Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 1 Past and Present

Chapter 1 Past and Present
"Little greedy cat, don't play such childish games. I just read a cool article. The heroine shouldn't be too handsome! I'll send it to you right away, you must read it! If I ask you tonight, you won't be able to answer You are dead!"

Seeing the message sent by her friend Xiao Xiao, Li Chanmo couldn't help but support her forehead, resigned herself to closing down the farm, and opened the e-book sent by Xiao Xiao to read.

Li Chanmo and Li Xiaoxiao grew up together in the orphanage, so for Li Chanmo, the so-called family in this world is only the dean Li's mother and her friend Li Xiaoxiao who grew up together.

The status of an orphan made Li Chanmo develop a somewhat introverted personality, she doesn't like to make friends, she doesn't like to go out, usually besides working, she just plays small games at home, oh, there are also novels that Xiao Xiao forces to read.

Although they both grew up in an orphanage, Li Xiaoxiao and Li Chanmo have completely different personalities. Li Xiaoxiao is lively and cheerful, has many good friends, and has recently dated a boyfriend.

Li Chanmo sighed. When Xiao Xiao didn't talk about her boyfriend before, the two of them lived in this small rented house of tens of square meters, and they felt very satisfied, but now she is left alone, and sometimes she will inevitably feel a little lonely .

Li Xiaoxiao loves to read online articles, especially those about strong women in the last days. Even Li Chanmo was forced to read a lot of them. Just when Li Chanmo was complaining about herself, Li Xiaoxiao came to supervise the post again.

"Little Greedy Cat, how are you watching? Take a good look, my sister will ask questions tonight."

Faced with this nickname that has been called for 18 years, Li Chanmo was unable to complain, and began to reply resignedly: "Respected Mr. Xiao Xiao, the little one will definitely fulfill his mission!"

Opening the e-book, Li Chanmo couldn't help but frown when she saw the title of the book, "The Killer of the End Times is Not So Cold", it must be another novel in which the heroine leads the younger brother to kill everywhere...

Before the apocalypse, the heroine was a ruthless killer, usually "robbing the rich and helping the poor" besides killing people.

When the apocalypse came, he stole a jewelry tycoon's treasure, the streamer bracelet, and dripped blood on the bracelet while cutting vegetables, thus opening up the portable space, opening up the road of collecting beautiful men, fighting monsters and upgrading.

Fortunately, the article is not long, and it took Li Chanmo almost an afternoon to finally finish it. Generally speaking, the character of the heroine is good. Although Li Chanmo doesn't like the np ending, she can accept it after reading too much.

Oh, I don’t want to. I haven’t seen her farm all afternoon. Her food won’t be stolen. I’m going to level 99 soon. At level 99, I can change the theme background, and the most important thing is to have a research institute.

After harvesting a crop of cabbage and successfully promoted to level 99, Li Chanmo immediately bought a mine, and the 80000 gold coins disappeared in an instant. It was really a month of hard work, and once I returned to the pre-liberation!
Changed the background of a fairy tale, with layers of mountains in the distance, filled with fairy mist.

Her farm is on a large plain, on the right side are several small rivers converging into a big river to the distance, in front of it is a sea, and there is a pier, from which the orders at sea are sent out.

In addition to the two boats that come standard with the system, there is also a rubber boat that she won in a raffle and five surfboards.

At level 99, all the farmland and the surrounding plots are unlocked. There is a lot of space, and Li Chanmo took the trouble to carefully plan and decorate it.

"My home" is a three-story villa with a big yard, a swimming pool and swings next to it. It is mainly a personal center to hire friends. The poultry hut, the pig's house, the continuous house, and the milk hut are all placed in the villa. On the land behind, the processing workshop, mine, and research institute are all on the left side of the villa.

In front of the villa are 24 pieces of fully developed farmland. In front of it is a large open space. Li Chanmo paved a white stone road in the middle to separate the left and right open spaces. On the left are some decorations, electric sheep, bicycles, tractors and harvesters. There are also roadside stalls, ice cream stands and more.

On the right is the place she uses for leisure and entertainment, lunch table, pool table, swing, etc. Of course, these occupy a small space, after all, it is such a large space.

All kinds of small flowers are decorated around, sunflowers, roses, tulips and so on.

Li Chanmo also planted a circle of peach trees, plum trees and other trees around the house, adjusted the position of the last street light, and nodded with satisfaction looking at her masterpiece. This is her ideal home.

I also looked at the decorations in other themes. I bought all the ones I liked, such as the worry-free spring in "Blooming Blossoms on the Other Shore". , beach chairs, swimming pool, etc. are placed by the sea.

In the end, I bought a lot of things in other themes until I spent only 100 gold coins before stopping. After all, she still has to buy seeds.

After all this work, I was able to collect the eggs, milk, wool, pork, etc., and then sold it, and got back a lot of money. Then I thought about what to plant next. After all, there is no need to rush to upgrade now, just work hard to make money That's fine.

After thinking about it, I still bought the most expensive ginseng. Making money is the most important thing. All the orders have been completed, and the ginseng still has 48 hours to mature, so I suddenly became idle.

I didn't know what to do for a while, I looked at the farm on the computer screen, it was full of vitality, 4 aunts, 4 uncles and 4 middle-aged people walked back and forth on the road, this is the farm service personnel that comes with the system.

There was also a handsome guy in a suit with an exclamation mark on his head, and she couldn't help but click on it again because of her obsessive-compulsive disorder. The handsome guy still said, "Will you sign a master-servant contract with me? Diamonds, land expansion materials, crops , Workshop products, as long as it is your wish,,,,"

Suddenly, the system prompts me to get 1000000 gold coins, 100000 diamonds, and 100000 bags of each crop seed,,,

Li Chanmo realized that she had actually spent money on this kind of game after realizing it!

That's how the contract was signed!

Suddenly, I feel that this super invincible handsome guy is a trap!
100 yuan, what kind of fantasies do I have, how many instant noodles and ham sausages do I have to buy!
Picking up the water next to the computer, he took a sip to suppress his shock, probably because he didn't read the almanac today!

I accidentally choked again, is there such a thing as unlucky?

Just when it was too late, Li Xiaoxiao pushed the door and came in, "Little cat! Sis is back!"

He was yelled at by Li Xiaoxiao's loud voice, but he didn't catch up, stretched out his hand, and poured a glass of water onto the computer!

It really is true that I did not do good things in my previous life.

With a sound of "stab", sparks shot out from the computer and the entire circuit, and the burnt smell permeated instantly!

Can life still be miserable?

In the vagueness, I seem to hear Xiao Xiao's shouts, as if my hair is standing on end, it's over, it's really dead this time.

What no one saw was that on Li Chanmo's computer, the two running programs formed a vortex. Amidst Li Xiaoxiao's screams, Li Chanmo disappeared after being rolled up.

"Beep beep..." There was a knock on the door, "Miss Er, are you awake?"

"Huh?" My head is so dizzy, isn't it dead yet?
So lucky!

Thank goodness, thank goodness, she will never torture herself to death for 100 yuan again!
In a daze, I heard knocking on the door again, "Second Miss, are you awake?"

Li Chanmo couldn't help saying: "En!" Otherwise, she guessed that as long as she didn't make a sound, the sound outside the door would keep ringing. She is very dizzy now and just wants to sleep.

She has been in a daze, as if she had a long, long dream, a little girl who has been remembering for a long time.

And what surprised Li Chanmo was that this little girl was also named Chanmo, but her surname was Zisang, Zisang Chanmo.

Before the little girl in the dream was ten years old, she lived abroad with her mother. The mother in her memory was a beautiful and gentle woman. Unfortunately, on her tenth birthday, her mother had a car accident on the way to buy her a birthday cake.

Immediately after she was taken back to China, she met a man who claimed to be her father, a brother who was 8 years older than her, and a sister who was 5 years older than her.

Everyone told her that she was her father's illegitimate daughter. In this family, except for her father's love, everyone else hated her.

Her brother's ignorance and her sister's criticism made the little girl feel more inferior, and her father's sudden death a week ago dealt her another heavy blow.

After walking through a little girl's life in a dream, Li Chanmo felt her head was even more dizzy, and she was in a drowsy sleep for an unknown time, until the sound of beeping in her head sounded.

"DiDiDi... System Activation... Didi DiDi... System Binding... 99%, 100%, DidiDi... The system is activated successfully, DiDi Didi...welcome master home."


As a girl whose friend was stuffed into countless goofy novels, she immediately realized her situation. She didn't expect that she was not dead, but reborn!
And it looks like there is a golden finger?system!
Could it be that what I saw just now is the memory of "myself"?

Now I am Zi Sangchanmo!

 Although the first 20 chapters are particularly bad.But if you can stick to Chapter 50, it should be much better.Let's spray more violently~
(End of this chapter)

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