Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 31 Unrecognizable

Chapter 31 Unrecognizable
A sudden heavy snow greatly restricted the freedom of the survivors, but it is not much different in the last days where zombies and unknown dangers are everywhere.

On the other hand, it is also an opportunity.

Heavy snow will not only hinder humans, but also hinder zombies, with only stiff limbs and brains that cannot think.

Survivors with a little thought will choose to save as much food and water as possible at this time.

The fact is exactly the same. In the afternoon, more than a group of survivors came to this rich area. Because the defense here is relatively strong, no one can break in.

At this time, it is great to be able to guarantee one's own safety, who has the ability to save others.

Zi Sang Chanmo inadvertently thought of the bearded strong man last night, and wondered whether his kindness would get a good result.

During the period, Lin Shengrui also sent someone to look for them, saying that he was going to a shopping mall outside to collect some supplies, and asked if they were interested in joining.

But was rejected by Cao Yuanli, they have no shortage of supplies, there is no need to take risks at this time, the most important thing now is to improve the ability first.

With Cheng Rongrong's method, they are already one step ahead, now they only need to wait until the zombie crystal nucleus comes out.

Zi Sangchanmo thought while biting her chopsticks.

The original book said that the first evolution of zombies was about a week after the end of the day, which happened to be the beginning of severe winter and spring. At this time, zombies also began to evolve. At that time, the stiffness of zombies' limbs would be reduced and their movements would be more agile.

Although they don't have the thinking ability of humans at this time, their actions are almost the same as ordinary humans.

There is no unparalleled road, the energy in the zombie's crystal nucleus will help the supernatural power to improve. At this time, the crystal nucleus is transparent without attributes, and the crystal nucleus with attributes will appear after the next evolution .

Evolve again and supernatural zombies will appear. At that time, it is the nightmare of ordinary people.

However, the role of the crystal nucleus is far more than that. After the research of scientists, the crystal nucleus will be used as a new energy source, and after the end of the world, the crystal nucleus will also be used as currency in circulation to replace the banknotes before the end of the world.

In the last days, whether it is good or bad...

After dinner, a party was held as usual, but it was about the arrangement during this time.

Zi Sangchanmo doesn't have any big ambitions, so she naturally follows the heroine and heroine. Cheng Rongrong's highest ideal is Cao Yuanli, so she naturally pursues her closely.

The other three, Uncle Ming and Han Zhengyu, were originally in the same camp as Cao Yuanli, so naturally they couldn't disagree. Cheng Muhan was a smart person, so he knew how to choose.

Now there are seven of them in a group, six of them are supernatural beings, which can be regarded as the first in the last days.

"Then my plan is to live here temporarily, and wait until this winter is over."

The current plot has been changed to fragments due to the heroine's rebirth and her time travel, and Zi Sangchanmo is not sure what will happen next.

In the original book, the heroine and heroine were fighting zombies and collecting supplies at the beginning of the end of the world.

It is also during this time that the hero and heroine get along day and night, and the friendship of life and death is formed.

Then I met the brothers and sisters of the Cheng family on the way, and then met a remaining male protagonist, and Cheng Rongrong played a catalytic role in it.

The vicious female supporting role is used to catalyze the relationship between the hero and the heroine, such as designing to frame the heroine, and accidentally being seen by the second hero, and the brother-sister relationship is cut off from then on.

For example, when meeting a mutated plant, using the venom of aphrodisiacs to frame the heroine, the male protagonists naturally rescued the heroine, the relationship between the male and female protagonists is good, and the female supporting role is miserable...

Zi Sangchanmo only hoped that the female supporting role would grow a bit more brainy once she was reborn, so that she, a female supporting role, would not be dragged into it!
It was only the second day of the end of the world, but there was a sense of despair everywhere.

Cao Yuanli divided the six of them into three groups. Naturally, the hero and heroine should be together. The brothers and sisters of the Cheng family were in one group, and Zi Sangchanmo and Han Zhengyu were brought together.

But Cheng Rongrong used the reason that Cao Yuanli is from the thunder type, she is from the gold type, and metal conducts electricity better, so he insisted on separating the male and female protagonists.

To her surprise, Cao Yuanli nodded and agreed.

Zi Sang Chanmo looked left and right, but she didn't find any dissatisfaction on Qiu Qianying's face.

Did something happen without her knowing?
Sangchanmo didn't turn around until she returned to the room, the original book was changed beyond recognition, and now it can only be used as a reference.

"Little greedy cat, open the door and let your brother Zhengyu in."

Han Zhengyu!
What is he doing here?
It's definitely not a good thing to not sleep in the middle of the night, no, you can't open the door!
"Uncle Han, why don't you sleep, I'm already sleeping, staying up late will make you old!"

Han Zhengyu outside the door couldn't help laughing. Seeing her dislike for him today, he knew that she wanted to take a bath, so he boiled some hot water for her and brought it to her. Now he is not even allowed to enter the door?
"Hey, thanks to my ability, I managed to get this pot of ice out, and I didn't bother to boil it. Someone didn't appreciate it. I'd better take it back and take a bath by myself. Why does it smell like a zombie?"

Zi Sang Chanmo smelled her body, she didn't know whether it was because of her heart or the smell, but she just felt that she couldn't take it anymore.

Never mind, at first she wanted to wash it secretly, but now that someone brought water, wouldn't it be fair and aboveboard!
It's cheap and doesn't take advantage of it, you're a bastard!
Quickly opened the door, snatched the bucket from Han Zhengyu, "Thank you, Uncle Han!"

Before Han Zhengyu could speak, he quickly stuffed a bottle of mineral water with space spring water into his hand.

Quickly close the door, a series of actions are done in one go!
It wasn't until Han Zhengyu realized that he was locked out, and a bucket of water became a bottle of water.

Speechlessly looking at the water in her hand, this girl really doesn't like to owe favors at all, this is going to be difficult.

 Tomorrow's birthday, I'm going to give myself a break...hahaha...

(End of this chapter)

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