Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 13 is finally here

Chapter 13 is finally here
Since Cheng Muhan can be the second male lead, his own strength is naturally not bad, possessing a powerful attack power of the fire attribute and speed variation, if the most ruthless among the female lead's men is the first male lead Cao Yuanli , then the most ruthless one is Cheng Muhan.

Zi Sangchanmo, as his half-sister, could stand by when Cheng Rongrong pushed her into the group of zombies, and when his own sister was sent to the Abnormal Research Institute, he could still ignore it. It can be seen that How hard is this man's heart.

Zi Sang Chanmo couldn't help feeling sorry for Cheng Rongrong, her brother whom she trusted so much would give up on herself for someone else's woman.

Zi Sangchanmo looked towards Cheng Rongrong who was sitting beside Cao Yuanli, and found that she was staring at those two people and smiling unfathomably.

The reason for using the word "unfathomable" is that Zi Sangchanmo really doesn't know how to describe her expression, she is obviously full of hatred but she is smiling happily, she pretends to be calm but she can't Can't hide the turbulent waves in his eyes.

Zi Sang Chanmo couldn't help but get goosebumps, this female supporting role was probably having a seizure again, so she quickly averted her gaze.

Passing by Cao Yuanli's resolute face, passing by Han Zhengyu who was sitting on his right, looking like he was just watching a show.

It's really not a big deal to watch the excitement, Zi Sang Chanmo secretly thought.

Sometimes it was such a coincidence that Han Zhengyu turned his head and brushed his hair.

In an instant, he met her gaze, and she was so frightened that she immediately withdrew her gaze and sat upright.

Han Zhengyu couldn't stop laughing at her appearance, she was acting like a guilty conscience, she was so cute and silly.

What to do, he seems to like this girl more and more.

And seeing Qiu Qianying staring at Cao Yuanli from the moment he entered the door, Cheng Muhan beside him was very sad, is he still inferior to him?
Where he was around, Qianying would never look at him more. There was nothing he could do better than Cao Yuanli. Didn't she feel a little moved when he was by her side for the past few days?

Even if I tell myself that she is someone else's girlfriend every time, I still feel heartache involuntarily.


Qiu Qianying found Cao Yuanli sitting in the middle of the sofa from the moment he entered the door. He was always so dazzling that no matter where he was, people couldn't take their eyes off him.

There are a lot of grievances in her heart, how much she wants to cry, how much she wants to cry in her boyfriend's arms, and then tell him how wronged she is, how sad she is, how much she dislikes herself now, and then carefully Listen carefully to his comfort.

However, she can't.

She was afraid that he would dislike her.

She knew that Cao Yuanli's character would not do such a thing, and she knew that he liked strong women.

She also knew that he hated her woman getting too close to other men, but he forgot that she was also a woman, and if she wanted to make her boyfriend jealous, would it be wrong to pay more attention to herself?

So many years of being strong has made her forget how to be weak again.

She will definitely find the mastermind behind this matter, and she will make that person pay in blood!
All the words in the foreword turned into a sigh, "Li".

"Well, I'll stay here tonight, go clean it up, don't lose your temper in the future, I have nothing to do with Rong Rong." After tonight, who knows what will happen tomorrow.


This appellation surprised both women at the same time.

Cheng Rongrong was very pleasantly surprised!
I didn't expect Ah Li to call himself that. Does this mean that my hard work these days has not been in vain, and I already have a different status in Ah Li's heart?

The stars in Cheng Rongrong's eyes were about to pop out, she completely forgot to continue pretending to be her "best friend", and couldn't help but whispered: "Ah Li".

Cheng Rongrong's voice was so gentle that water dripped out, and Zisang Chanmo and the others who watched the excitement all shook their goosebumps.

Qiu Qianying's face turned pale, what did they do during their absence!
Was this stupid woman Cheng Rongrong really stupid or pretending to be stupid?
Is it still me who is stupid in the end?
Qiu Qianying's eyes turned red, and she couldn't help but feel a little unsteady.

Seeing Qiu Qianying like this, Cao Yuanli couldn't help feeling a little soft-hearted. After all, he was someone who had been with him for several years, so he lowered his voice and said, "It's really nothing, don't think about it. I haven't heard from you for so many days. I'm quite worried about you." of."

is it?

Qiu Qianying asked back in her heart.

Why is she not happy at all now.

An awkward dinner.

Zi Sangchanmo helped Uncle Ming cook the dinner together. Uncle Ming smiled and praised that her craftsmanship was outstanding, and praised Zisangchanmo to the point of embarrassment. After two days of getting along, she felt that she was really Treat Uncle Ming as an uncle.

Afterwards, Zi Sangchanmo was still helping Uncle Ming clean up the table, and saw Han Zhengyu slowly walking over and leaning towards her.

He whispered, "Lock the door when you go to bed tonight."

Zi Sang Chanmo looked up at him, not knowing what he meant.

Lock the door?
Is this a reminder of the end of the world coming to her tonight?
Has the black-hearted duck egg turned into a red-hearted duck egg?

I saw Han Zhengyu with a smirk on his face, and looked her up and down with his eyes, "Be careful that my brother can't help eating you at night, I can't blame me." After finishing speaking, he laughed strangely, As if observing where to start.

Zi Sangchan got angry, so she knew that this girl had no good intentions.

Throw the rag that just finished wiping the table into Han Zhengyu's arms, whoever wants to wipe it will wipe it off, Ben Guliang is not waiting for him!
When she went back, she locked the door a few times, and then used a cabinet to block it to see if he could still get in.

Where is her Tian, ​​she asks for comfort!

Seeing Zi Sang Chanmo who left angrily, Uncle Ming shook his head amusedly, "It's obvious that he cares about her little girl, so he insisted on saying such nasty things."

"Hey," Han Zhengyu still looked cynical, "Uncle Ming, don't you think an angry kitten is more energetic?"

Uncle Ming nodded, "Indeed."

He also laughed at himself: "Uncle Ming is getting old, and there is a generation gap with you young people."

Han Zhengyu went over and put his arms around Uncle Ming's shoulders, looking like a good buddy, "Our Uncle Ming is a peerless man, who dares to call you old because of his lack of eyesight, I'll beat him up for you! His mother didn't even recognize him!"

Uncle Ming laughed and cursed, obviously very useful.

(End of this chapter)

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