Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 4 Preparations for rice worms

Chapter 4 Preparations for rice worms

The original owner was already a first-year student at Imperial University this year, but he asked for leave to return home because his father passed away.

Because the winter vacation was approaching, I simply waited for the next year to start school before going, which happened to give Zi Sang Chanmo time to collect supplies.

The original owner's father had just passed away, and the company was handed over to the original owner's brother to take care of it, so Cheng Muhan was very busy these days and lived directly in the company, so Zi Sang Chanmo couldn't see the second male lead.

Going back to the room, I found the things left by the original owner, more than a dozen bank cards, and some relics left by the original owner's mother. After calculating the original owner's money, I found that the original owner is really an invisible rich woman.

Only the original owner’s mother left more than 5000 million. It seems that she has never heard the original owner’s mother mention the family affairs. She only knows that the original owner’s mother’s name is Zi Sang Xiangxiang, and she doesn’t know anything else.

I don't know how she conceived and gave birth to her own. Judging by the appearance of the original owner's mother, it is impossible to be a mistress. Could it be that the father of this body is overbearing?
No matter so much, take back some jewelry and items left by the original owner's mother, and continue to organize assets.

The original owner's father passed away, and the original owner also left a share of the shares. Because the original owner was not interested in this aspect, he sold it to the original owner's brother for 8000 million.

Zi Sang Chanmo couldn't help sighing, what a wise decision, the end of the world is coming, and saving money to buy supplies is the most important thing.

I don't know when Cheng Rongrong was reborn, but it seems that she didn't tell Cheng Muhan the news of the end times.

Zi Sangchanmo felt that she should continue to be transparent as a little transparent, as saving the world is not something she can do with her intelligence and strength.

Her goal now is to be strong first, and then become a rice bug!

There is also the pocket money given by Cheng's father and the New Year's money, and the original owner is not fond of spending money, so he has saved nearly 1000 million!

Thinking about her in her previous life, her deposit probably wasn't even a fraction of her!Sure enough, people are more popular than people.

Don't think so much anymore, take the time to collect supplies while there is still time.

Zi Sangchanmo didn't plan to collect supplies locally. It would be a disaster if the reborn sister found out, so it was still safer to go abroad.

At the moment, I checked some manufacturers on the Internet and placed an order directly, such as clothes and shoes, canned snacks, salt and soy sauce seasoning, and coal.

It is said in the book that after the end of the world, the temperature difference will become very large. In winter, forty to fifty degrees below zero is common, and Zi Sang Chanmo had to prepare some.

These are lists from other provinces. Zi Sangchanmo plans to collect them first when she goes abroad, and then come back to collect them after half a month.

Anyway, the original owner was already an adult, and Cheng Rongrong was busy collecting supplies, and Cheng Muhan was busy with company affairs so he had no time to take care of her, and it happened that Zi Sangchanmo didn't bother to deal with them.

After packing up her things, Zi Sang Chanmo booked a plane ticket to country R. She heard that the seafood there was very good, so the first stop was country R. After all, she didn't have much time.

There is an ocean in the space, so she doesn't worry about storing things. On the way, Zi Sangchanmo also keeps placing orders on her mobile phone, and there are them in every country she is going to, just to give them time to prepare in advance, and so on. After she passes by, she can go directly to pick up the goods.

In half a month, Zi Sang Chanmo went to country R, ​​country M, country D, country Y, and bought a lot of messy things, including food, drink, and play, which cost nearly [-] million yuan.

They also got eight modified off-road vehicles with super performance, and the most important thing is a batch of munitions!
These are of course not bought, even if Zi Sang Chanmo is rich, there is no such way, these are all stolen with the help of space!
Although it is a bit shameful, in order to have an extra guarantee for survival in the last days, she will be a villain for a while.

Rice flour, various canned vegetables, fruits, meat, instant noodles, ham sausage and so on can be bought as much as she can, anyway, she can’t finish it by herself, but there is no harm in buying more, and the money will even be a pile of waste paper in the last days It's not as good, it's better to spend it early.

Clothes are ordered directly at the factory, and some cotton clothes and quilts are ordered directly from some factories found on the Internet, which is convenient and saves money.

There are also some outdoor products. In the apocalypse, you may have to spend the night outside. For example, some tents, flashlights, candle lighters, etc. are bought in bulk.

And her space, although there are many seeds in the space, she still bought all the seeds and seedlings she could buy.

Originally, there were only chickens, pigs, cattle, sheep and poultry in the space. This time she bought some cows, rabbits, ducks, and almost everything she could buy, and put them in the space for free-range breeding. The space was filled with Tian and twelve servants. It's much more convenient.

Anyway, she has made up her mind, and she doesn't expect herself to be able to build a base like the heroine. She is just a little transparent, and she can't make a big deal.

Therefore, with the heroine's immortal body, it is safe to hide behind the heroine and gradually become stronger.

After spending nearly [-] million on shopping, Zi Sang Chanmo returned home contentedly. When a woman buys things, even she herself feels terrible.

After leaving the house for half a month, the house was still quiet when I came back again. There was no one there. Well, she didn't even need to explain now.

After more than ten days of running around, Zi Sangchanmo felt that she was almost exhausted and fell apart. She ran back and forth all over the world without much rest. She returned to her little pink nest, locked the door and entered the space.

"Master, you are here, are you tired?"

The first time Zisang Chanmo entered the space, Tian knew about it, and rushed to meet her, his tone full of surprise.

Seeing Tian's caring tone, Zi Sangchanmo felt extremely happy, as if a wanderer returning home, how lucky she was to sign a contract with Tian, ​​"Well, have I packed up all the things I bought? "

"Master, don't worry, everything has been put in the warehouse. Some animals are on the grass in front, and some are free-range on the mountain behind. All arrangements have been made."

Zi Sang Chanmo nodded in satisfaction.

Seeing Zi Sangchanmo's tired look, Tian felt distressed; "Is the master tired? I'll help people prepare food, and the master will go to Wuyouquan to go clubbing."

Although Wuyou Spring is called a spring, it is actually a big lake. Zi Sangchanmo doesn't know how big this lake is. Anyway, Ting Tian said that the water in this lake is inexhaustible.

For Zi Sangchanmo, the fourth uncle and uncle built a soup pool next to it, and specially brought water from the lake for bathing.

Zi Sangchanmo was really tired and agreed to Tian's proposal.

After taking a nice bath to get rid of his exhaustion, he went to the basement to look at his supplies, and finally felt relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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