Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 8 The little greedy cat and the black-hearted duck egg

Chapter 8 The little greedy cat and the black-hearted duck egg
"Ayu, you're being naughty again." Uncle Ming pushed his eyes and cursed with a smile. Of course, everyone could tell that there was no sense of blame in it.

Han Zhengyu lay down on the sofa, put his feet up, and returned to his previous idle appearance, casually said: "Oh, Uncle Ming, this time I have met true love!"

Uncle Ming didn't care: "You kid never said that."

Hearing this, Han Zhengyu was not happy: "This time it's true, it's different from the previous ones."

Seeing Uncle Ming's expression of disbelief, Han Zhengyu just smiled. It doesn't matter whether it's true or not.

Turning to Cao Yuan next to him, he said harshly, "Cousin, it's not your style to meddle in other people's affairs. What's wrong, you won't also like my little greedy cat, right?"


Little greedy cat?
The corners of Cao Yuanli's mouth couldn't help twitching, what kind of nickname is this.

But thinking about the terrified look of that little girl, she really looks like a frightened kitten.

Why would you do this?Who knows.

"Cough" as if to cover up his embarrassment, Cao Yuan cleared his throat and said, "Let's get down to business. How is the batch of goods you mentioned earlier? I heard that the other party thinks the money is not enough?"

Speaking of this matter, Han Zhengyu put away his foolish look, and took an apple from the table, "Cousin, don't you believe in my ability? It will arrive tomorrow."

"But..." Han Zhengyu glanced outside the door.

Cheng Rongrong was instructing a younger brother to move a box of mineral water to the kitchen, and another to the living room.

She curled her lips in disgust, and then continued, "Can you believe what that woman said?"

Hearing this, Uncle Ming also stopped flipping through the magazine in his hand and looked at Cao Yuanli, as if he was also waiting for his answer.

"I didn't believe it at first, but you also know about the earthquake in country R two days ago. This earthquake is unpredictable. She predicted it in advance, and with the space ability she showed..."

After a pause, "The coming of the end times is probably true, but I can't believe everything this woman says."

"Ah Li thinks there is something wrong with this woman's words?" Uncle Ming frowned.

"At least she has reservations about her awakened prophecy ability."

Uncle Ming nodded: "It's better to be cautious in everything, for example, you need to be cautious about the storage of materials." After all, the heart of prevention is indispensable.

Cao Yuanli smiled confidently, "Don't worry, Uncle Ming, I still understand the truth of the cunning rabbit's three caves."

Seeing that the business was over, Han Zhengyu's stubbornness came up again.

"Hey, cousin, what's going on with you and cousin sister-in-law recently, you don't really want to be with this Cheng Rongrong, right? Tsk tsk tsk, apart from your figure, there's really nothing to see."

Although he didn't like Qiu Qianying's strong temperament, he didn't like Cheng Rongrong, a woman with big breasts and no brains.

Speaking of Qiu Qianying, Cao Yuanli also had some headaches, knowing that he likes his women to be clean, but he just likes to get entangled with some messy men.

And this time Cheng Rongrong asked her to talk about the end of the world. She saw the lonely man and widow, and even showed him face in public, and left without even giving him a chance to explain. .

Seeing that Cao Yuanli's expression was not very good, Han Zhengyu didn't continue to look for bad luck.

"Wait a few days before notifying her, and deal with the matter at hand first."

In fact, what Cao Yuanli didn't know was that Cheng Rongrong had also approached Qiu Qianying in private, otherwise Qiu Qianying wouldn't be so impulsive.

Of course, Zi Sang Chanmo didn't know what was being discussed downstairs, and thought she had locked the door into the space as soon as she came back.

"Master, are you okay?"

Facing Tian's unique gentle voice, Zi Sangchanmo felt a little embarrassed.

She could clearly feel Tian's concern for her from the bottom of her heart, and she paused. Didn't Tian know what happened just now?
"Tian, ​​can you know what's on my mind?"

The expression on Tian's face remained the same as before, "You are Tian's master, as long as you want to let Tian know, Tian will naturally know, but just like just now, you don't want to from the bottom of your heart. Let Tian know, Tian naturally doesn't know."

Seeing Tian, ​​who remained unchanged in expression as before, Zisangchan breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time felt a sense of loss that she couldn't explain.

really weird!
But now he finally calmed down, all blamed on that Han Zhengyu, how disgusting that he even felt like molesting her!
And she herself, why is she so unbelievable, she should have pushed him away at that time, and then yelled: "Can you also call Ben Guliang's nickname?" Then scolded that black-hearted duck!
Just thinking about it makes me feel relieved!

But just think about it.

Well, she doesn't dare yet.

However, when her abilities become stronger, she should be stronger than him.

Um... no, it must be!
Although it is said that Zi Sangchanmo was more restrained and not talkative in the past, it is estimated that even she herself did not realize that there is a restless heart hidden under her quiet surface.

I didn't notice it just now, but now that I think about it, this seems to be the second time Cao Yuanli helped her out, right?

I really don't understand what these protagonists are thinking, she will not be narcissistic and think that the male protagonist will treat her differently.

It doesn't matter, as long as they are willing to take her on the road when the time comes.

After spending 10 minutes figuring it out, Zi Sangchanmo forgot about the people in these books.

From her point of view, these people are all characters set in the book. Although there may be some deviations because of Cheng Rongrong and her arrival, she does not belong here after all. Maybe one day she will suddenly turn back to Li Chanmo?

After the mood improved, I found that I was hungry again, and the supernatural being couldn't afford to be hurt, so I had to look at Tian angrily, "Tian, ​​I want to eat pickled cabbage fish tonight."

After discovering that the master's mood improved, Tian's mood also improved. After all, he is not a real human being, and his emotions will only change according to the master's changes. "Then master, wait a moment, Tian will do it right away."

"Yeah, hurry up, Tian, ​​I'm so hungry."

After taking a bath and eating the meal prepared by Tian beautifully, Zi Sangchanmo felt that she was about to bubble with happiness.

This is the rice worm life she wants. It would be great if the end of the world does not come, but unfortunately this is just a wish.

She'd better practice her abilities obediently. It's fine if she can't compare to the god-defying man of the hero, at least she must surpass that black-hearted duck!

 Thank you to the little fairy babies who sent me the recommendation ticket *^o^*, the computer broke down this afternoon, so it is a little late ﹋o﹋.


(End of this chapter)

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