Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 11 The rain in the dark night

Chapter 11 The rain in the dark night
"What did you do to me, do you know who I am? Who gave you the courage, get out!"

"What do you want to do, who told you to come!"

"Get out, get out of here!"

"Don't come here, ah, ah..."

Pain, humiliation, unwillingness!

The thick black wraps endless darkness, and the torrential rain can't cover up the evil of human nature. The soul seems to have fallen into the abyss, clamoring to fall, let's fall as much as you want!

One day, she will get back double everything she has suffered!

It was raining heavily outside, and the sound of the pattering rain broke the silence of the late night. Suddenly, a purple lightning flashed across the black sky. The face of the person lying on the bed was pale, and beads of sweat slid down his forehead. As if in great pain.

"Get out! Get out of here!"

Mu Mu, the person on the bed opened his eyes, and the hatred in his eyes seemed to be transformed into substance, which shocked Cheng Muhan who came to hear the news.

But when he thought of something, Cheng Muhan's eyes flashed with distress and struggle, he walked quickly to the bed, and hugged the person on the bed lightly.

"Qianying, don't be afraid, it's all over, I'm Mu Han."

His Qianying, such a lofty Qianying, suffered such a great humiliation!

If those little bastards hadn't been left for Qianying to dispose of, he would have cut them into pieces!
"Mu Han."

Qiu Qianying's voice was hoarse, but unexpectedly calm.

"I'm here, don't be afraid, is there any discomfort, do you want to drink water?"

"En." Qiu Qianying responded lightly.

In the dark night, Cheng Muhan couldn't see Qiu Qianying's face clearly.

three days left.

The closer the end of the world is, the more anxious Zi Sang Chanmo becomes. She who used to love rainy days the most, now only feels irritable when she hears the sound of rain outside.

From yesterday to now, the whole day, the rain has no tendency to stop, and Zi Sang Chanmo also knows that the rain will not stop until the end of the world.

The sound of the rain was still there, and Zisang Chanmo raised her right hand, and a faint green light floated on her hand. After so many days of practice, she is now more and more proficient in controlling the ability.

Facing the roses on the window sill, I used my supernatural ability, and stopped outputting the supernatural power after I clearly felt that it expressed "I'm full".

Especially this rose, now under the cultivation of supernatural powers and the watering of the worry-free spring, the whole flower bone is delicate and beautiful, the stems and leaves are thick, and the growth is gratifying.

It was already late at night, and Zi Sangchanmo went into the space to see if there was anything she forgot to prepare, and planned to collect some more during these two days.

Originally, she only wanted to be a house girl, but now when the world was about to collapse, she suddenly wanted to go out for a walk.

"Koukoukou...", "Ah Li, are you in the room?"

The three people who were planning the route immediately stopped discussing, Han Zhengyu smiled smirk and winked at Uncle Ming, looking like he was enjoying the show.

"Ah Li, I'm coming in."

Before the words were finished, the person arrived first, Cao Yuanli's face was completely blackened, and Cheng Rongrong seemed to have not seen it at all, and went straight to Cao Yuanli, and was about to jump on him.

Tonight she is wearing her sexiest pajamas, a miniskirt with lace trim and a deep V-neck that is opened to the maximum. She is quite confident about her figure.

Years of experience gave Cao Yuanli an extremely keen intuition, and when he was about to avoid him, Han Zhengyu had already taken the first step.

Han Zhengyu stretched his legs lightly to find a suitable angle, and Cheng Rongrong accidentally fell and ate shit.

"Pfft", Han Zhengyu couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

Uncle Ming also had a smile on the corner of his mouth, obviously unable to hold back.

"Han Zhengyu, you..."

Cheng Rongrong's lungs were about to explode. She dressed up all night, but was destroyed by this guy, and she fell so ugly!
Once or twice, it was Han Zhengyu who ruined her good deeds!

"What's the matter, you'd better go back and change your clothes before talking about it." Seeing that the situation was almost done, Cao Yuanli said in a timely manner.

Only then did Cheng Rongrong realize that there were two other men in the room!

Quickly pulled down the somewhat dewy skirt, she was willing to expose herself in front of Cao Yuanli, but she didn't want other men to take advantage of her.

"Then Ah Li, I'll come later."

After speaking, he quickly slipped away. He really came and left as soon as he said.

"Then you mean that this rain will last for five days, and then until the night of the end of the world?" Cao Yuanli's face was a little serious, and he glanced at Han Zhengyu and Uncle Ming indistinctly.

Also hearing this news, everyone's faces were extremely ugly. Most people were unwilling to go out at this time due to the continuous heavy rain, consuming the only food left at home, and when people discovered that the end of the world was coming, there was no food left. Not much.

Cheng Rongrong doesn't care what happens to others. Now that she has the Liuyun bracelet, food is no threat to her at all.

"Well, on the night of February 2, which is Valentine's Day, everyone will fall into a deep sleep, and everyone will wake up at a different time, either zombies or ordinary people or supernatural beings."

When it comes to the ability user Cheng Rongrong has a sense of superiority, because she is also an enviable member, and now that she has a space bracelet and rebirth experience, she has become the only three-line ability user!
I believe that only she, Cheng Rongrong, is qualified to be by Ah Li's side in the future!
"Supernatural beings are extremely rare, and there are some mutants among them. Now I can only predict so many." Cheng Rongrong deliberately only said so much, because she knew that now that she had said everything, she would be worthless.

It is said that Cheng Rongrong is stupid, but sometimes she is just blinded by love, aside from love, she is also a little woman who thinks about herself.

 I'm sorry everyone, I've been a little busy recently, I don't know how everyone's Qixi Festival is going, hehe, I wish you all a happy Qixi Festival. ~\(≧▽≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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