Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 23 Unsettled Night

Chapter 23 Unsettled Night

Cheng Muhan kicked her away, "I don't have a ruthless sister like you!", picked up Qiu Qianying, ignored Cheng Rongrong who was lying on the ground, and rushed out of the door with her speed ability.

As if feeling desperate, Cheng Rongrong yelled crazily.


"Bitch! I'm not done with you!"

The zombies outside the door also seemed to be more excited by the sound. They didn't know what the earthquake was, they only knew that there was delicious food inside, and they roared louder than louder.

Aftershocks are still going on, the old house is already crumbling, and it will be too late if you don't go out!

Zi Sangchanmo turned her head to look at Cheng Rongrong, feeling very entangled in her heart.

"Zisang, borrow your ghost!"

At some point, the hand holding her had already been let go, but now she knew that it was Cao Yuanli standing beside her.

It's him?But the current form no longer allowed her to think about it.

Without further hesitation, I sent voice transmission to Guigui.

"Ghost, please!"

Zi Sangchanmo mobilized her supernatural powers, and the ghostly mind suddenly increased, covering the huge stone that almost fell on Cheng Rongrong's body. The continuous output of supernatural powers caused her to be unable to support her body, and her palms continued to protrude. Khan, "Hurry up, I won't last long."

Seeing this, Cao Yuanli didn't hesitate at all, quickly dodged to Cheng Rongrong's side, dragged her up like a dead pig, and then quickly rushed to the door, killing a zombie with his supernatural power, "Come on, go to the car !"

Seeing that the person had been saved, Zi Sangchanmo immediately withdrew her ability, and Guigui also retracted and returned to her wrist.

Today, I overused my powers and felt a little dizzy. Coupled with the shaking from the earthquake, I felt even more uncomfortable.

She wanted to lift her foot, but it seemed to weigh a thousand catties, she couldn't lift it, she was so dizzy, her head was full of mud, what was she going to do next?
A black shadow seemed to press over his head, and then he lost consciousness.

It was as if she had been in a dream for a long time, as if someone called her, it was so annoying, her head was going to explode, can you stay away from her!
"you give me…"

"Momo, you're awake!"

Han Zhengyu?
This is in the car?What's up with her?
"You overused your ability, so you fainted." Seeing her puzzled, Han Zhengyu explained.

Zi Sang Chanmo nodded, her head was still uncomfortably swollen, and after a while she realized that she was lying on Han Zhengyu's lap!
This guy took advantage of her again while she was not paying attention!
Zi Sangchanmo pushed him away and sat up, thinking that Han Zhengyu's ruffian would definitely tease her, but he didn't expect Han Zhengyu to let her get up easily.

"Momo, Brother Zhengyu's left hand was injured trying to save you. You were almost hit when you passed out, but Brother Zhengyu blocked it with your hand. You have to treat Brother Zhengyu better in the future." Shi Shi jumped out, climbed from her wrist to Han Zhengyu's left hand, and gently rubbed Han Zhengyu's left arm with its big flower bag.

What a flower without position!I don't know who is still using paralyzing venom to deal with people today, but now they are so close and sticky together again.

Han Zhengyu was pleasantly surprised, and touched Guigui's big head with his uninjured hand, "You little brat is full of spirituality! You also know how to repay your kindness, unlike your master, who even promises you with your body." None."

Zi Sangchanmo, who was still guilty of Guigui's words, immediately turned his face, swallowed back the words of thanks that came to his lips, and gave him a big white eye by the way.

If she is grateful, she should keep it in her heart, at worst, she will give him more worry-free spring water in the future.

In the dark night, there were no longer only the roars of the zombies. In the aftershock just now, all the people who were huddled at home escaped, and now they just got into the rations of the zombies.

Because of the earthquake, the collapsed houses and buildings also turned the once clean ground into potholes. It is extremely difficult for a car to walk in the dark. In addition to avoiding the zombies on the road, the original one-hour journey has now become indefinitely. .

The car passed by the gate of a community, Zi Sang Chanmo leaned on the window and looked out, and saw only survivors in the community rushed down one after another, some with their families, some alone.

Some were defenseless, some held kitchen knives in their hands, and some held iron bars in their hands. The dirty sticks declared that there must be a fierce battle just now.

Zombies have only just appeared now, and their actions are not yet flexible. They are far less terrifying than people imagined. As long as they are willing to exercise themselves, ordinary people still have a great hope of surviving. Unfortunately...

The night is the hunting ground of the hell zombies of humans.

Leaving the characters in the novel, Zi Sangchanmo truly discovered that this world is so real. There are too many people without supernatural powers, and there are too many people who are not loved by heaven. Facing such a terrible natural disaster will bring With deep despair.

The night was getting deeper and deeper, and too many things happened in one day, which made people tired until a few o'clock, but the terrible things continued.

The gathering of fresh flesh and blood kept attracting the arrival of zombies, and there were constant screams of horror from the crowd, and the sound penetrated the glass of the car window, constantly stimulating her eardrums.

Zi Sangchanmo couldn't bear to watch it any longer.

Suddenly, a big bald man with a big beard rushed out of the crowd, and he looked very rough. If he saw this kind of person in normal times, he would definitely be afraid and avoid him, but now in the last days, this image is inexplicably reassuring.

He held an iron rod more than one meter long and the thickness of a woman's wrist in his right hand, and kept waving it at the zombies. Every time the iron rod hit, blood and flesh flew everywhere.

There are more and more people hiding behind him, and they gradually fight a bloody path led by him.

 Regarding the question of the male lead, I want to say that it is necessary to be clean physically and mentally, *^o^* the previous article hinted at it.

(End of this chapter)

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