Doomsday's female partner

Chapter 32 Evolution

Chapter 32 Evolution
The next few days were pretty uneventful.

Each group took turns to clean up the zombies with Lin Shengrui and his team, while the others worked hard to cultivate their abilities.

Only then did Lin Shengrui realize that six of the seven of them were supernatural beings!
There are only five supernatural beings out of more than 100 people in their community. Among them, he is a fire type, and one is an earth type. The remaining three are body mutations, one is strength, one is vision, and the other is beast.

The so-called animalization means that one can transform into an animal, no matter in appearance, sound or attack, it is exactly the same as that animal, and the woman named He Fang in their community turned into a rhinoceros!
I have worked with Zi Sang Chanmo once and met He Fang. She is in her 20s, her height is about the same as Zi Sang Chan Mo's, she looks very petite, she has dyed bright red hair, she is obviously a petite girl but has a fiery temper. Zi Sangchanmo guessed, could this animalization also have something to do with personality?

Different from her usual appearance, after being turned into a beast, she is a bit... How should I put it... Um... Ferocious, yes, more ferocious.

With a body length of nearly four meters and a height of two meters, the thick body really does not reveal that she was such a petite mushroom.

I have to admit that with this appearance, there are probably not many people who would dare to make up her mind in the last days.This is also the capital for her to survive in the last days.

Didn't you see, even groups of zombies still rushed in without paying attention, the body that looked unusually thick didn't run slowly at all, it could quickly shuttle through the crowd of zombies, the huge head and the whole body were covered with With armor-like thick skin, today's zombies pose no threat to her at all.

Wherever he passed, blood flowed like a river, and corpses were strewn all over the field, which looked extremely bloody.

Most of the supernatural beings fight from a distance, and Zi Sang Chanmo admires He Fang a little bit. Her body is covered in blood and rotting flesh, and she doesn't care at all as she walks through the pile of zombies.

There are double horns on the snout, such as hard horns that can easily arch the zombie's body in half, whether it is the head or the tail behind it, it can quickly and neatly deal with the zombie.

Although the scene is bloody, no one will be afraid. It is not people who are afraid, but zombies!
Zi Sang Chanmo really likes this girl who usually looks quite "cold". Although she doesn't talk much, she is very powerful.

It is now a week in the end of the world. At this time, most of the surplus food in the homes of some ordinary survivors has been exhausted, and the water storage in the community has been exhausted. They have to come out to face the army of zombies for their stomachs.

It's a pity that the first mutation of the zombies has already begun.

Zi Sang Chanmo strenuously chopped off the arm of the zombie in front of her, but she still didn't stop it from moving forward, but at this time, because of the awakening of psychic powers, her extremely sensitive perception told her that there was something behind her!
Before he had time to think about it, he staggered to the side and successfully avoided the attack of the zombies behind him. While chopping off the head of the one-armed zombie with an axe, he used mental abilities to slightly hinder the attack of the zombies behind him. He didn't dare to delay for a moment. The ax quickly eliminated the half-body zombie.

The short black padded jacket she was wearing was already dirty. In order to avoid wasting clothes and being discovered by others, she always wore this one when she came out to wipe the sweat from her head, even if she did it well. She was concealed, and she couldn't help worrying about exposing her psychic powers. Fortunately, everyone didn't pay attention to her.

After a little rest, she used the wood-type supernatural ability to walk all over her sore hands, and she recovered in a short while. Thanks to the transformation of the supernatural ability and the spatial spring water, her physical fitness has also improved comprehensively, otherwise she would not be able to last for so long.

Without Guigui's help, it would consume too much power to ripen the seeds and fight with her, so except for special circumstances, she doesn't use wood powers very much. Psychic powers are her trump card, and she won't easily use them unless she has to. Take it out.

Touching Guigui who was sleeping soundly on her wrist, she still didn't wake up, even though she felt that Guigui was still safe, she was still a little worried, now I can only feed it some wood-type abilities every day, hoping that it can recover quickly Wake up and fight alongside her.

Fortunately, Han Zhengyu has taught her some fighting moves these days. Although they are not perfect, they are enough for now.

Seeing that the other people around have basically solved it, they are looking for zombie crystal nuclei one by one.

Others are not fools, they will always discover the secrets in the heads of zombies, and they want to dig out the crystal nucleus, but they can't hide it from everyone's eyes, so it's better to use it to sell favors at this time.

Of course, having a crystal nucleus does not mean that they will use it, so they are still ahead of everyone.

Zombies have just evolved now, and not all zombies have crystal nuclei, so they can only find one by one slowly, and now the crystal nuclei found by each belong to themselves.

No matter how disgusting it is, in order to improve its strength, it has to be faced.

Zi Sang Chanmo took out a leather glove and a small dagger with an open front from the backpack behind her. The pattern on the dagger is simple and elegant, and it looks very valuable. There is also the word "Zi Sang" engraved on the hilt , If you don't look carefully, you really can't find it.

She forgot to collect it before, and it was refined by the best ore Tian and the others found in the mine of space. This time, she got a total of ten, and even if she lost it, she still had the exact same ones to make up.

Space products must be high-quality products, if it is not afraid of being too ostentatious, Zi Sangchanmo would like to replace her ax with space products. To put it bluntly, she is a bit timid and afraid of getting into trouble.

She said that it was Zisang Xiangxiang's relic. She really didn't lie about it. There was indeed such a relic among Zisang's mother's relics. This was what she saw when she was packing things on a whim that day. Still staying in the space, but the sharpness of this fake is probably better than the real one, but it is a relic left by the mother, and she is not easy to use.

It's just to keep things for others, and these things are probably going to be sealed forever.

Zi Sangchanmo was wearing gloves and swiped with a dagger, instantly the zombie lay on the ground with a foul-smelling liquid in its head.

Even though she was already immune to zombies, she was still so disgusted by the sight in front of her that she retched a few times and felt better when she saw that everyone was almost the same as her.

Ruthlessly, he stretched his hand in and stirred it, even through the leather gloves, he could feel the stickiness of the brains passing through his hand.

The thick brain pulp has long been rotten, and he retched and touched it.Just when she was about to give up, she suddenly touched a hard object in her hand.

She took it out and took a look, needless to say she knew it was a crystal nucleus. She had never eaten pork or seen a pig run. The crystal nucleus of a first-order zombie was the size of a peanut, crystal clear, and transparent with no attributes.

(End of this chapter)

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