Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 29 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 29 The Uninvited Guest

"It's okay, but it's too cold outside to sleep." It's better not to let Tian know about such embarrassing things.

It's better to stay in the space to make people worry-free, without those annoying things and annoying people.

Tian smiled slightly, "Does the master want to rest in the space? I'll go and help the master prepare."

Zi Sang Chanmo nodded, "Tian, ​​can you sleep with me?"

After finishing speaking, you realized that there was something wrong with what you said, and you hurriedly changed your words: "Well, Tian, ​​don't think too much, I didn't mean that, I mean, should I put it..."

"I know, master." There was no embarrassment at all.

Seeing this, Zi Sangchanmo didn't explain anymore, staying with Tian was so worry-free, you don't need to say anything, just a look to know what you're thinking.

The restless heart miraculously calmed down, and it was already four o'clock in the afternoon when Zi Sangchanmo woke up.

During the period, Cheng's villa also ushered in an unexpected guest.

"Lin Shengrui, a fire-type supernatural being, is the temporary captain of this community."

Introducing yourself now is no longer a pre-apocalyptic title such as the chairman of the company or a manager. No matter how rich you are before the apocalypse, it will be a piece of waste paper in the apocalypse, a piece of useless waste paper is useless cards.

In the last days, strength is the most important thing.

"Cao Yuanli, Lei Department." Cao Yuanli is still the same, without the slightest intention of getting close, and the faint tone does not seem to want to make friends.

Lin Shengrui was a little warm and angry, but he didn't show it at all on his face. He pretended to smile heartily, "The name of the boss of the underground world is very famous to me. I have wanted to make friends for a long time, but unfortunately I never had the chance. I didn't expect to meet him now. It's a kind of fate."

But it's just a supernatural person, what's so exciting, no matter how glorious the past is, isn't it the past!Now he still leads more than 100 people!
Lin Shengrui was sitting on the sofa, looking at Cao Yuanli who was in the main seat, feeling scared and excited at the same time, can he finally compete? Cao Yuanli may not remember the past, but he will never will forget!

Hearing this, Cao Yuanli only frowned slightly, and his tone remained the same, "It used to be."

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart.

Lin Shengrui could hardly hold back that fake smiling face, and clenched his fists fiercely before holding his breath, not forgetting the most important thing today, "Boss Cao, you are really joking, of course your ability is ten thousand There is no one in the middle, the younger brother came this time to invite you to be the captain, and only you, Boss Cao, are qualified for this position."

Hmph, he has established a good relationship with several other supernatural beings. When Cao Yuanli becomes the captain, they will express their dissatisfaction. As long as these supernatural beings want to leave, those ordinary people will not be crazy. Cao Yuanli has no face and can't get off the stage, it's time for him to stand up!

Thinking like this, he didn't hear Cao Yuanli's answer for a long time. When he looked at him, he saw his eyes moving forward, as if he was looking at something and he didn't see anything.

Just when Lin Shengrui was about to speak out, Cao Yuanli turned his head and looked at him. The sharp eyes were completely different from the calmness just now, as if they reached people's hearts directly, and all the secrets could not be hidden.

With both hands clenched into fists, a drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and he was almost defeated under the pressure. If it weren't for the self-esteem in his heart, he would have surrendered.

Lin Shengrui raised his head, trying to keep his eyes on the same level as Cao Yuanli, without showing any weakness.

"No need, since you are the captain they chose, it means you are capable. Just feel free to be your captain. If you need our help, just tell us."

He didn't expect that Cao Yuanli, who loves power so much, would refuse.

But now I can only see the tricks, I politely declined, and then I took advantage of the situation. Although it was not the same as expected, it seemed that Cao Yuanli did not compete with him for the captain's position. I feel more at ease.

It seemed that he had to think of a new way to defeat Cao Yuanli, Lin Shengrui stood up, "Since Boss Cao has said so, I won't force others to be difficult, but it's just..."

Cao Yuanli was a little impatient, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

Lin Shengrui hates people speaking to him in such a tone the most. This should be his attitude towards others in the past, but now someone still uses it against him!

Just disdain him so much!

One day, he will let Cao Yuanli feel trampled on by others!

Bear it again and again, "You know the rules that have just been established."

Cao Yuan stood up and gently smoothed the wrinkles on his clothes, "Since I said I would cooperate, I won't break my promise."

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a look that obviously does not want to continue the conversation, Lin Shengrui is naturally not stupid, "Then Boss Cao, we will have a happy cooperation."

Cao Yuanli nodded slightly and said nothing more.

Before leaving, Lin Shengrui looked straight at the place where Cao Yuanli was sitting before, and after looking for a long time, he didn't find anything strange.

Except for the unturned TV, there are only a few oil paintings on it, but the Persian cat facing it is quite vivid.

Don't think too much, he still has a lot of things to deal with.

"Cousin, why did that Lin surname come here just now?"

When Han Zhengyu came down from the stairs, he didn't follow the right path, but jumped from the back of the sofa to the front.

Cao Yuanli sat down again, leaned back on the sofa, and rubbed his swollen head.

"It's just some people who are overconfident and self-righteous. Don't worry about it. Besides, Cao Yuanli's soldiers have never been faked by others."

(End of this chapter)

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