Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 9 She is not easy to mess with

Chapter 9 She is not easy to mess with

In the space, Zi Sang Chanmo brought a rose from outside, intending to practice the ability.

The reason why it is a branch is because Zi Sangchanmo's ability is still zero-level, and now there is no zombie crystal core and practice, so it is very difficult to upgrade, but after so many days of hard work, she has achieved some results.

Calm down, slowly gather the energy in your body on your right hand, and try to inject supernatural powers into a rose plant little by little.

Because of the output of the ability to be controlled, it is much more difficult than the previous full injection.

Zi Sangchanmo tried many times before but failed.

But she didn't give up. In the battle, if she used up her abilities all at once, her body would become very weak. This is not a wise approach, so learning to control abilities is a compulsory course for every ability user. This is of course what she saw in that book.

Slowly feel the energy in the body, slowly guide it to the right hand, and slowly flow into the rose.

Gradually, the roses infused with supernatural powers became more and more beautiful, and Zi Sangchan seemed to be able to feel the joy emanating from the roses.

Zi Sangchanmo slowly withdrew her ability, as if she saw the flower and shook her head.

Because the ability was injected directly at one time before, so I didn't have such a deep experience.This time she could clearly feel the changes of the roses, not just the external growth, as if she could feel the joy from the roses.

Probably because of her abilities, she became closer to plants.

With successful experience, Zi Sangchanmo practiced continuously in the space. Every time the ability was used up, she would follow the method of the heroine in the book, meditate to restore the ability, and repeat this cycle, and the ability was used up again. After recovering, Zi Sangchanmo felt that her powers had strengthened a little.

Although it is not so obvious, she is also content. Where can Jiang Hai come from if there is no accumulation of small currents?
After practicing the supernatural ability, Sang Chan Mo used to wander around her territory habitually, and every time she looked at it, she would feel at ease.

With all the supplies and supernatural powers, why is she afraid of the end of the world?
After staying for a while, seeing that the time was almost up, Zi Sangchanmo came out of the space, and at the same time brought out the rose she used to practice her abilities just now. This flower always gave her an indescribable feeling, so let it It's better to be around.

Put the flower pot on the windowsill, fearing that it won't adapt to the outside environment, and then pour water from the Wuyou Spring to rest assured.

Then she continued to download some movies, TV series, novels and some literature books. After all, with the arrival of the end of the world, these things are likely to be buried forever.

Bang, bang, a blunt knock on the door.

"Hey, Zi Sangchanmo, what are you doing hiding in your room all day long? Do you think you are still a young lady?"

Zi Sang Chanmo is a little strange, Cheng Rongrong never paid attention to her before except when she was looking for trouble for herself, since she was reborn, it seems that she has been ignoring her, why is she now looking for trouble again?

After checking that there was nothing wrong with the room, he opened the door.

Cheng Rongrong leaned on the door frame with her arms crossed, and looked her up and down when she came out.

It's really a little Hu Meizi born by Hu Meizi, Cheng Rongrong thought to herself.

She always looked at others pitifully with those eyes, always thinking that someone was bullying her, even her father was fooled around by her.

Zi Sangchanmo was looked at furiously by her, so she had no choice but to speak first: "Sister, you..."

"Sister, what sister, my mother didn't give me a younger sister."


Can she say that she doesn't want to be called her sister?

Seeing Zi Sangchanmo's pitiful look, Cheng Rongrong became even more angry. She hated this kind of little white flower the most. Of course, now there is also the black lotus of Qiu Qianying.

Do you think she is a fool? She still treats her as a good girlfriend in vain, but in the end it makes her life worse than death!
That shameless woman, who messed with so many men and still clung to Ah Li, was it wrong for her to just want to stay by Ah Li's side?

Now that God has reborn her and got the Liuyun Bracelet, without her, Cheng Rongrong, the person who protects her everywhere, and without the Liuyun Bracelet to collect a lot of supplies and make people work for her, she doesn't believe that she is still alive. To be able to live as well as in the previous life.

Now Qiu Qianying is probably still being hunted down, since she likes men so much, then she will give her a few more men, I believe she will like the gifts she gives.

Seeing Cheng Rongrong's ever-changing smile, Zi Sang Chanmo felt a little gloomy, her cheap sister wouldn't go crazy.

Finally, Cheng Rongrong came to her senses.

Seeing Zi Sangchanmo still standing at the door stupidly, "Why are you still standing there stupidly? Why don't you cook and wait for my sister to serve you? The guests are still waiting for dinner!"

Zi Sang Chanmo: "..."

You are the one standing there looking stupid, right?

It seems that you were the one who didn't let her call you sister just now, right?

And in Zi Sangchanmo's memory, she doesn't know how to cook, right?

I'm really convinced by the IQ of this female lead, no wonder she can only be a female lead, but I don't know if the female lead who snatched the opportunity of the female lead can beat the female lead?

"Sister, I don't know how to cook." Although as Li Chanmo, she can cook, but the current "she" just can't do well.

If you want to please the hero, why don't you cook by yourself, and you have to drag her down, she is being lazy by Tian now.

"Could it be that you don't know how to learn? Do you really think you are a young lady?"

Zi Sangchanmo said that she does not have the same knowledge as her.

Since she couldn't escape, Zi Sang Chanmo resigned to her fate and went to the kitchen.

But she made up her mind to pretend that she didn't know it, so that they dare to bully her!You must know that she is not easy to mess with.

If the tiger doesn't show off his power, does he really think of her as a greedy cat?

 Wait for the red envelope at nine o'clock in the evening (* ̄3 ̄)╭??

(End of this chapter)

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