Chapter 25
Cheng Muhan mobilized the last bit of supernatural power in his body, and threw it towards the nearest zombie.

It's a pity that the strength and strength of the ability is not strong enough. The zombie was burned off half of its arm, but still rushed over tenaciously. Fortunately, it was able to dodge with the blessing of the speed ability, and quickly picked up the ax to slam it Only by cutting it down can the zombie be dealt with.

Even if it's not a problem to deal with a zombie with his ability, it's not just a zombie here!

This is like falling into a zombie nest, okay?
The situation on the other side is not optimistic either.

Zi Sangchanmo's powers have already been exhausted, and now she can only rely on the meager powers of melee combat and ghosts. If it weren't for the help of Han Zhengyu, she might have been unable to resist. .

Now that everyone's abilities have just awakened, it's not easy to persist until now. I'm afraid I can't think of a good way, so I have to explain it here.

"Cheng Rongrong, put the car away first, and the others get closer, and prepare to return to the bank."

Now that there are more and more zombies, as the leader of the team, Cao Yuanli had to make a quick decision.

The road ahead has been blocked by zombies, and zombies are constantly chasing after them. They can't move forward, let alone retreat, so they have to find a good building to hide for a while.

Cao Yuanli came to Cheng Rongrong's side with Qiu Qianying on his back, and quickly helped her get rid of the zombies in front with his free hand.

Only then did Cheng Rongrong breathe a sigh of relief, she was really about to be overwhelmed, and she was almost caught just now.

Enduring the faint pain in the ankle, the ankle that was sprained in the supermarket just now has not fully recovered even after using the Lingquan water, so it is probably injured again.

Jealously looking at Qiu Qianying on Cao Yuanli's back, but she also knew that this was not the time to be hypocritical, so she pretended to be strong and took a look at Cao Yuanli, took the car away, and went to open the door of the bank.

"All right!"

Several people rushed into the bank one after another, and when Cao Yuanli came in, Han Zhengyu immediately closed the door again, blocking the zombies who were chasing after him.

Looking at the strong door, several people finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Zi Sangchanmo took off the appalling coat that was contaminated by the carrion of zombies, took out wet wipes from the bag, divided them among the people, and wiped her face vigorously, but she was so disgusted.

"It's still the little cat who is thoughtful. Mom, I'm so disgusted." Han Zhengyu rubbed his face vigorously while disgusting him.

Cao Yuanli took out the flashlight from his bag, looked around, and found that everything was intact, so he felt relieved, "I don't know if there are any aftershocks, everyone, take a rest first, there should be no zombies here."

Cheng Rongrong was lying on the ground as tired as a dead dog. She hadn't exercised like this since she came back, and her physical fitness was far inferior to that in the late apocalypse.

Rubbing his swollen ankle, he looked at Cao Yuanli aggrievedly, and found that he was caring about Qiu Qianying's injury!

No, I can't let this woman continue to play tricks, so I took out a bottle of mineral water mixed with Lingquan and some medicine from the space with heartache.

Cheng Rongrong's heartache is not the medicine, but her spiritual spring water, which has been saved with great difficulty, and she has almost used it up these days.

But now is not the time for her to be stingy. At worst, she should use less Lingquan and apply more facial masks in the past two days, but she is also reluctant to part with the facial masks!
On one foot, he slowly jumped in front of the two of them, "Qianying, I really didn't mean it before, you know how messy the situation was at that time, please forgive me, these are anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers, you Let's eat first."

Qiu Qianying looked at her, but didn't pick up what she was holding or what she said.

Cheng Rongrong was very annoyed, did this intentionally show her face!

It was Cao Yuanli who took the things over, "Your feet are also on your hands, go and use some medicine."

Ali cared about her!

She knew that Ah Li also cared about her, but she was just bewildered by this woman, Qiu Qianying!

"Enen" Cheng Rongrong took out a bottle of water with Lingquan from the space and handed it to Cao Yuanli, "Ah Li, you should drink some too."

Cao Yuanli did not refuse, "I wonder if there is an earthquake tonight in your previous prediction?" He remembered that she had predicted the earthquake in country R before the end of the world. Could it be that this earthquake was not predicted?

Cheng Rongrong was a little embarrassed for a moment. After all, it has been many years, and some details are easily overlooked by her.

"It may be that the ability has been consumed too much recently, so there are some omissions." Cheng Rongrong had to find an excuse for herself, even if the reason was lame.

And she didn't do it on purpose, it's just that the more ordinary things are more likely to be ignored, such as natural disasters and weather, they often appear after the end of the world.

She still remembered that many people froze to death during the first severe winter.

and many more!

She thought of it!

"Ah Li, we can go back later!"

Cao Yuanli was a little surprised by her words. The zombies outside the door didn't seem to be fading at all. I don't know why Cheng Rongrong said that.

Even though she was very reluctant, Cheng Rongrong still took out six thick military coats from the space, "The temperature is gradually dropping, and the newly born low-level zombies will be more sluggish, and it will be easier for us to move around then."

Upon hearing this, everyone didn't know whether to be happy or worried.

"What is the lowest temperature and how long will it last?"

"After the end of the world, the four seasons have become more and more distinct. Each season lasts three months. In winter...even here it can reach minus [-] to [-] degrees, and in summer there are also high temperatures of [-] to [-] degrees." Cheng Rongrong answered one by one.

Everyone couldn't help being startled. This is a place in the south. Every winter, the temperature hardly drops below zero, but now it's more than 40 degrees below zero. This is not only the inconvenience of zombies, but also a disaster for mankind!

Zi Sang Chanmo rubbed her arms, she didn't feel it when she was beating the zombies just now, but it is indeed getting colder and colder now.

Thinking about it carefully, these things are indeed mentioned in the novel, but the change of the weather does not have that much effect on the supernatural beings. The supernatural beings can use their supernatural powers to form a protective film around their bodies, so they are less affected.

In the later period, some researchers will also invent a series of items to combat these weather changes, and it seems that Uncle Ming has played a big role in it.

But now the lunar calendar is already at the end of January, and spring will enter in a few days, as long as these days are passed, it will be fine.

(End of this chapter)

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