Chapter 33

Zi Sangchanmo took out the half bottle of water left after drinking, threw the zombie crystal nucleus that had just been dug into it, capped the bottle, and continued digging the crystal nucleus.

After digging more than 30 zombies, you can get [-] crystal nuclei. The probability is about half and half. This is the beginning of the evolution of zombies, and luck is not bad.

After shaking the transparent crystal nucleus in the bottle, it is really radiant in the sun. No wonder everyone likes it after the end of the world.

I heard that a few years after the end of the world, crystal nuclei can not only be used as currency and used as new energy, but also some capable people will make some special crystal nuclei into ornaments, which are beautiful and a symbol of strength.

At that time, she will also wear some clothes, which woman does not love jewelry and jade?She is also unavoidable.

But now she should use these power-up abilities first. Two kinds of powers are slower to upgrade than one kind of power. If you don't work hard, it will be useless.

Looking up and looking around, I saw that everyone had almost cleaned up. These days, the zombies in the community have been cleaned up, so they also formed a group with Lin Shengrui to hunt monsters near the community. While exercising their abilities, they also collected some supplies.

Now they are in a large shopping mall. Apart from them and some other survivors, almost all the stores have been robbed, but fortunately there are still a lot of things left.

Just as they were putting away their things, they heard a gunshot in the distance!
Zi Sangchanmo and Han Zhengyu looked at each other: there is a situation!
Stop what you're doing and enter a state of alert, as does Lin Shengrui and others.

This time, apart from Zi Sangchanmo, Han Zhengyu and temporary captain Lin Shengrui, He Fang and another power-type supernatural being Wang Gang came out this time, and the rest were four ordinary people.

Hearing the gunshots, they all gathered together, after all, they are a team now.

Wang Gang was impatient and couldn't hide his words. Seeing that something was wrong, he asked directly, "What's wrong? Why are there gunshots? Has the rescue team arrived?"

He looked at Lin Shengrui next to him, and then at Han Zhengyu. After all, the strength of this superhuman should not be underestimated.

Most of today's supernatural powers are not strong. For example, the fire supernatural powers in their community can make a few small fireballs at most at a time. If they can't kill a few zombies, they will get rid of their strength. It's not as good as his power type. As for the mutants, there is also He Fang's beast transformation. Although the beast transformation is indeed very powerful, it will take only a few minutes each time before being beaten back to its original shape.

Originally, he was just a bodyguard of a rich family in this neighborhood, but he didn't expect that the end of the world would turn him over. The boss died, and now the boss's daughter has to curry favor with him in order to live. This is something he never dreamed of !
Now ordinary people have to look at his face to live their lives, which can be regarded as elated once!
After working with the boss for so many years, he naturally knows the importance of building a good relationship with these strong men.

Lin Shengrui shook his head, "I don't know, let's see the situation first." Then he looked at Han Zhengyu. Although this person doesn't look very good, his strength lies there!
Han Zhengyu saw that everyone was looking at him, as if he was waiting for him to make up his mind, so he couldn't help being a little funny. He wasn't the captain, so why did he ask him? He just messed around, shrugged, "whatever".

Lin Shengrui had no choice but to make up his own mind, "Go back first, and don't move the rest!"

Although some are reluctant to part with the supplies that are about to be obtained, but the situation is unknown now, it is better to be cautious.

Just as I was about to transfer to the car, I heard several gunshots and the roar of zombies. Could it be that the army of zombies is coming!
Zi Sangchanmo sighed inwardly, who is this, making such a loud noise, afraid that the zombies won't catch you?

Gradually the voice became clearer, and the loudspeaker kept saying, "At present, the vicinity of the Z City Stadium has been converted into a temporary base, and survivors can go there by themselves."

"Currently, the vicinity of the City Z Stadium has been transformed into a temporary base, and survivors can go there by themselves."

"at present…"

City Z has a survivor base!

The people who heard this voice couldn't suppress the surprise in their hearts. This was like giving him a life-saving straw in despair!
Even Lin Shengrui and the others couldn't help being excited!
Zi Sangchanmo was not too surprised, because she already knew that there would be a temporary base in City Z, otherwise how would such an important plot in the original text develop?It's just that I don't know when this temporary base was established.

From this point of view, the speed of doing things is still good, but I don't know how the hero will choose.

In the original book…

"What is the little cat thinking, can you be in a daze in front of so many zombies?" Han Zhengyu's teasing voice suddenly interrupted Zi Sang Chanmo from his memories!

Only then did she realize that the situation in front of her was wrong, quickly adjusted herself, and entered the battle. These days of training have gradually transformed her from a pre-apocalyptic house girl into a post-apocalyptic violent loli!

With the blessing of supernatural powers and a body transformed by spatial spring water, it is perfect for dealing with ordinary zombies!

At the same time, I was also mourning in my heart, those people really waved their sleeves, leaving behind an army of zombies!
Has anyone told you that doing so is unethical!
Fighting while thinking, the result is that he didn't notice the zombies rushing from behind!

At this time, Han Zhengyu was a little far away, and it was too late to go there. For the first time, he panicked and shouted: "Momo! Behind!"


As soon as she turned around, she saw a zombie's hand was less than a punch away from her!

Zi Sangchanmo, who was completely dazed, was stunned for two seconds and forgot to respond.


This was probably the first time she was so close to death!
My heart was pounding, and countless thoughts flashed through my mind for a while.

Who will be saddest when he dies?Tian Guigui, what should they do?What happened after the hero and heroine?She just wants to be a rice bug quietly in the last days. She still has a lot of things she wants to do and eat...

(End of this chapter)

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