Chapter 7

But there are some things you just can't hide from without looking for them.

When Zi Sangchanmo was carrying things home with big and small bags, she actually saw five or six people moving things to her house. What's the matter?
It wasn't until I saw Cheng Rongrong standing at the door pointing Jiangshan that I suddenly understood.

Fortunately, the villas in this rich area are quite far apart, so no one saw them.

Looking at the sacks of flour and rice, boxes of instant noodles and mineral water being moved into the house, and looking at what I have in hand, it is really insignificant.

If she had known that Cheng Rongrong would be back, she wouldn't have made this trip.

Seeing Zi Sangchanmo came back, Cheng Rongrong just cast her a glance, and continued to point Jiangshan proudly like a peacock.

After saying hello, Zi Sang Chanmo resigned and moved the things back to her room. Anyway, they didn't like these little things.

Can't afford to provoke her to hide?
Holding a lot of things along the way, even though it is still cold in spring, Zi Sangchanmo is sweating all over, and now she just wants to go back to the room and take a shower.

From now on, she doesn't plan to go out again, and obediently practices her abilities, and then waits for the end of the world.

Because Zi Sangchanmo's room was on the second floor, she had to go through the living room, but in the living room she saw an unexpected person!
Cao Yuanli!
Do you want to be so scary!Is the hero so idle?
Cao Yuanli sat on the leather sofa in the living room, crossed his legs casually, and looked up slightly with an indescribable aura.

He is obviously the boss of the underworld, but he looks like a noble son. No wonder Cheng Rongrong loves him so much!

There were two men sitting on the sofa next to him.

One looks to be about the same age as Cao Yuanli, 27 or [-] years old, with a curly hair combed back, wearing a cross earring, and looks cynical.

There is also a slightly older man in his 40s, wearing glasses, with an amiable smile and dressed like a successful person.

Zi Sangchanmo instantly thought of two people, Han Zhengyu, Cao Yuanli's cousin and number one thug, and Uncle Ming, who was the housekeeper and military adviser.

Because they only appear as supporting roles in the original book, the author doesn't write much about them, but it is worth mentioning that Han Zhengyu is Cao Yuanli's cousin, and he is one of the very few dual-line supernatural beings.

On the surface it is an ice-type ability, but there is also an unknown ability-dark type.

According to legend, it has the same ability to kill invisible as the spiritual system, but what is more terrifying than the spiritual system is that even the corpse cannot be found!

It was so scary, Zi Sangchanmo wondered if this person's thoughts were too dark, that's why he awakened this ability, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, and he made up his mind to stay away from this person in the future.

None of this group of people is easy to mess with. Uncle Ming looks amiable and looks like ordinary people. In fact, it is the brain mutation, the development of brain capacity, many new weapons and the use of zombie crystal cores as new energy sources. He invented it.

Zi Sangchanmo just wants to be a little transparent and live in peace and security in the last days, and doesn't want to offend these godlike figures.

If they are willing to take her with them, then she will play soy sauce in the back, if they don't, then she will become a superwoman!
After a quick glance, she lowered her head and walked upstairs on her own. Now she just wants to sneak back to the room.

Seeing her come in with large and small bags, Han Zhengyu's eyes lit up, and he immediately sat up straight from his gangster appearance.

The person's jet-black hair was randomly tied behind his head, and on his flushed face, the delicate skin made people want to reach out and pinch it.

Even with thick flat bangs, it can't hide the elegance in the eyes, and the smaller body makes people want to take care of it.

Unlike those women he met in the past, the first thing he saw her was not to conquer or possess, but to protect!

He is a casual person, like when he sees something he likes, he just takes it.

"Little sister, do you live here?" Han Zhengyu thought he was extremely handsome, tossed his hair, and ran to Zisangchanmo's side with his long legs.
Then he asked, "I bought so many things."

With a height of nearly 1.9 meters, Zi Sang Chanmo, who can reach 1.6 meters, has a headache. I am really afraid of something.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Han Zhengyu still didn't give up and asked, "Little sister, what's your name?"

As if unaware of Zi Sangchanmo's distress, he blocked her way from left to right.

Zi Sangchanmo had no choice but to stop, lowered her head and whispered: "Zi Sangchanmo"

"What? Zisang is greedy for a cat?" Han Zhengyu couldn't control the volume all of a sudden, and Cheng Rongrong, who was standing at the door, could have heard this sentence.

After Han Zhengyu finished yelling, he was a little annoyed. He finally met someone he liked, so he couldn't be scared away!

Then he bent down again and whispered in her ear: "Little greedy cat?"

Little greedy cat!
Even though it's only been a dozen or 20 days, it feels like a long time has passed, no one has called her that for a long time.

It also seems that this is the only connection she has with the past, reminding her that the past 20 years really existed.

Xiao Xiao, I wonder if you will be okay after I leave?
After bursts of throbbing, a touch of bitterness followed, now she is not Li Chanmo, she is the son of this unknown world, Sang Chanmo!
Only then did Zi Sangchanmo raise her head and take a serious look at Han Zhengyu. I have to say that this man is indeed very eye-catching. As Cao Yuanli's cousin, his appearance is quite perfect.

Different from Cao Yuanli's domineering appearance, Han Zhengyu's aura is a bit unrestrained, his resolute face is mixed with soft and sexy lip line, thinking about the charming voice just now, unfortunately, she has Tian!
He had hardly had such intimate contact with a man since he was a child, and he was not used to it for a while, but then he thought of his terrible ability, and immediately calmed down.

A person who looks so extroverted and uninhibited is actually a black-hearted duck in his heart. It is estimated that with her IQ, she can't figure out what this kind of person is thinking. For the sake of her life, it is better to stay as far away as possible.

Han Zhengyu naturally also felt Zisang Chanmo's shyness flashing past, and he was secretly delighted at his own charm. He just wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue him, but was interrupted by his cousin.

Only Cao Yuan's Liyouyou voice came: "Zhengyu, have you got the batch of goods you mentioned?"

Han Zhengyu looked unhappy: "Oh, cousin, I'm busy with important things."

He turned his head to look at Zi Sangchanmo again.

Although he was reluctant to let Zi Sang Chanmo go, but after thinking about it, girls at this age are the most timid, and it would be bad if they accidentally backfired.

Leaning over to Zisangchanmo's ear, she said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Little greedy cat, remember, Brother Zhengyu will protect you from now on."

The warm voice and the breath sprayed in the ear, like a little furry paw, scratching the heart lovingly, itching.

This made her very uncomfortable.

It's like a calm lake, the silence is broken by a drop of dew, and ripples appear.

She didn't know what happened.

A sudden burst of heart palpitations made her flustered.He didn't know where he got the strength to push Han Zhengyu away, and fled upstairs as if fleeing.

She could clearly hear Han Zhengyu's bohemian laughter and Uncle Ming's helpless scolding behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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