Chapter 6

Wearing a fiery red long woolen coat with a pair of black knee-high boots, chestnut-brown wavy hair and enchanting red lips, the careful makeup just turned the five points into eight points.

"Sister", flustered for a moment, quickly cleared up her thoughts, imitating the original owner's appearance and calling people obediently.

Although she has been working hard to adapt to the reality after time travel and has the memory of the original owner, she still retains the habits of the past twenty years.

This feeling is like a combination of contradictions. In the first few days, I woke up vaguely in the morning, and I was shocked when I saw people in the mirror. After these days, the habit has been much better.

Thinking about it, Cheng Rongrong probably didn't see it just now, right?

At this time, Zi Sangchanmo also complained secretly, as long as Cheng Rongrong's dress is not a female partner, who would believe it, but on the surface she still looks submissive.

When the end of the world comes, you must raise your head!

Although she wanted to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, she was too aggrieved. Although she would not be able to build a base like the heroines, big, kill, four, square, but it was really tiring to keep her head down like this.

She has to change slowly just to avoid cervical spondylosis in the future!Zi Sang Chanmo secretly made up her mind in her heart.

The idea of ​​thinking is only a moment, what surprised her most at this time was not meeting Cheng Rongrong here, but meeting Cheng Rongrong and Cao Yuanli here!

Although Zi Sangchanmo has never met Cao Yuanli, as the male lead in the novel, Zisangchanmo clearly remembers the description in the original book.

With a perfect body shape of 1 meters, a side face like a knife, and a blood-red earring on the left ear, even wearing casual clothes can't stop the domineering side leakage.

With his hands in his pockets, he seemed to be indifferent to everything around him, but it still attracted the obsession of many women.

Who else has such a powerful aura besides the hero?

Taking a quick glance, um, she doesn't like it because it's not as good-looking as Tian's.

But why would Cheng Rongrong be with the hero at this time?
Where did Qiu Qianying go?Zi Sangchanmo felt that her brain was not enough...

Of course, it was not only Zi Sangchanmo who was looking at Cheng Rongrong and Cao Yuanli at this time, Cheng Rongrong and Cao Yuanli were also looking at Zisangchanmo.

"Why do you buy so many instant noodles and ham sausage?" Cheng Rongrong felt that this was God's compensation for her, and her tone was subconsciously arrogant.

Seeing that Zi Sang Chanmo bought some ham sausage instant noodles, she subconsciously wondered if she knew something, and opened her mouth to speak out her thoughts.

"The servants at home have all resigned, and I don't know how to cook, so..." His voice became lower and lower, and finally he lowered his head in shame.

After hearing this explanation, Cheng Rongrong was relieved, she was overthinking, but what does Zi Sangchanmo mean, blame her for quitting all the servants and not giving her food?
The question that was about to be blurted out just turned around on the lips, thinking of the man standing beside him, he swallowed the words violently.

Thinking about what she said just now, I was afraid that I would leave a bad impression on Cao Yuanli, the man she loved in her previous life and couldn't help herself.

She doesn't blame him for the things in the previous life, everything is due to Qiu Qianying, that flirtatious woman!It must be her!
Not knowing what to think of, Cheng Rongrong showed a weird smile.

So since her rebirth, apart from collecting supplies, she spent the rest of her time capturing Cao Yuanli, a godlike man, a man worthy of her both in appearance and ability.

But what did she see!Her man actually looked at that smelly girl with great interest!
This made her heart that had just calmed down immediately burn again!Cao Yuanli is hers!It's hers!

Qiu Qianying can't do it, let alone this illegitimate daughter who can't get on the stage!
"Don't hurry up after buying it..."

"It's not that I'm going to buy spices." The interrogative sentence interrupted Cheng Rongrong's words with an irresistible statement tone, and strangled Cheng Rongrong's next words in the cradle.

I saw Cheng Rongrong swept away the unhappiness before, and asked Cao Yuanli what he wanted to eat and what flavor he liked with a 360-degree attitude.

Even Cao Yuanli's occasional "um" tone can't dampen Cheng Rongrong's enthusiastic heart.

At this time, Cao Yuanli was thinking about another matter with great interest. It seemed that Cheng Rongrong's younger sister was a little different from the one in the legend.

Cheng Rongrong, a stupid woman, didn't see it, but he had noticed Zi Sang Chanmo very early on.

When I saw her shopping just now, she was like a little hamster hoarding goods, happy and unruly, smart and cunning, so he couldn't help but look at her a few times.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Cheng Rongrong's younger sister, which was completely different from Wei Wei Nuo Nuo now. He didn't think there would be such a big difference between one person. It seems that Cheng Rongrong's younger sister is not simple.

Now it seems that this woman Cheng Rongrong is still somewhat useful, and he doesn't mind bringing one more. In the last days, according to that stupid woman, it seems that his ability is not a problem at all.

Ability? It's really exciting.

Cheng Rongrong raised eyebrows at Zi Sangchanmo from time to time while greeting Cao Yuan, and Zisangchanmo was speechless.

I don't know what her cheap female supporting sister thinks, and how she can tell that she is interested in this heroine's man. These men are not easy to mess with, and she can't wait to stay away from them.

She really is a female partner with big breasts and no brains?The apocalypse is coming and you still have the mood to coax a man?It was a man who hurt him this time in the previous life.

Is it really the power of love?
It's a pity, for a man like Cao Yuanli, it doesn't seem like he would give up everything for love. Perhaps in his opinion, only capable women are qualified to stand by his side, just like Qiu Qianying probably because of Only one's own ability will be recognized.

But it can't be completely denied, maybe I haven't met true love?Perhaps there will also be legends about loving Jiangshan more than beauties.

In fact, the son Sang Chanmo who was born in the orphanage is still willing to believe that there is true love in this world.

She also desires true love more than anyone else, and is more sensitive than anyone else, so she will be so happy when she meets Tian, ​​because of the contractual relationship, she will have no reservations.

Oops, I don’t want to think about this anymore, who still has the strength to fall in love in the end of the world, let’s talk after we are full.

When I looked up, I realized that those two people had left just now... I was so engrossed in thinking that I didn't even know when they left.

She is not in the mood to go shopping anymore, and the end of the world is coming in a week, she should go home and practice her abilities obediently, she doesn't want to get involved in the love and hatred of the heroine and the heroine, otherwise she will be accidentally caught She has nowhere to cry after being cannon fodder.

(End of this chapter)

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