Chapter 12
Cheng Rongrong chose to conceal Cao Yuanli's abilities, and she also had her own thoughts on this.

There is a possibility that everyone will become a supernatural person and a zombie, and it is very likely that they will become a zombie, so at that time, in order to prevent each other from hurting each other, Cao Yuanli and the others will definitely isolate everyone, and she Will be by his side when he needs it most.

At that time, he will definitely find that the person who treats him best and never leaves him is not the flirtatious black lotus, but her, Cheng Rongrong!
Then replacing Qiu Qianying will only be a matter of time!

Cheng Rongrong turned on her phone and looked at some anonymous photos, smiling a little strangely.

If Ah Li sees these photos...

But now is not the time.

If these photos were leaked now, it would not be difficult to find her with the abilities of Qiu Qianying and Ah Li, and she couldn't take the risk yet.

When it comes to the end of the world, everything will be dead without proof. Didn't she, Qiu Qianying, always like to pretend to be noble, so she will throw this nobleness into the mud!
She wants to drive her into the dust step by step, just like she did to herself before.

There is no room for planting, no spiritual spring to save people from life and death, no noble past, Qiu Qianying, it depends on how you turn around in this life!

In the previous life, if Qiu Qianying hadn't saved Ah Li's life with the spiritual spring of space, Ah Li would not have been willing to love a woman with so many men.

Without Qiu Qianying as a stumbling block, it will be a matter of time before Ah Li is subdued by her.

The rain outside the window was still falling, and the gray-black sky was accompanied by thunder from time to time.

At such a night, Zi Sangchanmo couldn't fall asleep, so she took out the radio that Kongli had collected before and tried it.


"Zi...Welcome to Music Radio 89.5..."

"Zizizi... Provincial A traffic broadcast 90.8, good evening everyone, I am the host Xiaowei, the torrential rain for several days has caused a large area of ​​highways to be paralyzed..."

Zi Sangchanmo knew that the seemingly endless heavy rain would stop tomorrow night as people fell asleep.The real misery begins when those who are lucky enough to escape the catastrophe have not yet begun to rejoice.

Hunger, cold, the loss of humanity, and most importantly, there are a lot of zombies staring at them.

In the past, people used to stand at the top of the food chain and look down on all these creatures, but now they have to taste the feeling of being a knife and me being a fish.

Zi Sangchanmo sighed and continued to fiddle with the radio in his hand.

Don't look at this thing as outdated, you still have to rely on it if you want to know the latest situation in the last days.

The original book mentions that the end of the world has caused almost all communication devices to lose their effectiveness. At the most difficult time, the lives of ordinary people even retreated to the era when going out was basically relying on walking, and communication was basically relying on shouting.

So as an ordinary person who wants to know the latest news, he still has to prepare this "old antique".

While busy tuning the radio, I thought about what happened in the past three days.

It seems that Cao Yuanli and the others must know something. Since they didn't hide it from her, she is willing to pretend that she doesn't know anything. She should eat and drink every day. Besides the normal three meals, she also enters the space from time to time Let Tian give her an extra meal, the supernatural being can't afford to hurt her.

Look at this body, everything that should be developed has grown, and those that shouldn't have grown flesh have not grown flesh. I really doubt that this small body can hold everything.

The few of them seem to be living here, but it's okay, with the male lead, can the female lead be far behind?
She hides in the bedroom every day, and only comes out to help Uncle Ming when eating. I have to say that Uncle Ming's cooking skills are really good, and her cooking skills are "slowly getting better" in the eyes of everyone.

Except for the occasional Han Zhengyu who would come to harass her, she lived quite comfortably.

The three-day period is neither long nor short.

It was so short that Zi Sangchanmo's abilities didn't make any progress, as if he had encountered a bottleneck and couldn't find an opportunity to break through.

When Cao Yuanli and the others basically arranged all the affairs of the gang, the underground world disbanded silently. As part of the disbandment fee, in addition to money, each person was given two boxes of instant noodles and one box of canned meat.

The younger brothers who got the things didn't know why, they just felt that it was a pity to disband the gang, but they didn't take anything seriously, but the boss' kindness couldn't be ignored, so once they got these things, they didn't know where to throw them Here, ready to keep expired.

Originally, Cao Yuanli also considered whether he wanted to keep a group of loyal subordinates from Ziran, but then he gave up this idea, leaving no useless people around him.

Everyone has their own opportunities. If you stay behind him all the time, the laziness of human nature is endless. Only those who understand the cruelty of the end times and become truly strong are qualified to stay by his side.

So he hinted to a few loyal younger brothers that if they could reach the largest safe base alive, he would allow them to stay by his side.

Several people also expressed their understanding, who hasn't had a hot-blooded time yet!
Early the next morning, that is, the last morning of the end, another owner of the Cheng family's villa came back, and at the same time brought back a person that Zi Sang Chanmo had been waiting for for a long time.

The heroine of the original text - Qiu Qianying.

With a hot figure, a black close-fitting jacket on the upper body, slender legs wrapped in black tight leather pants, and a neat short black hair, the person is very energetic. Although the facial features are not particularly delicate, they can give people a good impression when combined.

Although the heroine in the original text is not a good person, she is definitely not the kind of person who would push others into the group of zombies just to leave herself.

This is why Zi Sangchanmo would rather the original heroine beat Process Rongrong.

You must know that in the original text, "she" was pushed into the group of zombies by Cheng Rongrong herself. This is the younger sister who has lived with her half-mother for eight years.

And Cheng Muhan, the second male protagonist standing next to Qiu Qianying, and Cheng Rongrong are indeed brothers and sisters, both are equally selfish and cold-blooded.

 Thank you little fairies for your support. I originally sent red envelopes to the little fairies who supported me, but I heard that red envelopes will attract a lot of zombie fans, and it will also affect the editor’s recommendation. ﹋o﹋ I will never dare again , and even received a short notification from the website that you can sign a contract, hehe, surprise~\(≧▽≦)/~

(End of this chapter)

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