Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 2 What a big golden finger

Chapter 2 What a Big Cheat Finger
After finally opening his eyes, the large expanse of white powder that came into his eyes was indeed not the small house of tens of square meters rented by himself and Xiao Xiao. It is estimated that this room is much larger than her rental house.

Every girl has a princess dream. Compared with Li Chanmo, Zi Sangchanmo is much happier than her. Although she had no father before the age of ten, she had a gentle and virtuous mother. Accompanying him, but also gave her the father's love she still has.

Unlike her, who was abandoned in the orphanage at birth, and only had two relatives, Mama Li and Xiaoxiao.

She didn't know how sad Xiaoxiao would feel when she died, but fortunately Xiaoxiao found her other half, so she still had someone to accompany her.

Drowsily thinking about the system that appeared in my mind before, I don't know what it is.

Suddenly the scene in front of me changed from pink to green. Because the body was running a fever, I had no strength and couldn't stand up. When my legs went limp, I saw that I was about to fall to the ground, but I didn't feel any pain for a long time.

"Master, be careful." The extremely gentle and charming male voice made this small house girl who had never had much contact with boys blush instantly.

He struggled to get up, but his legs couldn't move.

"The master is very weak now, I should hug the master."

Chanmo's face turned red again, please forgive her a single dog in her 20s who has never even held a boy's hand.

"No, no, I'll just stand by myself."

Struggling to stand on the ground, my head was still dizzy, and I could barely stand.

"Does the master despise me?"

Gentle, charming, sexy, and elegant, this is Zi Sangchanmo's first impression of him.

"No, no, I,,," Zi Sangchanmo didn't know what to say for a moment.

Looking around in embarrassment, I realized that this is an enlarged version of her farm?

Zi Sangchanmo was momentarily surprised and speechless, "This, this is?"

The person beside him explained softly: "This is the master's farm, have you forgotten the master, and I am your contracted servant."

"What! It's really my farm!" Zi Sang Chanmo was surprised!
Chanmo looked around and found that they were exactly the same. She is now standing in the yard of "My Home", with a bench next to it, a swimming pool, a swing, a peach blossom forest outside the yard, sunflowers, roses and tulips.

Out of the yard is the flower road she chose, and then there is a large field with green plants on it, and then there should be a large grassland, then there is a pier and a sea, and on the right is a lake and a big river.

Under the background of Xianxia, ​​the aura is abundant, and the drowsy head is much better now. The mountains hidden in the clouds and mists in the distance are somewhat indistinct, and Chanmo is a little dumbfounded.

"Master, are you okay?"

Only then did Zi Sang Chanmo come to her senses, "You said you are my servant?"

The man looked very happy: "Yes, master, I am your contract steward. There are a total of 12 servants here. Do you want to see them?"

Is it the 12 helpers in the system?
Zi Sangchanmo felt that all her luck in her previous life was spent here, "Hmm. Then what's your name?"

Only the man smiled slightly, looking very happy, "Master, please give me a name."

"Well, then your name is Sebastian." Suddenly remembering a butler's name that he had heard before, he said by himself.

"Thank you, master, for your name."

"I'll call you Tian from now on, but you can call me Chanmo." Without the embarrassment at the beginning, Zisang Chanmo spoke much more smoothly.

"Okay, master."

Zi Sang Chanmo: "..."

"Master, here they come."

Zi Sang Chanmo looked back and was stunned again, there were 12 people, 4 of them all looked the same...


The twelve people shouted in very tacit understanding.

Sure enough, it was the same as the people on her farm, 4 muscular men with big beards, 4 farmer uncles wearing straw hats, 4 aunts wearing headscarves and aprons.

"Um, hello." Zi Sangchanmo was a little embarrassed, turned to Tian and asked, "What are their names?"

"They are the master's servants, of course they are named by the master." Seemingly seeing what Zi Sang Chanmo was thinking, he continued: "They are not real human beings, nor do they have the ability to actively think, but they can understand the basic survival skills of human beings." .”

So powerful, Zi Sang Chanmo couldn't help but say, God is so kind to her, but they all look the same, even their clothes are the same, it is really hard to tell them apart, if only the color of the clothes can be changed.

Just thinking about it in my heart, the clothes of 12 people have changed, four pairs of red, blue, white and green.

Tian explained to Zi Sang Chanmo at the right time: "They are the master's servants, and everything about them is decided by the master."

It turned out to be the case.

"That's Aunt Hong, Aunt Blue, Aunt Bai, Aunt Lu, Uncle Red, Uncle Lan, Uncle Bai, Uncle Red, Uncle Red, Uncle Blue, Uncle Bai, and Uncle Lu."

"Thank you master for giving me the name." Another twelve voices rang out in unison.

"Does the master want to assign tasks to them?" Tian asked again.

She really didn't know this, "Tian, ​​you can arrange it."

Tian nodded and said to the four bearded and muscular men: "You four are still in charge of the mine and the dock. Although the dock is no longer doing business, the tasks at sea are also entrusted to you."

He also confessed to the person who was named the fourth uncle of red, blue, white and green, "The farmland, river water, and the sanitation of the farm are also entrusted to you."

"Understood the housekeeper."

"Aunt Hong, you are in charge of the villa. From now on, you will be in charge of the owner's daily hygiene, cooking and cleaning on the farm. Aunt Lan, Aunt Bai, and Aunt Lu are responsible for raising poultry and animals. You can coordinate with each other on other small matters."

"Understood the housekeeper."

"Is the master still satisfied?"

"Satisfied." Of course I am satisfied, she is a person who has no idea, and it is much easier to have such an all-round housekeeper.

"Master, your body is very weak now, do you need me to help you get the spring water from the Wuyou Spring?"

Zi Sang Chanmo was surprised, this Wuyou Spring can really strengthen the body, prolong life and cure all diseases?
Tian smiled and said nothing, but told Aunt Hong to fetch water, and led Zi Sangchanmo to sit on the bench.

This made Zi Sangchanmo slightly uncomfortable but felt natural.

Hearing Tian's gentle voice again: "This is the master's farm, we are all the master's servants, the master can arrange it as he pleases.

The owner of the things here can be brought to the real world, and the things in the real world can be brought in except for people who can think independently and things that threaten the owner.

A previous accident caused both dock orders and hot air balloon orders to be invalid, so now it is not possible to earn gold coins by trading. "

This son Sangchanmo thinks it is quite good, at least now this farm only belongs to her, there is no real unknown.

"The gold coins and diamond seeds left before are all usable." Tian added.

"Enn." She remembered that when she signed the master-servant contract with Tian, ​​the system generously gave away a lot of things.

"And the acceleration skills of the farmland here have also disappeared, but there is plenty of aura here, and the growth speed of the crops is still twice as fast as that of the outside world. However, the owner can upgrade the land through the research institute to speed up the growth of the crops."

"Then are the things in my previous warehouse still there?" Zi Sangchanmo didn't feel too much about the slowed growth rate. If the wheat really matured in 2 minutes, she was a little worried that she wouldn't be able to eat it.

Tian nodded, "It's all there. The time of the things in the warehouse is static. In the future, the owner can also put things in it. There is no space limit inside."

What a golden finger!

At this time, Aunt Hong had already brought spring water, looking at the clear and glowing spring water, Zi Sangchanmo felt a little apprehensive, can this sparkling water be drunk?
"The master's body is very weak now, this spring water is good for the master's body."

Tian's smile seemed to have some kind of magical power, and he drank a glass of spring water in a few sips, quite a sense of heroism.

The warm spring water flows through the limbs and bones, and I just feel that I am in the warm winter sun, and my whole body is very comfortable, and the groggyness in my head disappears immediately.

"It's really useful!" Zi Sangchanmo said pleasantly.

"Master can drink a cup every day in the future, it is good for the master's health." Seeing Zi Sang Chanmo happy, it seemed that she was happier.

Zi Sangchanmo was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help but be moved, as if no one cared about herself so much before, so it turned out that being cared about by others was such a happy thing.

Under the leadership of Tian, ​​Zi Sangchanmo spent a day strolling around her farm. Fortunately, there was a small sheep electric car she bought for decoration at that time. Otherwise, according to her small arms and legs, she would definitely Can't finish.

Lunch was eaten in the villa, and Tian cooked it himself, using the ingredients in the space. It was so delicious that Zi Sangchanmo almost swallowed his tongue. It really is an all-round housekeeper. 100 yuan, don't think it's worth it!

(End of this chapter)

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