Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 26 9981 Difficulties

Chapter 26 Nine Nine 81 Difficulties

During the process, Rongrong put on the military coat in Rongrong's hand. With her height, she could completely wrap her calves in it. Then she looked at Han Zhengyu, who was nearly 1.9 meters tall, and her height was flawed.

She decided to drink a glass of milk every morning after getting up! , and the possibility of growing taller!

Gradually, as Cheng Rongrong said, the surrounding temperature dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye. Even though she was wrapped in a military overcoat, she still felt the chill creeping into her clothes.

Zi Sangchanmo took out the thin down jacket she had prepared from her bag, put it on tremblingly, and immediately wrapped it in the general's coat, and it took a while to recover.

Rubbing his hands, the abilities in his body have long been exhausted, and now he can only use foreign objects to keep warm like ordinary people.

"Coo coo coo", I don't know whose stomach growled first, and everyone felt their stomachs belatedly, as if he was also hungry.

Helpless, they had no choice but to cook a few more packs of instant noodles with an alcohol stove. Fortunately, Cheng Rongrong, a mobile warehouse, was there, otherwise it would have been really difficult.

Zi Sangchanmo ate a large bowl of hot instant noodles and soup, and suddenly felt that her life was complete, and she was warmed up from the inside out.

Zi Sangchanmo licked the corners of her mouth, if only life could be like this all the time, how comfortable it would be to eat and drink enough, but unfortunately, the roaring voices of zombies outside reminded her that this is impossible at all!
It's better to practice supernatural powers to improve your strength.

At three o'clock in the morning, the sound outside gradually weakened. Cao Yuanli looked at the exhausted expressions of everyone, and the two women in the team were injured. Such weather and night were really not suitable for traveling.

"Why don't you rest here tonight and make plans tomorrow."

Everyone nodded, no objection.

"I'm here to watch the night, everyone rest first." Seeing that no one objected, Cao Yuanli, as the temporary captain, must do what the captain should do.

Qiu Qianying couldn't bear it, just after taking the medicine, she felt much better, "Ah Li, let me accompany you."

"Qianying, your injury is my fault, you rest or I will keep watch with Ah Li." Cheng Rongrong was unwilling to be left behind, how could she let go of such an opportunity to be alone.

Qiu Qianying sneered, because no one could see her plan!

"You all go to rest, I can do it by myself." Ignoring everyone, I moved a chair to watch the night.

Cheng Rongrong and Qiu Qianying looked at each other, and then they separated as if nothing had happened, making Zi Sangchanmo confused.

After a brief tidying up, several people began to recover their powers by meditating according to what Cheng Rongrong said. Even if the effect was minimal, they could only use this method in the days when there were no crystal nuclei.

After a night of nothing to do, simply freshen up and eat breakfast, I am ready to go back to the family villa.

As soon as the door was opened, a gust of cold air rushed towards her face. Zi Sangchanmo gathered her clothes. This weather was really a terrible torture for her, a southerner.

Everyone who exchanged shares looked similar to her, but this Han Zhengyu even took off his military coat?

"Have you forgotten my ability?" Han Zhengyu looked at Zisangchanmo's surprised eyes a little amusedly, and rubbed her still soft hair.

Zi Sangchanmo slapped his hand off in disgust, it was really annoying, she hadn't washed her hair for two days, and she didn't think it was dirty.

What an enviable ability, not afraid of the cold in winter, and using ice to cool down in summer, it is really jealous and maddening.

Depressedly killing the zombie, he realized that the zombie was really easier to deal with than yesterday.

After going through untold hardships all the way, he finally returned to Cheng's villa area as if he had experienced nine-nine-eight-one disasters, only to find that the gate of the community was locked!
Well, it turns out that I have only passed the eighty difficulties.

Because Cao Yuanli kept watch last night, Cao Yuanli rested in the back seat. This time, Han Zhengyu was driving and Cheng Muhan was sitting in the co-pilot.

Seeing that something was wrong, Cheng Muhan got out of the car first.

At this time, two men who looked like security guards came out of the guard room. One was holding an electric baton and the other was holding a pistol.

The man holding the electric baton looked around to confirm the safety of the surrounding area, and then said first: "You are not allowed to enter here, you guys leave quickly."

Cheng Muhan didn't seem surprised, "We live here, the Cheng family, my name is Cheng Muhan."

Hearing this, the two bodyguards looked at each other. One of them entered the room and came out after a while. After biting his ear, he opened the iron door for them.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Cheng, you have seen the situation outside now, and it was decided at the meeting last night."

Cheng Muhan nodded, expressing his understanding.

Then the man handed Cheng Muhan a piece of paper in his hand, "Take a look first, this is a temporary arrangement."

Cheng Muhan looked at it for a while and then handed it back, "I see, I will go back and tell them."

The car drove into the community slowly, only to find that the community seemed to be out of tune with the devastated world outside. The roads were still neat and there was no sign of an earthquake. Except for the occasional blood stains and the rotten smell floating in the air, everything else was still pre-apocalyptic. look.

Along the way, Cheng Muhan was talking about the information he just got.

There were originally more than 80 households in this rich area, plus the nannies, bodyguards and other nearly 500 people in the community, now with them, there are less than 150 people!

What a scary number.

The remaining survivors after the earthquake last night held a temporary meeting, and elected a temporary captain, Lin Shengrui, the son of the former chairman of the Lin Group, and one of the few supernatural beings, a fire-type superhuman .

Before waiting for rescue, young people are brought to deal with zombies every day, and people are arranged to patrol, and those who don't want to can get food deductions.

I have to say that this is a good way, and it seems that Lin Shengrui still has some management skills.

(End of this chapter)

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