Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 5 has a supernatural power

Chapter 5 has a supernatural power
Ever since she knew that she had transmigrated into the novel of the last days, Zi Sang Chanmo's heart was tense every day, for fear that she would accidentally lose her life, and only by constantly collecting materials could she satisfy the emptiness in her heart.

Lying on the grass in the space, looking at the vibrant space, it is quiet and peaceful, and my ups and downs are also quiet at this moment.

There is no temperature change in the space, but it is strange that animals and plants in various seasons live together well.

Some trees are blooming, and some are bearing fruit, abrupt and harmonious.

What a beautiful life, blue sky, white clouds, faint grass fragrance, gradually Zi Sangchanmo seems to have entered a wonderful realm.

As if lying in the arms of a mother, bathed in the warm winter sun, all the cells in the body are breathing and clamoring.

happy, satisfied.

Zi Sangchanmo woke up under Tian's gentle wake-up. After a good night's sleep, she felt extremely comfortable all over her body. She didn't expect that there was a huge surprise waiting for her.

It seemed that there was a strange energy in the body, and Zi Sang Chanmo was shocked!
Almost subconsciously, I thought: Ability!
She actually awakened her abilities ahead of time!

Because she is just a little transparent in the book, she doesn't mention whether she has supernatural powers at all, so this is exactly what she is worried about. After all, in the book, the end of the world is like a baptism. To live better.

In an apocalyptic catastrophe, two-thirds of the world's population has turned into zombies, and the number of people with abilities in the remaining third is only one-tenth, so every person with abilities is God's favorite.

Zi Sangchanmo was extremely excited, now she is also a supernatural person!

According to the book, Zi Sangchanmo closed her eyes to perceive the energy in her body, tried to concentrate the power on her right hand, and then released the power on an unknown wild flower beside her.

The flower buds that were originally budding gradually bloomed, then aged, died, and withered.Then finished its hasty life.

The weakness after using up her powers can't stop her inner excitement!
Wood system!

Among the many abilities, the wood type is a relatively mild ability. Although the lethality is not as good as the fire type of the thunder type, it should not be underestimated if it is really used well.

The post-apocalyptic pollution has made water and soil unusable, and food cannot be produced, so the wood system has become the object of competition among various bases.

And with the passage of time, the plants also began to mutate. At this time, the role of wood-type supernatural powers began to show. Zi Sangchanmo was extremely satisfied with the wood-type supernatural power with healing power.

"Congratulations, master, for obtaining the ability." Tian's voice sounded joyful.

"Hee hee, now I have another life-saving capital." Zi Sangchanmo couldn't help but said happily, "By the way, Tian, ​​how long have I slept, I feel so hungry."

"The master has been asleep for two hours, and this awakening power has consumed a lot of energy, which is why the master is so hungry."

It seems to be mentioned in the book that after the supernatural being awakens, his energy demand will increase, and his appetite will also increase accordingly.

After eating the lunch prepared by Tian Meimei, Zi Sangchanmo began to exercise her abilities.

According to the book, the end of the world will come on the night of February [-]th, which is Valentine's Day. At that time, the virus in the air will cause people to fall into a coma, and the ones who wake up again are supernatural beings and mutants. ordinary people.

Powers are roughly divided into elemental powers, such as gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder and ice, spiritual space, etc. Mutations are physical mutations, such as increased speed, increased strength, farther vision, better hearing, and so on.

In the early days of the end of the world, physical mutations were still very powerful, but with the evolution of zombies, the role of mutants gradually decreased.

In the late end of the world, that is the real world of supernatural beings.

Zi Sangchanmo is very glad that she has wood-type abilities. According to Tian, ​​the reason for her early awakening of abilities may be because she uses the Worriless Spring every day, and the abundance of aura in the space leads to the early awakening of abilities.

No matter what, this is a good thing for Zi Sangchanmo, her wish is to live a good life as a rice worm, and when the sky falls, the heroines will support her, so she can just follow behind and make soy sauce.

Now that she awakens one step earlier than others, she has the advantage of being one step ahead, and now she has to work hard to improve her abilities!Only those who have absolute self-protection ability are qualified to be rice bugs!
After getting familiar with the supernatural power in the space in the afternoon, Zi Sangchanmo left the space,

At the beginning, I just read the novel briefly, but now I can't remember many things, so Zi Sangchanmo recounted all the major events and time that he could recall.

I regret it, why didn't I read the book carefully at the beginning.

Alas, it's useless to regret now.

There are too many unknowns in the last days, and Zi Sang Chanmo dare not risk her own life. Although there will always be constant troubles around the heroine, there are also various opportunities that follow, and according to the heroine According to the law of immortality, Zi Sangchanmo decided to follow the heroine.

Now that she decided to follow the heroine, she couldn't show any strangeness.

Out of the space, the huge villa was quiet. Cheng Rongrong probably collected supplies outside. Cheng Muhan probably lived in an apartment near his company. Cheng Rongrong dismissed all the servants, probably because he didn't want to leave a hidden danger for himself.

Zi Sangchanmo was a little distressed, what if Cheng Rongrong didn't come back until the end of the world?Could it be that she went directly to the northern base in city B?

Forget it, take one step at a time, now the female supporting role has also been reborn, so she doesn't know whether she has transmigrated into a heroine's world or a female supporting role's counterattack!

There is nothing in the villa now, Zi Sangchanmo plans to go to the supermarket to buy some food to deceive others, after all, there is still a week before February [-]th.

Because the original owner did not have a driver's license, Zi Sangchanmo had no choice but to take a taxi to a nearby big supermarket.

"Zi Sangchanmo?"

Just as Zi Sangchanmo was using her characteristics of a house girl to scan the shopping cart frantically, she suddenly heard someone call her name.

Zi Sangchan was shocked!Subconsciously guilty, the excitement of shopping just now got carried away in a moment.

Wei Wei slightly lowered her head, her thick bangs covered Shui Lingling's big eyes, her humble appearance made people ignore her appearance.

Seeing the person who came, Zi Sang Chanmo didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

(End of this chapter)

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