Chapter 24
"Go around the road east of the bank."

Cao Yuanli watched the map while paying attention to the movements of the zombies. Now that there are zombies gathering in every road, all he can do is to choose the safest road.

Zi Sangchanmo saw that he took the map from the bag he carried with him, and it seemed that he had prepared it long ago. Sure enough, the hero is the hero, and there is meat to follow the protagonist!

Now she and Han Zhengyu were sitting in the last row, Cheng Muhan was still driving, but Cao Yuanli and Qiu Qianying were sitting in the middle, and Cheng Rongrong was in the co-pilot seat.

From the looks of it, the heroine and the supporting actress seem to have torn their faces apart ahead of time.

In the current situation, they are all grasshoppers tied to a rope. At this time, they should think about how to save their lives, not when they are fighting among themselves. The IQ of being a heroine is not too low. Find trouble with Cheng Rongrong.

Cheng Rongrong is regretting now, knowing that she was too impulsive this time, and is thinking of a good solution.

Turning back frequently, he seemed hesitant to speak, but unfortunately everyone was busy with their own affairs, no one took the initiative to ask, and it was not easy to take the initiative because of face, so it was always awkward.

In the crisis-ridden end times, there are traps everywhere.

There are a few zombies on the left coming this way, Cheng Muhan immediately turned the steering wheel, hit the gas and knocked one of the zombies away and rushed towards the section Cao Yuanli said.

Fortunately, this car is strong enough, otherwise it will be in big trouble.

After taking the water handed over by Han Zhengyu, he added some space spring water into it when no one was paying attention, and after drinking it, he felt a sliver of clarity in his groggy head.

Zi Sangchanmo turned her head and glanced at the big man who was struggling to kill the zombies, still holding his weapon and waving it non-stop.

More and more people gathered behind the big man. The smell of blood made the zombies more excited. With a sweep of a stick, the heads of the two nearest zombies were blown open. After finally taking a breath, there were new zombies. rushed over.

Two fists are no match for four hands, and the steady stream of zombies has caused the power-type mutant, who was originally able to do a job with ease, to gradually become powerless. His originally calm face was covered with sweat, and the people hiding behind him had nothing to do. It seemed that no one was willing to come forward to help.

Zi Sangchanmo turned her head to look at the so-called protagonists again, but she still didn't say anything in the end.

She is not a Madonna, nor can she be a Madonna.

"What's the matter, is your head still hurting?" Han Zhengyu saw that her face was not right, and couldn't help but blurt out words of concern. Then he thought that this was not his style, and turned a corner abruptly, "If you don't have that ability, don't force it." That head."

Zi Sangchanmo, who thought she knew the virtue of this person well, had no intention of haggling with him at all.

"I'm fine, thank you Uncle Han for your concern." Whoever asked him to say that about himself, she would also disgust him.

She's fine now, and she's calling you an uncle in his 20s.

Han Zhengyu's face turned black, his cat called him uncle!
When did he get so old!He seemed to be able to see Cao Yuanli's gloating face!
Turning his head to the car window, he straightened his hairstyle, looked to the left and looked again, whether it was still that handsome face that both people and gods were angry with.

"Little cat, take a closer look. Do I look like those wretched uncles?" Han Zhengyu put his face in front of her, wanting her to take a closer look. Smiling secretly, it seems that his efforts were not in vain.

Zi Sang Chanmo: "..."

Pushing away that face, she is still not used to being so close to boys, the most important thing is a handsome face, she admits that she is indeed a bit of a face control, okay?

But thinking that he must be like this to every girl, I was a little restless and inexplicably agitated.

Before she could say what she wanted to say, she was interrupted by a sudden brake. Zi Sangchanmo rushed forward without reacting. Thanks to Han Zhengyu's quick reaction, he caught her and was able to survive.

Cao Yuanli frowned, this is troublesome.

Now we are in a commercial district, the narrow roads and the front and rear attacks of zombies make it impossible to advance or retreat. It seems that we will fight again today!

"Get your stuff and get out of the car."

Without any objection, everyone put their bags on their backs, grabbed their weapons, and quickly got out of the car.

"Can you still go?" Cao Yuanli looked at Qiu Qianying's foot, which seemed to be seriously injured, and the outside situation didn't look very good.

Qiu Qianying shook her head, "It's okay", she managed to hold herself up, then fell back again, her face turned pale from the trauma again.

Qiu Qianying suddenly despised her uselessness, but hated Cheng Rongrong even more!

She must make this woman pay for what she did today!

Cao Yuanli took Qiu Qianying's hand and put it on his shoulder, "Come on, I'll carry you on my back."

Qiu Qianying thought she heard it wrong, and looked at him in shock, as if confirming an answer.

"What are you still doing?"

Cao Yuanli's voice woke her up all of a sudden, until Cao Yuanli quickly dealt with the zombies one by one behind her back, she was still a little unresponsive.

Probably this is the first time he carried her on his back.

Even though it had nothing to do with romance, she still fell for it.

His back was as generous, as warm, and reassuring as he imagined.Qiu Qianying lay on Cao Yuanli's back and thought, it would be great if this could continue like this.

The idiot Cheng Rongrong did her a great favor, as if she didn't see Cheng Rongrong's murderous eyes, Qiu Qianying smiled sincerely at her for the first time.

It's just that this smile really made Cheng Rongrong very angry, this bitch actually used bitter tricks!
Holding the ax in his hand, as if he regarded the zombie in front of him as Qiu Qianying, he smashed it down fiercely, blood and flesh flew all over her body.

Although Cheng Rongrong is usually out of tune, she still looks good when killing zombies. After all, she still has the memories and methods of her previous life.

"No, there are too many zombies!"

(End of this chapter)

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