dim. In the few years when he first became a red iron spirit insect, there were still many monks in this forbidden area. In the decades before Yun Qing came in, there was no one.

What Qin Feng wants her to do is to investigate Qin Yan's whereabouts and whether he is still alive.

He also investigated the bloodbath in Bieyuan back then, but the clues point to... He is not willing to disrupt his life because of these trivial matters. let bygones be bygones.

(End of this chapter)

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