Chapter 28

Tian looked her up and down, and her gentle eyes warmed her heart.

"Master, are you okay? I have prepared lunch for the master. They are all the master's favorite food, and the washing things are all ready. Master, do you want to wash first or eat first?"

"Fatty, meaty, Momo eats and eats, don't forget the meaty meat you promised!" This guy was stunned when he heard the meal, and her head was about to explode from the noise!

Zi Sangchanmo pulled Guigui off her shoulders, "I know, I know, I can't forget your flesh!"

"Tian, ​​you ask Aunt Hong to go to the processing workshop to get a pot of braised pork for it. Remember to ask for a big pot."

"Momo, you are the best, I love you the most!"

It's a guy who has milk and is a mother.

Stuffing it into Tian's arms, "I'll eat first, and I don't need to wash up. If it's too obvious, it will be seen. The few outside are all thieves."

She didn't have a good meal these few meals, but she was starved to death, and she missed Tian's cooking. There is a saying, there is Tian at home, what more can a husband ask for.

After a delicious lunch that could make people swallow their tongues, Gui Gui, who was also full of food and drink, was sleeping soundly, greeted Tian and left the space.

A burst of cold air hit with a rotten smell, and she shivered from the cold, so she quickly wrapped up the clothes she had taken off.

Is there a paradise in the space? I really want to stay in the space for the rest of my life and never come out, but that is unrealistic after all.

He sniffed his body in distaste, and really wanted to take a bath. Fortunately, it was winter, otherwise he would stink to death after sweating so much. It was just inconvenient to be with others, and he didn't even dare to clean up a little bit.

She is not a female supporting role, she carries a bright space in her hand, as if no one would know it.

Holding some anti-inflammatory, analgesic, blood-activating and stasis-dispelling medicines found in the space, he was going to send it to Han Zhengyu. After all, it was because of her injury, so she had to express it anyway.

If it weren't for the fact that her wood-type ability is only level [-] and has no healing effect, she would have wanted to heal him directly, saving her trouble.

The most indebted love in this world is human favor, and the most difficult debt to repay is love debt.

Yawning, she pushed open the door. I really envy Guigui, who can sleep so peacefully everywhere. She must catch up on a good night's sleep when she comes back later. She only slept for a few hours last night. She was so sleepy. All.

A few steps away, they arrived at the door of Han Zhengyu's room. Now they all live on the second floor. Fortunately, the Cheng's villa is big enough.


Zi Sangchanmo was thinking, what should I say when I see him later, give him the things directly at the door?

What's the best tone of voice to use, full of gratitude?

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Before she could figure it out, Han Zhengyu dragged her into the room.

"Bang", the door was roughly closed by Han Zhengyu.

She was pushed against the door by Han Zhengyu all of a sudden, this bastard had a conscience and knew to protect her head with his hands, but that's not the point!

He raised his eyes and was about to stare back fiercely, but was dazzled by the scenery in front of him...

The stern face showed a sharp sternness, Han Zhengyu who didn't smile seemed to be another person, she had never seen him like this before.

The heroic sword eyebrows flying obliquely, and the deep black eyes that can't see the bottom can't help but make people fall in love, and there is an aura of coldness and aloofness wrapped around his whole body.

It's inexplicably intoxicating.

At this time, Han Zhengyu's seriousness made people frightened, as if all his little thoughts were invisible in front of him, and people had to be serious.

The whole world lost its voice, and an ambiguous atmosphere surrounded the two of them.

Nothing else, just hear each other's breath, each other's taste, each other's heartbeat.

The rhythm of her heartbeat was disrupted, and an inexplicable feeling rushed through her face from bottom to top and rushed into her mind, she was dizzy and unable to think!
His cheeks were flushed, and he didn't know where to put his hands. At some point, the medicine in his hand fell to the ground long ago, but no one noticed.

Knowing that they will fall, but they just can't move their eyes, so they stare at each other stubbornly.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

It seems like a long time has passed, and it seems like just a moment.

It was not until Han Zhengyu chuckled that the charming room was interrupted.

Han Zhengyu pinched her nose and teased, "How about it, are you in love with me? Do you want to promise me with your body?"

Only then did Zi Sang Chanmo come to her senses, she was so embarrassed for a moment, she slapped off her troublesome hand on her nose, and said viciously: "Han, Han Zhengyu, you are crazy! Hooligan!"

Sometimes it's just to cover up your own guilt.

Completely forgetting the purpose of his coming, he ran away directly.

The little greedy cat once again defeated the black-hearted duck!

Seeing the figure of Zi Sangchanmo rushing out of the door, Han Zhengyu laughed in a muffled voice, put his hand on his still restless chest, thinking of Uncle Ming's words, who knows if it's true or not?
Bending down to pick up the medicine on the ground, looking at his left hand that had been restored to its original state long ago, a trace of black mist flashed across his deep eyes, and soon disappeared.

Zi Sangchanmo returned to the room, took off her shoes and got under the quilt. She didn't know what was wrong with her, why her heart beat so fast, she liked Tian, ​​didn't she?

Why would you be attracted to such a person!

Is she so bothered?

No, she can't do this, that's right, what she likes is Tian, ​​she can't do this anymore, just now it was just Han Zhengyu's usual trick to tease girls, how could he like her for such a playful person, she was thinking too much up.

Probably to him, he was just a pastime object when he was bored, Zi Sangchanmo patted his face to wake himself up.

Gradually, the flush on her face finally subsided, but she still tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

The scene just now replayed in his mind over and over again, and Han Zhengyu's serious eyes kept circulating in his mind, and he asked himself again and again in his heart, what if he was serious?

Contradicting himself over and over again, how is it possible, they have only known each other for a few days, he is just playing around, Zi Sang Chanmo is almost driven crazy by himself.

This is not the way to go!

With a thought, I went from cold winter to warm spring.

Once entering the space, Zi Sang Chanmo took off her cumbersome overcoat.

Tian walked to Zi Sangchanmo's side, picked up the clothes thrown on the ground, "Master, what's wrong?"

Every time he met Han Zhengyu, he would find that his contact with her was cut off automatically. Since it was Zi Sangchanmo who cut off the contact on his own initiative, there was no danger, so he never asked.

He didn't know anything about what happened to Zi Sangchanmo and Han Zhengyu, so he asked this question.

 Today, when I read Mr. Yang Jiang's "Six Notes of Cadre School", I accidentally focused on the wrong point, only to find that the love that only exists in novels also exists in reality. Both Mr. Qian Zhongshu and Mr. Qian Zhongshu are in their 60s and are still as young as before. Like love, envy...

(End of this chapter)

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