Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 10 So Delicious

Chapter 10 So Delicious
After Zi Sangchanmo finished the meal, Han Zhengyu was the first to come over to enjoy it.

"Little greedy cat, you made all of this?" Han Zhengyu looked curiously at the seven or eight dishes on the table.

"Well... Although the quality is not as good as those chefs, it is not bad."

That is, although her cooking skills in her previous life were not top-notch, they would be considered delicious then, but now, hehe, you will know after tasting it.

After Cao Yuanli took his seat, the others also sat down one by one. There was a long table for eating. Cao Yuanli sat at the main seat. Of course, Cheng Rongrong grabbed the seat closest to him and sat on the upper right. Uncle Ming sat on the upper left. , Zi Sangchanmo sat on the lower head of Cheng Rongrong, Han Zhengyu looked at it, and finally chose to sit opposite her, and still raised his eyebrows at her.

Zi Sangchanmo felt cold, ignored him, lowered his head and put rice into his mouth, and didn't eat it.

"I'm here to taste the handicraft of Little Greedy Cat. It smells delicious. I'll be lucky in the future."

At this time, Chen Rongrong also took a piece of eggplant and put it in Cao Yuanli's bowl, "Ah Li, it must be very hard these days, eat more, don't get tired."

I didn't expect this stinky girl to be useful. If she can serve them well, she doesn't mind taking her with her.

Cao Yuan resisted the urge to kill, and responded lightly, but he told himself in his heart that this woman is still useful to him now, and a man can bend and stretch, "You can eat it yourself."

Hearing this, Cheng Rongrong felt extremely honored. Does this mean that she is also special in Ah Li's heart?

He conveniently picked some for Cao Yuanli, "Ah Li, eat more."

"Oh, I love meat the most. It's the little greedy cat who knows me. I'll try this braised pork first."

Han Zhengyu, who looked eager to try, didn't notice Cao Yuanli's face that darkened instantly after eating a mouthful of green vegetables.

"cough cough"

As soon as he took a sip, Han Zhengyu choked, "Water, give me water."

Uncle Ming quickly handed him a glass of water, "How old are you, and still so reckless."

Han Zhengyu is suffering so much that he can't describe it now, and he regained his strength after drinking two large glasses of water.

"Little greedy cat, you are murdering your own husband, do you know that?"

Zi Sangchanmo bowed her head to pick up the rice, but didn't speak.

Han Zhengyu thought she was embarrassed, so he lowered his voice, "Did you put a bag of salt..."

Zi Sang Chanmo continued to bow her head to cook rice, she didn't hear it, but she was smiling wickedly in her heart, you deserved it for offending me.

The sour faces of Yu Rang and Cao Yuan, who couldn't be more sour, made Cheng Rongrong go crazy, "Zi Sangchanmo, did you do it on purpose?"

Only then did Zi Sangchanmo raise her head, her eyes were already filled with tears, and she said softly, "Sister, I haven't cooked before."

After speaking, he lowered his head again, looking like a bullied little white flower.

Han Zhengyu immediately felt distressed, how could his woman be bullied by this ugly woman!
"Stupid woman, try saying something again! Momo didn't mean it, what the hell is your name?"

Zi Sang Chanmo looked up at him, she didn't expect this black-hearted duck to help her.

Han Zhengyu felt Zisang Chanmo's gaze, and turned around and gave her a wink.

Hmph, I knew he was uneasy and kind.

Cheng Rongrong was furious, when did these two people get together, and they teamed up to deal with her!
Looking back at Cao Yuanli who was drinking water, he didn't seem to want to help her at all.

Cheng Rongrong felt a little wronged, but she felt relieved when she thought that this person was his cousin.She just replaced Qiu Qianying, so she should be inferior to Han Zhengyu's cousin now, but one day she will replace everyone and become No.1 in his heart!At that time, not to mention Zi Sangchanmo, even Han Zhengyu will have to act according to her face.

Cheng Rongrong is so confident.

Take a deep breath and calm yourself down.

I kept comforting myself in my heart, this is Ah Li's cousin, this is a powerful supernatural being in the future, and I can't offend him now!

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while, Zi Sang Chanmo kept silent and pretended to be an ostrich.

Han Zhengyu was regretting it, did he speak too much just now, secretly glanced at Zi Sang Chanmo who lowered his head, he must have been hurt by his words.

She is different from those women. If she had known earlier, she would not have said such serious words. Although it was a bit too salty and unpalatable, she could bear it and let it go. Now he must have hurt her heart.

At this time, Uncle Ming saw the crowd, and suddenly smiled, "Haha, Xiao Chanmo's dish is quite appetizing, I'll let Uncle Ming show you his skills today, Ayu and Li haven't tasted Uncle Ming's cooking for a long time Well, today is a good time to see if Uncle Ming's craftsmanship has deteriorated."

After Uncle Ming's words, the awkward atmosphere eased a little. Cao Yuan smiled and said, "It's been a long time since I tasted Uncle Ming's craftsmanship, and I really miss it."

"Haha" Uncle Ming smiled heartily, and was about to go to the kitchen.

Zi Sangchanmo also stood up and helped put away the plates on the table, "Uncle Ming, let me help you."

After all, this was also caused by her, and she won't be pretentious after she has given them a good reputation, and she will have a long-term cooperative relationship with them, and now she has to build a good relationship.

"Alright, little Chanmo, come and help Uncle Ming."

After a while, four dishes and one soup will be out of the pot.

Candied sweet potatoes are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, delicious mouthwatering chicken, steamed pork ribs in black bean sauce and baby vegetables in oil. The soup is simple seaweed egg drop soup, with a balanced mix of meat and vegetables.

I have to say that Uncle's cooking skills are still very good,

Han Zhengyu was the first to save face, "Uncle Ming, you are still young."

Uncle Ming smiled and said, "If Ah Yu likes it, Uncle Ming will make it for you every day from now on."

"Okay", but thinking of Zi Sang Chanmo's cooking just now, and afraid that she would misunderstand that she disliked her cooking, she hurriedly explained: "Momo's cooking is also good, just add less salt in the future."

Zi Sang Chanmo: "..."

Are these two idiots really a small boss in the original book?

It won't be worn by others, right?
After finally finishing a terrible dinner, Zi Sang Chanmo immediately went back to the room to continue practicing abilities.

Cao Yuanli and the others are making arrangements for the end times, while Cheng Rongrong writes what she can "prophesy" in the room, which is her bargaining chip.

Everyone is busy with their own things, but they get along well for a while.

However, the hostess encountered a lot of trouble here.

 If you have any comments, please comment and tell me, thank you for your support (?????)
(End of this chapter)

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