Chapter 22
Zisang looked at his watch, it was 56:[-]!
With a bang, he stood up from the bed, and accidentally staggered before standing still. This action startled Cheng Muhan, who was watching the night by the side.

Even Cao Yuan, Li Chou Qianying and Han Zhengyu who were on the side were also awakened. Now that the situation is unknown, no one would dare to sleep to death, except the big-hearted Cheng Rongrong.

"What's the matter?" Cheng Muhan was a little strange, wondering what happened to the younger sister who came halfway, but his tone was still gentle.

This is also the first time he has looked at his half-sister.

In the past, he never cared about how many younger sisters he had. To him, anyone who did not compete with him for family property was a stranger, so he never paid attention to this younger sister, but now he has to be reconsidered. Looking at the world, people who are often at the bottom may turn over completely.

As a businessman, he always considers what is best for him.

"No, it's fine."

Zi Sangchanmo didn't pay attention to Cheng Muhan's tone, because now her mind was full of one thing.


There will be a big earthquake in province D at twelve o'clock!

Originally a province with a large population before the end of the world, it has indeed become a province with the fewest survivors after the end of the world!
And although they are in province A now, they are in city Z, a city bordering the three provinces of province D and S
Although it was not at the center of the earthquake, the aftershocks would definitely not be too small!

The reason why Cheng Rongrong didn't take it seriously was probably because she was in the Cheng family's villa at the time, and the earthquake resistance was good, so she didn't even think about the danger outside.

And now this supermarket looks like it has been around for a while, I don't know if it can be lucky to escape this time.

The earthquake is coming soon, no matter what, it is necessary to remind everyone to be prepared.

"Sorry, I want to go to the bathroom."

How on earth should I tell everyone about the earthquake? This female supporting role is really a trap, she can forget such a big thing completely!

While thinking, Zi Sangchanmo picked up the coat that was put aside. This is a coat from the supermarket, which is comfortable and warm.

Get dressed quickly, squat down to tie your shoelaces, and casually glance to the side!


Red eyes!
A big red eye!
"what happened?"

Seeing that the situation was not right, everyone quickly cleaned themselves up!

Even when Cheng Rongrong was woken up and saw that something was going wrong, she went on alert without saying a word, she still had this consciousness.

Cao Yuanli picked up the flashlight and shone it over the red eyes, and his right hand was alerted with supernatural powers.

Zi Sangchanmo was holding the ax tightly, Guigui had woken up a long time ago, and now she was waiting on her neck.

Cheng Rongrong was also a little sweaty, because she had never been to this supermarket in her previous life, so she didn't know about this matter!
When the beam of light in the flashlight hit the red light, everyone gasped when they saw the red color clearly!
Zombie rats!
Densely packed, no less than a thousand zombie rats all gathered in one place, with pairs of red eyes staring straight at them, waiting for an opportunity as if they were waiting for their prey.

Zi Sangchanmo saw that her scalp was numb, it's over now!
I don't know which mouse made the first move, and all the mice became restless.

The heart-piercing cry made people have a splitting headache.

Suddenly, all the mice started rushing forward!It rushed like a huge wave, menacing!

Just when Cao Yuanli was about to throw out the power in his hand, those zombie rats suddenly turned in a different direction and rushed downstairs!

Everyone looked at each other and suddenly didn't understand what was going on, but it was a blessing that they didn't attack them!

"Scared me!"

Cheng Rongrong patted her chest and let out a long sigh of relief, her palms were sweating from shock.

So many zombie rats almost made her sick!
Zi Sangchanmo was also a little confused, but thinking of what happened next, she felt a little headache again.

Before she had time to think, she suddenly swayed involuntarily, and the surrounding shelves also moved.

Then the whole person began to stand unsteadily, feeling that the whole earth was turning, his head was dizzy, and the surrounding shelves began to shake.

The originally silent night was suddenly filled with screams of terror!

The crackling sound continued, and the things in the supermarket fell to the floor.

The dust on the ceiling above the head also began to fall continuously.

It was the first time for Zi Sang Chanmo to experience an earthquake, and she was no longer as calm as before.

There is only one thought in my mind: escape!
It's a pity that my head is very dizzy, and I can't stand firmly with Ben.

"Earthquake!" "Run!"

In the blur, she didn't know who held her hand and dragged her towards the downstairs.

Those hands were cold, but at this moment she suddenly wanted to cry.

"Ah!" "Ah Li, save me!"

I couldn't see the way clearly in the dark, so I could only run downstairs with the faint light.

Because she thought that she didn't need to kill zombies at night, Cheng Rongrong specially picked a pair of high heels to look good, and let people envy her space by the way.

Unexpectedly, this became her death talisman instead!

With a body swaying left and right, the high heels couldn't support her at all, and Cheng Rongrong grabbed Qiu Qianying's arm the moment she fell.

If she dies, someone must be buried with her!


That's too late!

The fallen shelf hit Qiu Qianying's leg, and Qiu Qianying screamed in pain, "Cheng Rongrong, you bitch!"

"I didn't do it on purpose, save me, Ah Li, save me!"

Cheng Rongrong was both excited and scared, is Qiu Qianying finally going to die, but she doesn't want to die, she can't die, if she wants to die, just let that shameless woman Qiu Qianying die!

Save her, save her!

"Thousand Shadows!"

Qiu Qianying had time to see a shadow, and suddenly felt light on her leg.

"Qianying, how are you, can you go?"

"Brother! I am your sister!"

 What to do, I am also desperate ﹋o﹋

(End of this chapter)

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