Chapter 30
Han Zhengyu was not interested in these powers, otherwise he would not have given up everything that should belong to him at the beginning, and now he just idled around to come to his cousin to make a living.

"Hey, by the way, cousin, how is sister-in-law's leg?"

In any case, I have known him for several years, and Qiu Qianying's character is not annoying, so it's okay to care about it.

Cao Yuanli lay still, "It's much better, Cheng Rongrong's medicine is quite effective."

Speaking of this, Cao Yuanli remembered that this Cheng Rongrong might have kept a lot of secrets from them. Normally, no matter how effective the medicine is, it is impossible to recover so quickly, but it is not ruled out that it is the transformation of supernatural powers. The reason for breaking the body is inside.

Cao Yuan tilted his head sharply, looked at Han Zhengyu, who was sitting or not, and said, "At ordinary times, you should pay more attention to Cheng Rongrong."

Han Zhengyu was peeling apples bit by bit with a knife. Thanks to Cheng Rongrong's space, apart from not being able to access the Internet and use electricity, this little life is about the same as before the end.

Without looking back, he replied: "I see what that ugly woman is doing, my kitten will be jealous."

"Okay, let's talk about business with you. I'm afraid Cheng Rongrong's spatial ability is not just as simple as storing things. Pay attention, if I'm not afraid of those women getting upset, I still need you? Are you really going to use it?" If you keep messing around like this, if you don't go back, you may never have another chance, have you thought about it?"

In the last step, a complete apple peel finally turned into a thin ribbon in Han Zhengyu's hands, and was peeled off without any break.


Han Zhengyu took a bite of the apple, and said in a calm tone, "Cousin, you are trying to drive me away. I am a lonely family now. If you don't take me in, I can only beg my cat."

Zi Sangchanmo's exquisite little face flashed in Cao Yuanli's mind, and he was in a daze for a moment, so fast that he himself felt that it was an illusion, so he didn't think too much about it.

He knew very well about his cousin's matter, but he said this because he was afraid that he would regret it in the future, since it was his choice, he would not say more.

"Let Uncle Ming send some food to that surnamed Lin later. Rest at home today."

The cold wind howled, and the icy breath was wrapped in the rotting corpse, which made people desperate.

The gloomy and misty sky seems to bring an unknown disaster to people at any time. Those who are not determined have already given up, and the rest are still struggling.

in space

Zi Sangchanmo sat on the bed, feeling a little confused for a moment.

It's not a rental house of tens of square meters, it's not the Cheng family's princess room, it's not the rancid world in the last days.


Tian heard the sound of Zi Sangchanmo getting up, and walked in, "Master, you are awake, Tian has prepared afternoon tea for you, master, would you like to eat something?"

Zi Sang Chanmo touched her stomach subconsciously, she was indeed a little hungry, she obviously ate before going to bed, why did she wake up hungry again after sleeping...

Now she has become a reincarnation of a starving ghost?

"Guigui also wants to eat, Guigui is hungry."

Hearing that there is delicious food, the ghost guy will wake up automatically, and there is no need for anyone to remind him.

Zi Sangchanmo pinched its buds, stretched herself and sat up from the bed, looked at her watch, it turned out that it was past four o'clock in the afternoon, no wonder she felt a little groggy, because she had slept too much.

Sitting with Guigui under the peach blossom forest in the space villa, while eating the creme brulee and yogurt fruit salad made by Tian, ​​he looked curiously at Guigui who kept rolling the braised pork into his stomach.

"Looking at your slender figure, I don't know where you little brat is eating all this meat."

Guigui kept moving, "Anyway, I'm hungry, and when I'm hungry, I lose strength, and when I lose strength, I can't help Momo fight monsters!"

Zi Sangchanmo poked its big head, and saw that the braised pork in the basin decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye, "Then what?"

"Uh... so Momo, you have to feed me delicious food, and then I can protect Momo."

A large pot of braised pork has entered the bottomless pit of Guigui again, and Zi Sang Chanmo's eyes are twitching. You are obviously a flower, okay, but you still eat meat if you don't eat soil?

Depressedly swallowing the last bite of pudding, I made up my mind to increase the breeding industry!

"Go and wash yourself, don't let the greasy one stay on my body!"

This guy actually drilled into her arms with oil on his head!
GuiGui is very sad, it is despised!
After Guigui finished taking care of himself with Tian's help, Zisang Chanmo dragged it out of the space, eating so much is time to lose weight!

When you leave the space, you are still under the quilt. The only thing you have no choice about is where you enter the space, and where you will still be when you come out.

The bed was already cold, and Zisang Chanmo didn't have the desire to stay in bed, so she pulled the ghost who wanted to hibernate to practice the ability.

"Momo, she's still young, if she doesn't eat well, she won't grow taller if she doesn't sleep well."

Guigui limply twisted himself into a ball, unwilling to move.

Zi Sangchanmo had never seen a mutant plant before, and it was not mentioned in the original book, so she doesn't understand much now, but Guigui's situation is indeed quite different from the previous lively appearance.

Is it possible that this rose also hibernates?
"Guigui, do you think there is anything wrong with you?" Zi Sangchanmo was a little worried.

"I've been very sleepy and hungry recently, and when I wake up after eating and sleeping, I'll be very sleepy, um~ I'm so sleepy." After speaking, he yawned humanely.

Zi Sang Chanmo looked at the ghosts who had fallen asleep around her wrist, feeling worried and envious.

Can you upgrade by eating something?

In vain she has worked so hard for so long, she doesn't know where the first level is, this guy can do it just by eating a few pots of meat!
People are better than people who are mad at flowers!

However, she didn't know how the mutated plant was promoted. She touched Ghost's big head, hoping that there was no danger.

Pulling open the heavy curtains, I don't know when it was snowing outside.

I couldn't help thinking of a sentence in my mind: the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are!
(End of this chapter)

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