Chapter 21
What was disappointing was that not only did the zombies not leave, but the closer it was to dark, the more zombies gathered outside. They were tireless and did not know day or night.

Several people were helpless, so they had to stay in the supermarket overnight.

Fortunately, I greeted Uncle Ming before leaving, so I didn't get confused.

This is Zi Sangchanmo's first night of experiencing the end of the world. She didn't expect to spend it in a supermarket. The end of the world has just begun, so she is about to experience ups and downs?

Put Guigui in a soup bowl in the supermarket, pour in mineral water and add some worry-free spring water. Fortunately, the worry-free spring looks like ordinary water when it is out of space, otherwise she would not dare to take it out.

Washed the big flower buds with water, put them on the edge of the bowl, leaned against them, and Guigui swirled comfortably in the water, drank water, and took a bath by the way.

"Damn, you've become a flower!"

Zi Sangchanmo, who was thinking about something, was taken aback by Han Zhengyu's sudden voice!
"You can't make a noise when you walk, you scared me to death!" Zi Sangchanmo patted her chest.

Han Zhengyu stretched out his hand to pinch Guigui, and was accidentally poked by a flower thorn, and his finger went numb for an instant.

Quickly withdrew his hand, his fingers were already swollen.

Zi Sangchanmo patted Guigui's flower on the head helplessly, "Don't make a fuss."

Guigui yelled in his mind, "Who told him to bully Momo, and he even called her a monster!"

Your last sentence is the key point.

"Look at this swollen one, are you okay?" Zi Sang Chanmo was a little worried, and it would be bad if there was too much trouble.

"Don't worry, I'll just make a little joke with him, it'll be fine if it hurts all night."

Zi Sang Chanmo: "..."

Han Zhengyu, you should just ask for more blessings.

Han Zhengyu was a little surprised when he saw this rose without a regular shape. He didn't expect this little flower to be so powerful, but it was good, so he felt more at ease.

Thinking this way in his heart, his face showed a look of being wronged, "Little greedy cat, I feel sorry for you."

Zi Sang Chanmo can't help it, after all, this time it is indeed too much, but she deserves it.

Handed him the water mixed with worry-free spring, "Drink it." This is a good thing, there is only a little bit from the female partner, and what she gave this time is the female partner's monthly amount.

But Han Zhengyu didn't know.

"Little cat, you treat others like this, please help them brag."

"Do you want love?" Zi Sangchanmo was about to withdraw her hand, but Han Zhengyu snatched it away.

"Snoring, snoring", the bottle bottomed out after a few strokes.

"Burp", I didn't forget to burp after drinking, "What Momo gave is different, it's so sweet to people's hearts."

Blinking at Zi Sangchanmo, licking the corner of his mouth and firing at her, it's a pity that someone's mind is not on this at all.


Zi Sangchanmo thought.

If the female supporting role knew that Han Zhengyu was drinking like this, would she feel distressed to death?

Looking at Han Zhengyu and Zi Sang Chanmo of you and me, Cheng Rongrong was furious, she hated those who showed affection in front of her the most!

"Bang!" With a sound, Cheng Rongrong threw a bed from the space, jumping Cheng Muhan who was laying cardboard boxes on the ground beside him!
"Cheng Rongrong, you are fucking crazy!"

Cheng Rongrong ignored him, and walked to the side of Cao Yuanli who was sitting alone, "Ah Li, you see the bed is so big, why don't we squeeze in at night?"

Cao Yuanli didn't look at her, and said calmly: "No need, didn't you say you have something to say, hurry up and tidy up."

Seeing that Cao Yuanli rejected her, Cheng Rongrong was not discouraged, everyone will know how powerful she is Cheng Rongrong after a while!
Seeing that everyone ignored him, Cheng Muhan's eyes became darker.

The electricity in the supermarket has been cut off. Several people found the flashlights and desk lamps in the supermarket. The brightness is not a problem.

The corpses of the zombies were brought to the first floor by several men, but even so, there was still a rotten stench in the air.

During the period, Cheng Rongrong went to the bathroom, and came out refreshed all over, with light makeup on, and even her short hair looked well-dressed.

Zi Sangchanmo once again admired the IQ of the female lead, this person has too much heart to think that others can't see that there is a problem with her space.

There was no way to make a fire to cook, so the few people ate some bread and biscuits in the supermarket. Although they had no appetite, their stomachs were growling, and Zi Sang Chanmo forced herself to eat some.

And while others were not paying attention, I secretly filled the space with some snacks I liked and things I didn't collect. It was like being a thief, afraid of being seen, and worried for a long time.

After everyone cleaned up, it was past eight o'clock, and they sat on the makeshift bed and started the party.

"I found that the ability can be upgraded."

Cheng Rongrong's words can be regarded as attracting everyone's attention.

"After I used up my powers today, I accidentally discovered that meditation can restore my powers better."

Cheng Rongrong also demonstrated how to meditate and how to meditate.

After everyone tried it, it was found that it was indeed feasible.

Cao Yuanli was a little surprised, he didn't expect this Cheng Rongrong to be a little clever, he tried it and felt really good.

If she can keep her own place all the time, he might consider taking her by his side.

Qiu Qianying on the side was very puzzled, she just discovered this today, and before she had time to say, Cheng Rongrong also discovered it?
But she always felt that something was wrong, and she couldn't tell what was wrong.

But now she couldn't help her to wonder, seeing Cao Yuanli's expression, she knew that Ah Li was going to keep this Cheng Rongrong!

The nails clasped her palm deeply, forcing herself to calm down, how could she lose to this stupid woman!

Seeing that Qiu Qianying's expression was not right, Cheng Muhan hurriedly said, "Qianying, what's wrong with you? Are you all right?"

"I'm fine." Qiu Qianying smiled lightly, and she just said that her charm has never changed, and what A Li now values ​​is only her ability.

Feeling Qiu Qianying's gaze, Cheng Rongrong felt extremely happy, and you will have to bear this feeling in the future!

At night, several men took turns to watch the night, and the crisis-ridden life did not allow anyone to relax in the slightest.

The roaring of the zombies downstairs and the bumping into the students made Zi Sangchanmo toss and turn, unable to sleep, always feeling like she forgot something, but couldn't remember anything, this feeling is really annoying!

Now Guigui is wrapping around her neck and snoring soundly, Zisang Chanmo couldn't help laughing, she really has never seen a flower sleeping and snoring.

If you can't sleep, just close your eyes and exercise your psychic powers.

Slowly following the energy of the body and slowly stretching forward, it seems that there is no hindrance in the dark night.

When passing quickly over Han Zhengyu's sleeping face, he accidentally bumped into the empty bottle he was drinking from just now.

The bottle dangled on the ground twice, then gradually stopped.

Zi Sangchan was shocked!
She knows what she forgot!

(End of this chapter)

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